Here's a place to talk about the various plots in the Silent Hill universe. Naturally if you never played the series you should hit the back button now...
For those who have played and would like to discuss finer points of the plots it is limited to nothing. Comic books, song titles, game dialogue..whatever, canon or non-canon.
I'll start with something I wondered after watching Homecoming. Laura in SH2 was maybe sacrificed could now be an extended plot to SH2? If the cult really had sacrificed one child per family then Laura could be a victim...but why when James says "What's a little girl like you doing here anyway?" That her answer was "What are you blind?". Hmm. That's messed up.

For those who have played and would like to discuss finer points of the plots it is limited to nothing. Comic books, song titles, game dialogue..whatever, canon or non-canon.
I'll start with something I wondered after watching Homecoming. Laura in SH2 was maybe sacrificed could now be an extended plot to SH2? If the cult really had sacrificed one child per family then Laura could be a victim...but why when James says "What's a little girl like you doing here anyway?" That her answer was "What are you blind?". Hmm. That's messed up.