Originally posted by Wrathborne
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Anita already has a green screen, lighting equipment, a good camera, and editing software. But lets look beyond this for a moment, first question that should have been raised is, why didn't she provide an itinerary for what she was going to purchase for this series?
Why? Does any other kickstarter have to do this? Why is she unique in this case? Why does she deserve such scrutiny? Why is she being held to a different standard than other backed kickstarters if she's not required to do this.
And the whole scammer thing? Every cent donated to her kickstarter was done willingly. Everyone who donated past $6000 knew it was being funded. And she's making the content she's promised she would. What has she done that's disingenuous?
Her argument is fine, but shes not present an argument, shes providing an argument as a fact,instead of an opinion. Anita is a pop culture critic, not a researcher. I say that because a researcher would provide more than an opinion, they would cite studies, they would cite references, links in their videos and they would do it more. She cites the games in her video in her vid description.
It's an opinion piece. It's not a debate. There's no requirement to hear any other point of view. It is biased. It is not impartial (let me qualify that. Only one side of the case will be heard. That does not mean that what she says is automatically wrong, and her contention should not be automatically dismissed because of her bias). From when I've watched her videos, I've seen things I think are factually wrong, and can think of counterexamples to refute some of her examples. However the overwhelming weight of evidence is on her side. Look at the title of her website. Feminist Frequency. No one should be surprised that she's pushing a feminist agenda. Her audience should have the critical faculties to analyse her points, the examples she uses to illustrate her points, and then agree/disagree. Everything I've seen is people disputing pieces of her evidence, and neglecting to address any point she's made.
Well, why is it bad for game developers to have busty scantily clad women in games, but its not bad for Hollywood to have busty scantily clad women in their movies? Or for comics to do the same thing?
There's Hollywood critics who criticise gratuitous nudity and sex. But for some reason they don't raise the ire of the collective internet. It seems only criticism of games does.
...You cant fault game developers for using the same trick that the rest of of the entertainment industry uses.
Sure you can. I'm sure as a feminist she's unhappy about the way women are used as background decoration in some movies. But the videos we're talking about are her talking about problems in games. Her saying she has a problem with games in a video series about games doesn't mean she finds what any other media do acceptable. But it's a good thing that she says that developers should aspire to more than one dimensional blatant sexism (my words not hers).
Her complains about juvenile gamers who cant take criticism is invalidated automatically by her blocking all comments on her videos, " Sadly, we have been forced to close comments on YouTube due to continued harassment of this channel but please feel free to post and share this video with your own social media networks to facilitate discussions."
I agree in a perfect world she should engage with people who've thought about the issues as much as she has, and can hold their own in an argument. As I said in the earlier post, I haven't seen one good refutation of any of the points she makes (will expand below). But I know that if she allowed comments on her videos the flamers would pile on and have a field day.
Ok Gene, well there are literally hundreds of videos about refuting what shes says, how she comes to her conclusions, as well as calling her out for being a bullshit artist.
Heres Thunder00t. Crazy British scientist teacher who happens to be disgusted by the current feminist hate train and its fallacies. His series is called "feminism vs.facts". every time Anita posts a video, he posts a video about her video pointing out all the fallacies, the lies, and the agenda she has.
Here is Kitetales, a female gamer.Shes offering a counter viewpoint.
Mr.Repzion,Just a youtube gamer.
The Amazing Atheist, yeah hes a douche but heres his first video. Hes not attacking her, he was initially complaining about her disabling comments.
His second video about her, hes less kind.Still annoyed that shes refusing to face criticism. He also points out about story structure that she doesnt seem to get, or chooses to ignore.this is a BIG part of video games, the story.
Will endeavour to watch these over the coming days.
Shes not there to make better female characters in video games, shes here to promote herself and her agenda. She is her own product, and she has a price. If she was honestly doing this for the sake of trying to get developers to put out better female characters in video games, she would be out there doing all of this for free and for everyone benefit. Ya know, like someone who actually cares about what they're doing and sees how much more important than monetary gain.
So why do you think she's doing this? Honest question. If not to bring up some of her gripes to a wider audience? I haven't seen any substantiation to the fact she's scammed money.
Yes I can Gene. She isn't a victim, She plays the victim card, and she plays it frequently. Yes shes harassed for having an unpopular opinion, yes there are thousands of trolls out there who get off on this shit. Guess what? You can block and ignore trolls instead of going to twitter and saying how mean they are while panhandling for more donations.
Anita just claimed she had to move because of death threats. You know what you do if you get a death Threat? You go to the police, or the FBI. You don't go to twitter.http://imgur.com/a/1JGSk/noscript
And she's not a victim? Why should she have to put up with this shit for criticizing video games. It's insane. And I'm sure she has the sense to contact authorities before she tweets about it...
Here is her latest death threat.
Latest public death threat. Who knows if she even took this seriously? Why can't she? Why should someone be able to harass her like that? And who knows what kind of private correspondance she gets.
And here is Polygon coming to her defense showing her tweets about reacting to this.
That whole article is very matter of fact. Only hint they are supportive is the line "Please watch every episode of Feminist Frequency's Tropes VS Video Games below" If you asked me it's just a way for them to get views; the link dump is tangential to the story, and there's no editorial line.
Anita is a scam artist, part of the Zoe Quinn gaming journalism scam and she doesn't deserve your respect, time, or money guys. People like Anita make a living off of people like you, who are good people that want to try to make the world a little easier for everyone, this is why I've taken so much time here to put up this post to you and Rombie.
All the money was given to Anita voluntarily. I don't know why she's in the mix with Zoe Quinn (I don't know much about how their paths intersect, other than the internet seems to have a vendetta against both. I haven't given her money, and she hasn't 'scammed' any off me...
Please don't just look at one of the video links and say "this is too long" or "I dont like these points of view because they contradict mine". Watch them. Watch them all. Be skeptical, I encourage this. The reason I listed these vids arent because I think the people who made them are infallible perfect creatures who cant make mistakes.
In all honesty I'll listen to them rather than watch them. I usually just listen to documentaries on wireless headphones around the house or while I'm cycling to work. I'll put these on over the next few days. If there's anything visual I'll make the effort to see.
Anita has earned her share of hatred, not for having a different opinion, but for being a lying man hating scam artist.
Substance to this claim please.
When I was 13 years old, my mother was raped by a "friend" who was drunk. It took years, but my mother got through it, found religion, and forgave the guy. To his face. Shes moved on with her life and is a much happier person. I have not. This was one of the most damaging things that ever happened to me in my childhood, and it didn't even happen to me personally! It took years to manifest into a guilt, a self loathing rage, a confusion, an anger that will not go away. Its one of the reasons why I've never managed to have a real romantic relationship, and I'm 34 years old. Its still there, burning inside me like a furnace and it keeps me from getting close to anyone. And yet, with all this inside me, I can live with it. I can live with being another solitary white guy whose metaphorically dead from the neck down.
Really sorry to hear that. I'm glad your mother's come to peace with it and that you've found a way to live with it.
To this woman who you respect, and all the lunatics that support her I'm a woman hating rapist in training who gets off on torture and violence, because I'm another solitary white guy who plays games.
I don't think that's her argument though. She's saying that games (wrongly) give people the vehicle to virtually abuse, assault, neglect, use and ignore women. That doesn't mean that everyone that plays the games shares those opinions or qualities. Can you find a quote where she does?