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My Dino Crisis forums are as dead as the dinosaurs. I'd really appreciate it if someone could design a new skin for them. Maybe I'll try harder next time.Last edited by Grace Saunders; 07-20-2006, 04:38 PM.
This picture looks photoshopped but it's not. It's very old and I had to save it with paint off AOL. DAP always gave me added power, especially on gigantic files. Ice may remember this picture, I took it right after he gave me DAP somewhere around 6 years ago.
Nope. That was a 260 meg file that downloaded in less than 2 minutes. This was before we got the router to three other computers, but I'll still get speeds of up to 3-5 megs per second on good servers.
Edit: When I get speeds up to that high, it literally won't let me do anything else until the download is complete. I can't minimize the DAP window or restore any other ones.Last edited by Nikovich; 08-10-2006, 05:35 PM.
At the time, the picture was taken in 2000, I had a compaq, and I don't remember which type because we threw it away years ago. It was brand new then. I'm not even sure what kind of processor it had, but it was an AMD. It couldn’t have been faster than 512 mhz. The only time we got really fast speeds, which is the same for today too, is when it was a very large file, usually a movie, sometimes a game patch. The websites could have been hosting them on their fastest servers at the time, since they seemed to be very popular files.
That particular download was the hour long (don’t remember the exact time, hour is a guess) explanation of Metal Gear Solid 2, when you were still supposed to be playing the game as Snake. I don’t remember who they were talking to, but someone from Konami of America went through the entire demo, explained the story, showed the new features (such as FPS aiming, squad based AI, ledge hanging, body dragging, etc), and talked about all the details they were working on. The part that stands out the most in my mind (and probably many others) was the emphasis he put on the environment, specifically the mini-bar in one of the ship rooms. He shot open an icebox and watched as the ice started melting, pointing out that the bigger chunks of ice took longer to melt than the individual pieces.Last edited by Nikovich; 08-10-2006, 05:52 PM.