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HD Collection's 1.01 patch didn't do anything and Pyarmid Head's cutscene is edited?!

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  • #91
    Think im going to get it of the store too ..... lets see ....
    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
    ^ Lol ...


    • #92

      The lack of fog makes all the difference. Now the scene is clear as day, you can see the monster type without second guessing and there is no "shadow" to it.


      • #93
        So, "That shadow just now" more or less becomes "That staggering monster just now".
        See you in hell.


        • #94
          Dear god... And I thought Capcom was king of bad ports with RE4.
          Guess I'll try to find the PC versions of SH2&3. That or buying a PS2 (that way I can also play Outbreak 1&2).

          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


          • #95
            Is it safe to say that Silent Hill is pretty much a dead franchise at this point? I mean, they can't seem to make a decent new game, and Konami just got done taking a proverbial shit all over Silent Hill's legacy. . .sad times, man. Sad times.


            • #96
              I wouldn't say it's dead. Just stuck in limbo.

              Silent Hill Downpour was more than decent. In fact I'm going so far as to say it's one of the few survival horror games to come out recently that feels genuinely old-school. And any tech issues the game has had are nowhere near as bad as the HD Collection. This is coming from a fan owning both on the PS3.

              What's sad is that up until Downpour it looked as though Konami didn't know what to do with their franchise. Homecoming was their answer to RE4 with its focus on action. When that didn't translate well then they opted for no action and made Shattered Memories a re-imagining of the first game with the only focus on exploring and running. I enjoyed that more, but the set up was predictable.

              Downpour seems like their greatest triumph for the series since SH3. This was a game that pulled all its strengths from the previous entries and also made a larger town to explore fully. And sadly they're not doing anything with the game's hype. Word of mouth from fans is all this game has going for it, and most SH fans have jumped ship since then. Hardly any marketing was made for it, and after multiple delays gamers just lost interest. Some didn't even know the game was already out. It's tragic.

              Worse is that they did the same with the HD Collection. Little hype, trailers coming out with old release dates were released AFTER the game was already delayed. And the only word of mouth this game had was towards the voice actor controversy. Once the game came out fans already picked apart how faulty and shoddy the HD conversion was so bad word of mouth got around how much of a disaster the collection is.

              Now they're ending the year off with a spin off dungeon crawler for the Vita that was delayed AGAIN a week before it was supposed to come out. Their excuse for making a spin off with different game play is that Resident Evil gets away with it. I know that's been the outlook for making a prequel like Origins, an action heavy sequel like Homecoming, and HD conversions of their classic games. But silent Hill is not Resident Evil. And the RE series gets away with it because that's a franchise that abandoned survival horror a long time ago. Their focus is cash. If Silent Hill wants to sell out and get call of duty numbers then they might as well fully make the game an action fest, have disc locked DLC, and make more spin offs.

              But thankfully they've been more restricted on that so far, and the lack of fans doesn't set a good example. Silent Hill despite its sharp turns still delivers more of a survival horror experience than most Resident Evil games have in their entire line up. I honestly think that if these new games weren't riddled with bugs and had proper marketing then the interest would be fine. But last minute delays and shoddy development are crippling this series. It's limping its way through. Konami needs a new plan. And it's not DLC or trending to action. They need teams that can market, beta test and outsource to competent developers.


              • #97
                I just dislike how badly Konami's handled the franchise. Instead of trying to treat it as a big name franchise--all they've done pretty much is try to milk the series as much as possible for cheap year in and year out. You'd figure that they would treat one of their most recognizable franchises with more care and appreciation. But shit, outside of Metal Gear Solid, quality control doesn't seem to be too high a priority to the company.


                • #98
                  So over the past week or so I've played through Silent Hill 2 HD a few times. I could have lived with the texture issues, the wall of fog, and other minor graphical issues if not for the horrible framerate and audio problems which are the real killers. You combine them all together and the thing is a mess. Still I've enjoyed the core of the game still and I can't believe how well in general otherwise the game holds up as an experience as well as the quality of the original texture work that basically upscaled still looks amazing. The staff of "Team Silent" were years ahead in the detail stakes when it came to the look of the game.

                  It may really have been one of the best games to come out of the PS2 gen and yet frequently is overlooked because of how early it arrived (and its timing as well, up against the massive wall of MGS2 and GTA3 which all released around the same time).

                  Not really looking forward to tackling SH3 HD though.
                  Last edited by Rombie; 04-12-2012, 05:57 AM.


                  • #99
                    Wow just bought SH3 Yesterday Night , Played it today , The game is awesome , but this Port is meh ....
                    when i first played , i encountered some serious frame drops , and then when a dog tried to attack me the whole PS3 Freezed Stall , wow !
                    and i downloaded the Patch now , nothing changed at all , Except it didn't freeze again yet , what the hell is it soo hard to make a ps2 game work smoothly on PS3/360 , looking at how impressive the MGS Collection and other games are ....
                    and these new voices dont fit at all with the characters lip sync .... ew lol !

                    Thats the first time i play both these games btw , they seriously need to make another patch ....
                    oh and i got it for a lower price xD ... 17 BHD about 45 $ in US ...
                    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                    ^ Lol ...


                    • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                      Aside from that there's minor annoyances or nitpicks that fans like myself will catch, but most people wouldn't.

                      Then you have misspelled names and bugs that feature a lack of... well, bugs!


                      Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                      The lack of lice is only in the PS3 version. My brother has the HD Collection on 360, and the lice are there. This is another sad case of the 360 version prevailing.
                      Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                      I can confirm that the lice are still absent in the PAL UK version of MGS2 HD for the PS3.

                      I just played this game yesterday, the lice are there in the UK PS3 version. How often is the Gorge typo? I cannot recall that specific screen but several times elsewhere his name is spelled correctly.
                      Last edited by Dracarys; 05-17-2012, 03:34 AM.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • There's a recent patch that came out for the European version that's been said to fix things like the gray screen of death.


                        • Have any patches happenned yet?


                          • Nope. Already been a month since they said they were coming, over two since both games came out. Obviously the problems are just that bad. Or maybe they've just given up.


                            • Just giving up?

                              With all these problems you do not just GIVE UP.


                              • At this point they probably doing the math of how much a patch for all systems would cost to make and get released. Then comparing to how many sales it will likely bring in, they probably do not care about sales already made and people complaining.

                                Sega did something similar with the AvP game, the MP ranked matchmaking was broken to the point it flat out did not work, SEGA swore a patch was coming to fix the mean time they continued to release multiplayer map packs (you need pay for) for the few people willing to play unranked (cannot level up and get unlocks).

                                Then the week after the final map pack released (this is 3 months into the games release) they announced "The patch cancelled". AvP ranked matchmaking never worked right since.
                                Last edited by Dracarys; 05-27-2012, 09:31 AM.
                                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

