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HD Collection's 1.01 patch didn't do anything and Pyarmid Head's cutscene is edited?!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
    Damn you Bob! Ya beta me too it!.. You must be a Redditor too
    LOL I'm actually not one at all . As much as I started to hate GameFaqs because of trolls always on the loose, I went back there not too long ago after Silent Hill: Downpour came out. There's still a whole amount of them and still I wonder how they get away with things they say :/. A lot of those users started posting about their disappointment.

    I really wonder how they're going to figure this out, even after releasing the game in its state . It bothers me how this was handled and at the same time, it may have not been Tomm and Devin's fault, but rather higher-ups in Konami that wanted a quick HD port.

    The other thing that happened to yesterday was that Silent Hill: Book of Memories got delayed without anyone even knowing until people visited Konami's website:

    Originally posted by Gradon View Post
    By the way, I'm about 99% sure Tomm Hulett was lying about SH3 original voices being 'too hard to program back in'.
    I looked at the files and both games are foldered exactly the same, not just saying that - but SH2's new voice files just get re-directed.
    It's like all they did was make a variable, depending on which one it just changes the file name from "voice01.xma" to "".
    So it really sounds like BS when it comes to SH3 because it's planned out exactly the same... Either way, I'm guessing he said that so everyone shut up about the Heather Morris bs.
    I had a feeling something was up about that because they had so much time to find her! Hell, Konami didn't find her at all - it went down to the fan community finding her, which was amazing in my opinion. Like I said, it may have not been Tomm's fault, but it could've been Konami not wanting to shell out more money
    Last edited by MeanBob; 03-24-2012, 11:21 AM.


    • #32
      Douglas on Neogaf sums up the HD Collection:

      And even though I love Downpour this is priceless:
      Last edited by Smiley; 03-26-2012, 03:38 AM.


      • #33
        Yeah, that tweet was pure win.

        I also saw on the NeoGAF thread that Amazon is now reviewing the PS3 version of the game because so many people have requested returns/refunds/trades, I don't think I've ever seen that with a videogame before.

        I'm going to be interested to see how the PAL version is, due out in a few days. I suspect no better.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Smiley View Post
          Douglas on Neogaf sums up the HD Collection:
          Yeah I know, man . At first it was concern about its flaws, with minimal anger, but now it's just people that are really just angry people that don't seem to understnad why we're even concerned or mad about this HD Collection. Some people are going as far as comparing this whole thing with the Mass Effect 3 ordeal. I haven't played it just yet, but that's really sad if lots of people are comparing it to that when those players or complaining about not getting what they want; the ending, Day 1 DLC (okay, that does kind of suck on how they went about that), exposure of a certain character's face....Mind you, the game is very well playable despite all these things. On the other hand with the Silent Hill community, we're complaining about technical issues, performance, and why this is such a downgrade. Obviously, it's different, right?

          Originally posted by Smiley View Post
          And even though I love Downpour this is priceless:

          LOL that had me going for a little while when I first saw that.


          • #35
            Well if you have anything to critique about as far as the new Silent Hill games are concerned most will throw you in with the Twin Perfect crowd as loud obnoxious Team Silent fans that will hate any game not made by Team Silent.

            I say that if you're going to continue the franchise at least make the games good. That's why I'm fine with Downpour and shattered Memories where as I really have a problem with the HD Collection on the grounds that the game is too bugged to be played.

            I find it weird that Tomm Hulett says he has the PS3 version yet asks us what exactly is wrong with it, and if the patch did anything to fix the audio sync. Why can't he find out for himself if he has a copy? I can already say after the first encounter with Angela no less than five minutes in the game that the audio sync has not been fixed at all with the patch installed.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Smiley View Post
              Well if you have anything to critique about as far as the new Silent Hill games are concerned most will throw you in with the Twin Perfect crowd as loud obnoxious Team Silent fans that will hate any game not made by Team Silent.
              Oh, yeah. Sure. That must be it. Totally not because I just unlocked the infinite submachine gun in SH3 last night --and holy shit-- The stutter is so bad that the game freezes for about 3 seconds every time after I use it, as well as completely throws off the audio until the next loading screen.. And this is on the XBOX360 version, no less..

              First Skyrim, then RE-ORC and now this. It's unbelievable what developers are allowed to get away with nowadays.. ..


              • #37
                We keep buying shit, they'll keep selling it.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                  We keep buying shit, they'll keep selling it.
                  Very true. I need to start renting games more often. ..


                  • #39
                    Or do what I do! If you can get it used at GameStop, buy it used, play it, and return it within a week for a full refund. You don't spend anything on the game, Gamestop doesn't get any profits, and most importantly Konami doesn't get any either. Win-win-win!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                      Oh, yeah. Sure. That must be it. Totally not because I just unlocked the infinite submachine gun in SH3 last night --and holy shit-- The stutter is so bad that the game freezes for about 3 seconds every time after I use it, as well as completely throws off the audio until the next loading screen.. And this is on the XBOX360 version, no less..

                      First Skyrim, then RE-ORC and now this. It's unbelievable what developers are allowed to get away with nowadays.. ..
                      you forgot mass effect 3


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                        Or do what I do! If you can get it used at GameStop, buy it used, play it, and return it within a week for a full refund. You don't spend anything on the game, Gamestop doesn't get any profits, and most importantly Konami doesn't get any either. Win-win-win!
                        Haha! That's a great idea, but I work at GameStop. I think they'd catch on after awhile! I can at least, borrow games for free for four days.

                        Originally posted by rehunk88 View Post
                        you forgot mass effect 3
                        I was talking mostly about glitches and bad programming, but I feel for you Mass Effect fans too. Just started playing the first game myself.


                        • #42
                          Mass Effect 3 has a few glitches, although they're not nearly as bad as this. Mostly just possessed Shephard and stuff like that.


                          • #43
                            Al: Oh, I didn't know you worked there! Then yeah, do that instead. I played Enslaved that way. Such a good game...

                            Jon: Yeah... this entire game is a glitch it seems.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                              Mass Effect 3 has a few glitches, although they're not nearly as bad as this. Mostly just possessed Shephard and stuff like that.
                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • #45
                                You have the oddest time with glitches, I must say. You often report none in games riddled with bugs and find them in others, instead.

                                I will say I've played Mass Effect 3 a fair bit and bar Shephard's head trying to spin around I haven't had any problems. I certainly didn't have any frame rate issues or get stuck like that. I wonder what caused them?

