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  • Quarantine

    It appears a new zombie flick is on the way:

    I'm a blackstar.

  • #2
    Looks kinda interesting. Will have to check it out in October.


    • #3
      Good title. I wonder why people haven't used it before.


      • #4
        Looks alright, but I'm not exactly high on another CamCorder horror movie. On the other hand, being sealed in a quarantined apartment building is a new one for me, so it could be interesting.


        • #5
          Is this really zombies though? I remember reading on this and technically they weren't zombies, don't remember.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
            but I'm not exactly high on another CamCorder horror movie.
            I'm with you, i really hope Cloverfield (which was crap and predictable) hasn't started of a trend of these things. This looks alright i suppose, as in alright for a download and i'll watch it when i've nothing better to do, not something i'd go pay money for.
            Last edited by rewak; 04-17-2008, 11:07 AM.


            • #7
              Well, we've had The Zombie Diaries (which were godawful), the Diary of the Dead (which I haven't seen yet but have heard is fairly average, especially for a Romero movie) and Cloverfield, all pretty recently.

              The problem as I see it is this: it makes no sense for people, when dealing with any kinda monster, to keep hold of a camcorder. And, in the case of the Zombie Diaries at least, it wasn't nessecery for the plot. If it's used a plot point, then excellent. If it's a

              And even if it's not zombies it's a similar category, like the Shibito in Siren and the Infected in 28 Days Later. Former humans turned into mindless killing machines.


              • #8
                Like the village residents in RE4?


                • #9
                  To a point. They retain too much intelligence and humanity for my taste, so I don't really qualify them as a monster.


                  • #10
                    Humanity? I haven't played RE4 but rushing at you with axes and chainsaws doesn't appear to be a humanitarian act.


                    • #11
             haven't met some of the people in my hometown. One of them went around shooting at us with an air rifle. The ploice claimed it didn't happen, since no one was seriously hurt and it would bump up the crime numbers.


                      But mostly I'm talking about them talking, co-operating, even farming and going about there daily lives relatively normally. Until things start popping out there skull the only reason they're different from people is there unusually aggressive...and some have an infitinite supply of axes.


                      • #12
                        I'd smash a guy's face in if he shot at me with an air rifle for no reason. Fuck that.


                        • #13
                          Not to mention the death rates in the UK for no reason. >_>
                          "I-I was only havin' a laugh!"
                          They're disgusting, oh well.
                          Yeah, RE4's are more Human.


                          • #14
                            Lol, "I didn't mean to do that, it just looked fun!"


                            • #15
                              His excuse was he didn't think it would hurt. Bollocks, of course, but he did manage to gain the ire of three out of four of the town's thug families. He got jumped on. It was most amusing.

