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Silent Hill: Shattered dreams announced for wii

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  • #46
    Originally posted by randomwab View Post
    Perhaps this would explain why I'm whoring Battlestar Galactica?
    You see the opening to the article in Nintendo Power?

    "Think of it like what they did with Battlestar Galactica"

    Whore on!


    • #47
      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      You see the opening to the article in Nintendo Power?

      "Think of it like what they did with Battlestar Galactica"

      Whore on!

      Actually, that's exactly what they're doing. They’ve got the same basic story and same basic characters, but from here they’ve built a completely different game. I wonder if, like Battlestar, this could mean that the second half of the game plays out in an entirely new way. Damn, Shattered Memories indeed.

      As long as this step toward making the series more American doesn't mean simplifying things for the “mainstream” Wii audience. I don't want a thirty minute cutscene in Nowhere explaining every piece of the story, creatures and symbolism. Please allow the subtlety to remain key.

      And it’s good to see that they’re not taking heavy movie influences like Homecoming did. Not that it was overly terrible, just that the whole game of the movie of the game scenario made Homecoming feel like Silent Hill Lite or something.


      • #48
        Originally posted by randomwab View Post
        As long as this step toward making the series more American doesn't mean simplifying things for the “mainstream” Wii audience. I don't want a thirty minute cutscene in Nowhere explaining every piece of the story, creatures and symbolism. Please allow the subtlety to remain key.
        For some reason I doubt this will happen.


        • #49
          I've had some time to mull this all over and I'm still not convinced or put off by this yet.

          Particular visual elements I like but other bits I don't (I can't take the look of Harry seriously, he looks really goofy and while the original in the PS1 did have "unseasonable snow" I don't like the fully iced over environments - as already mentioned indeed remind a lot of Indigo Prophecy). The modernizations, including the iphone like device, annoy me - part of the style to the game was that it looked like something set in the 80's or early 90's or that it was trapped in time. And so what screens shown kinda still do this but then also kinda don't and so it has this weird balance of not knowing what it should look like.

          Gameplay I can't complain, the ideas sound solid enough, but I'm left wondering why they don't just make a new title in the series with all this rather than "re-imagining" the original at this point.

          The whole point is not remaking the game but taking core concepts and spinning them off into new ideas and areas. As mentioned several times already, Shattered Memories as a title clearly links into the idea of shattering previous memories players had of the original title. As also I mentioned the "greatest hits" thing... Climax, and Double Helix, had issues with their respective titles... tying to make it "like Silent Hill 2" and ended up making them bland repetitive and uninspired.

          So I guess one part of me likes these fresh ideas, but still continues to ponder the issues surrounding the fact that "re-imaging" an existing game maybe leading towards the same problems as the last two major titles.

          While the no combat thing is getting a lot of criticism, interestingly most of the comments are currently directed at the fact they're changing up plot beats and story elements as has happened here, something most people have had issue with because the original kinda felt complete (for it's lack of it) as it was. Well that and I think people expected a remake akin to the Resident Evil one, which was mostly the same just adding small minor improvements and additions... so I think it's a case of shock for a lot of people.

          Sadly with Silent Hill's sales flagging I kinda get the feeling moving it to Wii and trying to kinda relaunch the brand in someways is almost Konami trying to save the IP's potential.

          In the short run, I haven't judged this as pointless... yet. I think it has potential, but it also has a lot of issues which they'll need to convince me on. I'll wait to see more. Konami's gamers event day is on the 9th, so I'm sure we'll hear and see more, including video and trailers and stuff, after then.


          • #50
            Heres were they say its April Fools and it's a remake, they just edited the models to fool peoples.
            Jokes aside, reading RandomWabs comments got me thinking.
            I wasn't open to this at first, but I'll give it a chance, the no combat interests me.
            But the story...Sigh, we'll just see what they do.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Gradon View Post
              Jokes aside, reading RandomWabs comments got me thinking.
              I wasn't open to this at first, but I'll give it a chance, the no combat interests me.
              Thank you, thank you. Glad to be heard. Tell your friends.

