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The official WTF?! topic!

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  • ...that is possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read. Ever.


    • lol good maths question, i miss those from middle school
      What was peoples hardest subject in school, mine was Science in some aspects but the weird thing is, that it was one of my favoute lessons. :S


      • that math was pointless!! im on summer vaca i dont need to be thinking at a time like this!!


        • glad some of you liked it

          yeah it was all wording, it reminded me of an old problem i had to do years ago which proved the order of operation PEMDAS wrong.

          my worst subject was math, but i would get beaten as a child to learn it. i'm thankful i did because i'm decent at it now. my favorite subjects are science and history, and i'm probably going to take physics for fun sometime soon because i never took it back in highschool. that combined with chemistry will probably help me understand astronomy a little more


          • I just realized that people who signed up here a few weeks ago have almost more posts than I do, and I've been here for a couple years.

            *Looks accusingly at Itashious_boy*


            • Originally posted by SinValentine View Post
              glad some of you liked it

              yeah it was all wording, it reminded me of an old problem i had to do years ago which proved the order of operation PEMDAS wrong.

              my worst subject was math, but i would get beaten as a child to learn it. i'm thankful i did because i'm decent at it now. my favorite subjects are science and history, and i'm probably going to take physics for fun sometime soon because i never took it back in highschool. that combined with chemistry will probably help me understand astronomy a little more
              just wait till you get to astrophysics and cosmology <3


              • I just realized we have a Hitler emoticon. WTF?


                • Grammar Nazi's FTW.


                  • I ish Hitler! N u vill use teh prper inglsih!


                    • Originally posted by SinValentine View Post
                      my worst subject was math, but i would get beaten as a child to learn it.


                      • lmao.. that's almost right. at least i turned out good, i mean i'm sure i'm not the only one who got disciplined
                        Last edited by SinValentine; 06-30-2008, 11:02 PM.


                        • No, you're not, but yeah, I turned out good too... *starts to smile with the face hidden in the shadows...*
                          Last edited by Ridley W. Hayes; 06-30-2008, 11:36 PM.


                          • I love how they included the guy's address in their report.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • D:


                              • See, this is why you don't sleep with psycho's. Sure, sex might be awesome, but is it worth loosing your penis?

