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The official WTF?! topic!

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  • Don't feel like that!!! i like you!! you're a nice guy!!!!

    Besides, there's always someone who care about you,; also i belive that, when some one says something like that, is trying to take others attention!!

    By the way, if you, or anyone wanna talk about something, i would love to help!!! just PM me!!!
    I'm studying psychology!!! i love to help people!!!! yay!!!!
    Last edited by RE-Hiro; 06-22-2008, 10:35 PM.


    • no i mean like n general lolz its like one of thos WTF factors xD


      • I bought my first tie-die shirt today. I wore it around town and acted stoned.


        • finally i've done cleaning my room, prob has 7% more space now, that can only mean i can buy 70 more r.e items....right ;)


          • while this is probably not a wtf moment, it does get you thinking.. if you'd be bored enough to think about it.

            three friends go into a restaurant to have dinner, the check comes and it's $75. They each pay $25. The manager comes over to them and returns $5 saying that it was their grand opening. They can't split the $5 between 3 evenly, so they give the waiter a tip of $2 and take $1 each for themselves. They calculate now that they've spent $24 on their meals.

            24 x 3 = 72
            72 + 2 (waiter's tip)= 74

            where did the other dollar go?


            • there isnt another dollar?

              i dunno, im useless at maths


              • They each pay $25

                25+25+25 = 75

                Manager gives them back $5

                25+25+25-5 = 70 (see wut i did thar?)

                They then each take back a dollar and leave the two dollars. Thus :

                25+25+25-3-2 = 70
                24+24+24-2 = 70

                That extra 2 bucks technically isn't out of pocket since the manager gave it back to you thus you don't add it to your total, you subtract it.

                It makes sense to me anyway...


                • Filthy word games..


                  • I really don't get whats going on in this topic anymore


                    • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                      I really don't get whats going on in this topic anymore
                      Answer : Spoiler:


                      • I did, and im still confused


                        • i still dont get the answer to that maths thing


                          • The way it's written it tries to confuse you into thinking that a dollar dissappeared because you are still counting up to $75 bucks. As I pointed out, since they each now paid $24 instead of $25 because of the $5 dollar credit, you need to similarly reduce the amount paid from $75 to $70

                            24+24+24 = 72

                            $70 bucks goes towards their meal and then the rest of it, the $2 goes toward the tip... That's a shit tip, to be honest. That's barely a 3% tip...


                            • yeah i didnt think there was a spare dollar


                              • Now that's really fucked up. :/
                                Seibu teh geimu?

