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"We'll have done it without having to fight, without a single bullet being fired."

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  • "We'll have done it without having to fight, without a single bullet being fired."

    Fucking historic quote.

    I'm so proud of Britain right now for making a stand - for perhaps the first time in a long time. We've voted out! This is huge. We have prevented a lot of bloodshed in the future, once the EU is dismantled, any problems with our friends in Russia will be significiantly reduced - especially if Trump wins presidency. Really looking forward to a brighter, safer future for all without terrorism!

    The regressive, fearful and divisive left have finally lost a significant battle. I didn't think I would live to see such a day honestly. Their racist plans of using demographics to skew results have been thwarted, perhaps at the very last moment - it's a nail in their coffin and a massive FU to the so-called current media trends. People are not dumb and know what's going on. Long have I wished for the UK to be more like safe Asian countries in their policies and I may soon get my wish.

    I've been watching the betting trends and you really cannot predict things which people are holding back due to fear. Imagine not being able to speak out for 20 years? What agony. I was really wondering about some people for awhile.. It is the age of nationalism once again, where people are proud to live in their country without fear.

    Peace on people!

  • #2
    You are so God damn right. What is going on in people's mind these days?


    • #3
      Originally posted by yurieu View Post
      You are so God damn right. What is going on in people's mind these days?
      Their thinking doesn't stretch beyond Twitter's character limit. Zero comprehension of cause and effect. Their refusal to comprehend the reasons why a clear majority (1.2 million people, larger than North Korea's whole active army) voted that way will likely result in a divided/paralyzed country.

      Regardless of what happens in the UK now (fringe groups on the right and left both campaigned to leave the EU), and regardless of the US election, leftist globalism took a blow it can't recover from. The corrupt EU can no longer expand as quickly and Russia will continue to gobble up Eastern European countries, eventually resulting in a future where Europe is led by Russia. Just as the left have made a pact with radical islam, the right have done so with Russia - naturally, the stronger will prevail. The left are characteristically weak.

      But anyways, the anti-democratic doomsayers in the media need to lighten up.

      The British right now, haha:


      • #4
        This behavior is what is making people at venezuela starving, eating dogs and having no medication. That is what ruined Brazil's economy.

        My professor, a leftist, recently said to us: "It is weird the world is giving a big leap toward the right..." I was thankful in my mind and said nothing.

        Everything must have limits and the lack of it is making people die.


        • #5
          Originally posted by yurieu View Post
          This behavior is what is making people at venezuela starving, eating dogs and having no medication. That is what ruined Brazil's economy.

          My professor, a leftist, recently said to us: "It is weird the world is giving a big leap toward the right..." I was thankful in my mind and said nothing.

          Everything must have limits and the lack of it is making people die.
          Yeah, pretty much, good on you. Every so often you get countries in regions like South America where some idiot comes along and says "Oh let's implement true socialism - like all those libtards in the US/EU want - if they can't do it, we surely can!". A few months later the population is starving while the leaders are living in luxury (as is happening in Venezuela).

          Building a country is more than saying you will undo all the injustices in the world. It just doesn't mean anything to say that, yet people still believe it. Dumb.


          • #6
            Have a glimpse of the social democracy:


            • #7
              ^ Probably the same case at all the tilke circuits too.


              • #8
                Best EU speech ever. The globalists at the EU get "told" by Farage

                My man!
                We're all taught from a young age to be utterly obedient to the EU bureaucratic monster, I can't imagine what it would take to go through the EU system legitimately and reach that point, so many years of BS, what a goddamn hero!

                And Putin crushes CNN reporter, talks a little about Trump and US elections:

                You can see Putin is the gentleman here (rather than "Back of the Queue Obama"), Western (US-led) politics is 100% hostile to Russia and has not only stopped Europe pursuing greater ties with it but also cut us off from a greater Eurasia, which is in our best interests in terms of world peace.

                The only way to win WW3 is to prevent it. It's obvious a vote for Hillary Clinton will continue America's non-sustainable "situation" (i.e. no real "change" that they desire so much) but also drag on it's current military strategy. Leftists at heart are the most provocative, deceitful people I know - they bring down actual, modern progressive Islamic leaders like Assad and try to replace them with religious radicials. Vote Trump, if you can.

