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  • Hey!!! i was wondering, Do you think Ada is gonna be in RE Degeneration (because her and leon are always together, haha)??

    I hope she will!!! but i really don't think so...


    • if you go home tonight and pray then she will Hiro, she bloody will ;)
      btw why do you think the puzzles in r.e are easy, like umbrella are rich, so they can make a nice little vault to keep keys in etc.


      • Hey, i was watching my new Wesker's Report 5th Anniversary DVD (show off, haha) and i get to the part when ada fall from the bridge, and i can figure out what was the real way ada died, Leon A or Leon B?? what was cannon????? please xplain it to me!!!


        • I always figure the most likely one is Claire A/Leon B. That would mean she was bitch slapped by Mr X. I always figure that was a lot more survivable than what looks like a drop of at least 150 feet. Maybe the giant zappy generator zapped her heart back on.


          • I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere in this site but I can't remember the conclusion
            Personally, I always assumed that Leon A/Claire B was the 'real' story. There are a number of things which make me think it's the obvious way to play RE2 eg: if the game is on 2 disks, Leon is pictured on disk 1, Claire on disk 2, the PSN Bio2 download starts with Leon A, all guides I've read assume that you will start with Leon A.
            I thought the alternate Claire A/ Leon B is just to mix things up a bit, when performing multiple play throughs (but I welcome other opinions).
            I don't necessarily take Wesker's words as gospel either. He's been wrong before (Mr.Know-it-all, my ass!)


            • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Maybe the giant zappy generator zapped her heart back on.
              good theory!!! hahaha

              Originally posted by Skunky View Post
              Personally, I always assumed that Leon A/Claire B was the 'real' story.
              I don't necessarily take Wesker's words as gospel either. He's been wrong before (Mr.Know-it-all, my ass!)
              mmm i guess youre right...

              It's just that i love Ada so much that i really need to know how she "died" hahaha


              • No two scenarios in RE2 are outright canon. The actual chain of events is a mix-up of the events from all four scenarios. In reality, the developers want you to decide what happens.

                In-fact, I believe the only actual set-in-stone events is that Ada was fucked up by Mr. X and Claire did create the DEVIL vaccine.
                Last edited by News Bot; 03-21-2008, 03:54 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • i'll go with leon a, claire b, because thats my first time playing the game, so its the first storyline i picked up ;)


                  • me too, but i think it make more sense Ada killed by the tyrant.


                    • i want claire x leon in degeneration


                      • Capcom really needs to do something deffinitive about the endings for RE. In both one and two you can't actually get the right ending according to later games. It's not such a big deal for RE2...the outcome is pretty much the same. But it annoys the hell outta me for RE1.


                        • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          Capcom really needs to do something deffinitive about the endings for RE. In both one and two you can't actually get the right ending according to later games. It's not such a big deal for RE2...the outcome is pretty much the same. But it annoys the hell outta me for RE1.
                          Just do the same i do!! put together all the endings, stories, remakes, reports, combine it, compare with all sources you can, and you're gonna have the whole RE History!!


                          • I know roughly what the right endings are. I'd just like for the right ending to be in the game.


                            • well i'd say no to her getting killed by the tyrant, thats weskers story of coming back to life, so i'll say her falling down a big hole works


                              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                I know roughly what the right endings are. I'd just like for the right ending to be in the game.
                                Yeah; they could have atleast one ending were you found Barry locked up somewhere/with Chris in the cell, and that Rebecca's getting attacked by a chimera in the lab, then you'd have to save her, all in all, if they did this, they could've achieved the real, true, ending.
                                Too late for a REmake now though, since ones been and hasen't fixed the problem.
                                Last edited by Gradon; 03-24-2008, 04:49 PM.

