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  • Metropolis

    No, not the 1927 silent film by Fritz Lang. I am infact talking about the 2002 anime movie very (very, very) loosely inspired by it of the same name.

    A friend (Mr. Spencer here) brought this movie up at one point during one of our usual late-night discussions. He linked me to a scene (featuring one of my favourite actors, Dan Woren, who has a minor but great role in the film) on YouTube and as soon as I watched it, I downloaded it. After watching the full thing, I only have one thing to say.

    How the fuck did I miss this when it came out?

    The film is based on Ozama Tezuka's original Metropolis manga, which in turn was very loosely based on Fritz Lang's 1927 film of the same name. Essentially, this movie bears little resemblence to both, but with obvious inspirations.

    The movie is nothing short of brilliant. Spectacular, even. No word can really describe it. My only complaint? Not long enough to contain such awesomeness. Beyond that, it has everything you could ever want, and a proper (and stunning) use of CGI for an animated film (fuck you Pixar and Disney). The animation itself is nothing short of stunning, from the backgrounds to the characters, there's alot of attention to detail, and the colour palette at most parts is ridiculously eye-pleasing. The characters are lovable and the story is very good. The music, comprised of wonderful jazz and swing music lends it a retro feel, contrasted with the futuristic setting.

    The ending also made me shed a tear...or two. Maybe three. Pretty much one of the best endings I've ever witnessed. In anything. Ever.

    I've since bought the DVD and eagerly anticipate the Blu-Ray (which so far is only out in Japan).

    Now one of my top 10 movies. By far.

  • #2
    I watch tons of anime and have never seen this movie, I haven't even seen Akira yet... but I love Neon Genesis Evangelion!

    I'll have to check this out.


    • #3
      Actually thought this topic was about the Fritz Lang movie *Studied it at uni*.
      Too bad, the anime isn't bad at any rate.


      • #4
        I agree, it is definitely one of my favorite anime's as well. I remember watching the 1927 version shortly after playing Final Fantasy 7 because some of the references in the movie seem to have inspired the game...


        • #5
          This is still one anime I need to get round to watching considering i'm into fantasy style stories and futuristic setting etc etc.


          • #6
            i saw this movie 3 or 4 years ago,i think it is a descent movie,not good nor bad.


            • #7
              Had to watch this movie for class, didnt really enjoy it that much. It wasnt horrible, but I was pretty bored at some points.


              • #8
                What's hilarious is that I'm not even that keen on anime, hahaha.

                I'm still trying to track down the original 1927 film by Fritz Lang, but it's expensive to buy. You're talking around £15-25 on Amazon.
                See you in hell.


                • #9
                  I bought the Fritz Lang film on dvd last year for £8 in a store, it's such a cool movie, you can watch it so many times and see new things.
                  We also studied it to write an essay for class.


                  • #10
                    Empire Magazine ranked Metropolis as the 4th best anime film, with Akira taking the 1st spot

