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My broadband plan is upgraded!

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  • #16
    Kingston Telecoms Karoo 8MB runs from anything as little as 1.5-5MB normally 3-4.02MB

    bastards never sent me a router when they decided to mess about with the new pricing system though did they they have the monopoly in Hull you can't get another provider unless your willing to shed out and have Kingston rent your line out to BT.
    If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



    • #17
      BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

      Virgin Media can suck my asshole


      • #18
        If anyone here is unsure of their upload/download speed, you can go to I was told about by some dude working for At&T when my connection was worse than dial-up (we have high speed broadband).


        • #19
          Originally posted by Enigma_632 View Post
          I wonder what mine would be? As it's Virgin Media and its 'unlimited'.

          Probably a stupid question, if it is 'unlimited' and I reach this 'limit', what would happen?
          I know for a fact in Europe every ISP signed onto the Fair Play Policy/agreement to limit peoples bandwidth in order to prevent overdownloading in certain neighbourhoods that'll bugger up local broadband exchanges for others.
          Virgin Media claims unlimited, but a year or so ago when at uni, we got throttled at 120-140gb downloaded.

          AOL Claimed unlimited, but started throttling customers down from 200 to 120, then to 80, now its down to 60 and 30 depending on your packages.

          Sky wouldn't release their bandwidth limits when I called awhile back, however forums and other customers said its well over 140 so far.
          We've not been throttled yet to my reckoning.
          Last edited by The Dude; 07-04-2008, 02:25 AM.


          • #20

            Virgin Media's policy


            • #21
              Pretty Naff all things considered.
              Not to mention that its confirmed Virgin Media are monitoring everything you download now, including music if illegally downloaded and subsequently sending emails to your virgin account threatenign to disconnect if you continue downloading/torrenting.

              Ex-Housemates notified me of it happening there.


              • #22
                No no, not emails, letters. One from VM, one from the BPI.


                • #23
                  I won't have to worry, I don't download from any of those sites.

                  I am a good boy. Except the occasional cough'video'cough'sites.cough.

                  Only really use it on for online gaming and websites such as this one.
                  Finally playing 1.5. Woo-Hoo!!!



                  • #24
                    [SIZE="7"]OMG WHATS??????? P0RN??????????????!!!1!!!1!!!!!!1!!!1!1!1!!!![/SIZE]

                    Lol, just kidding!

                    Nemesis556, check your iiNet Toolbox, then go to 'Volume Usage'. Check your internet quota rates there.