              Climax UK, If you're reading, I'm currently available for hire as....whatever. Scenario writer, idea king and general lore master. I have several.......delicious ideas and thoughts on where to move the series. Yes.....delicious.



              • #52
                i think they made harry a little nerdy to show how dramatically his character can change with the horrors of silent hill as u progress thru the game. a thot tho


                • #53
                  I don't think he looks nerdy, he just looks like a dad.


                  • #54
                    You know, I was just thinking... I think I could completely forgive the non-canonness and accept this as a "reimagining" if the events of this game turned out to be a fiction novel that Harry is writing. (Or rather... one he wrote before certain events in SH3) Actually if that was the case, I'd kind of be excited to play this. It would be awesome if this novel he wrote based on the game was exactly what lead the cult to find him and Cheryl before the events of sh3 (when Harry shot a cult member), but I really doubt Climax is even thinking about the old canon at this point.

                    It really seems like they're making this game just for the sake of retcon and ushering in the "new" age of mediocre climax silent hill games by overwriting the past. I bet they'll even throw in their own new pyramid head/butcher for this one. *rolls eyes* I wish I was wrong but... I really don't feel like I am. Is it too early to say RIP Silent Hill? Sometimes I don't think so.. : / I guess my problem is that when it comes to silent hill, the plot is more important to me than the gameplay.
                    Last edited by XRebirthX; 04-07-2009, 02:24 AM.


                    • #55
                      – Dr. K will ask you to fill out personality profile – Teresa’s used-clothing store and Clear Picture video store examples of locations – Can open a door slightly and peer into room with flashlight – Looks good visually on Wii – Example of game’s puzzles: Bed of nearby truck has three cans, pick one up and shake it with...

                      - Dr. K will ask you to fill out personality profile
                      - Teresa’s used-clothing store and Clear Picture video store examples of locations
                      - Can open a door slightly and peer into room with flashlight
                      - Looks good visually on Wii
                      - Example of game’s puzzles: Bed of nearby truck has three cans, pick one up and shake it with the Wii remote - then can hear a rattling sound from controller speaker, turn can upside down and a key will fall
                      - Not Harry’s first visit to Silent Hill
                      - Harry seems to be suffering from amnesia
                      - Use cell phone static to find clues, details about the story/background of Silent Hill
                      - Sometimes might need to take a picture to find messages
                      - Examples of game changing: Things you hear, clothes that characters wear, locations that can be visited at a certain time
                      - Creatures are weak against heat - use flares to keep them at bay
                      - Can carry a flare until it burns out
                      - Releasing on Wii since it seemed ideal to shake up the idea of a horror game


                      • #56
                        Oh. So it isn't a remake of the first game, but rather a sequel to the first game's story? Okay.


                        • #57
                          No, no, no.
                          It's not remake, but not a sequel either. It's reimagining - characters and the basis of the story stays the same - i.e. Harry is looking for the lost daughter in Silent Hill - but everything else is different.
                          Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 04-08-2009, 04:21 PM.


                          • #58
                            Well, colour me confused. It says in that link, that in this reimagining that it isn't the first time Harry's been to Silent Hill? I thought they meant that the first Silent Hill was the first time Harry went to Silent Hill and he's back again (escaping somehow then going back again) and got amnesia forgetting about the events of the first Silent Hill, but it seems not.


                            • #59
                              It would be interesting if it took place after Harry was "killed" in his apartment.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Henry Spencer View Post
                                Well, colour me confused. It says in that link, that in this reimagining that it isn't the first time Harry's been to Silent Hill? I thought they meant that the first Silent Hill was the first time Harry went to Silent Hill and he's back again (escaping somehow then going back again) and got amnesia forgetting about the events of the first Silent Hill, but it seems not.
                                The people in the bar/diner point out to Harry that his driver's license gives his address as Silent Hill.

