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  • wtf ok welcome back?!?!!!


    • you didn't notice i was gone and haven't spammed the place in weeks?


      • nope i assumed u were busy


        • That is true, i am a very busy


          • Better late than never?!

            I'm from a little place called Denny near Falkirk, in the Central Region of Scotland. I'm 23 years old and have been an avid RE fan since I first played it on my friend's Sega Saturn. I'd heard of it on the PSX and had the rolling demo video on one of the demo discs from OPM but never bought it. I now have all the games in the series except Gun Survivor 2. I have several RE figures not all of them and certainly not as many as others on this forum. I'm also into Silent Hill and have 1-4 with the OST's to all the games mentioned . . .


            • I live in Melbourne Australia. I love to travel and have been all over the world but like S.E.Asia most of all. Especially Thailand, where I like to get to once or twice a year (it's great for pirate games. You can buy copies of ANYTHING for a couple of bucks each).
              I guess I'm a kind of a 'gaming dinosaur' by todays standards. I'm 33 and went from handhelds like Game&watch and Donkey Kong (the cool one that's like a mini cabinet). My older brother was a gaming pioneer and I got his 'hand me downs' of a Hanimex 'Advanced programmable video system' (the most primitive console ever made) to Colleco Vision, to Commodore64, to Commodore Amiga.
              I remember once we were at a school fair and someone had set up a table with various game&watches. There was a Donkey Kong dual screen there and it was 20cents a turn and you got your money back if you could 'clock it'. My brother paid his 20cents then stood there playing it till he clocked it, then got his money back. Although he's now a 'serious computer tech dude' he hasn't changed much. A while back he bought Half Life2, finished it and returned it the next day.
              My cousin had a SNES which I spent many an hour playing but my first console purchase was a ps1. I remember my 1st weekend of hiring games from the video shop to find some games worth buying. I've always loved horror films. As a kid I was always hiring R rated films. Sometimes the guy in the shop would be reluctant to let me do it. I would have to go home and drag my dad down there to hire it for me. "R for ratshit, isn't that what it stands for?" he would say. The store guy gave up and let me hire whatever I wanted.
              Because I loved horror, I was always gonna love Resident Evil and quickly decided it was worth purchasing. The other game I realized I could play forever was an odd little game called Grand Theft Auto. I remember showing it to my cousin and claiming "this game is friggin amazing, you can run around doing whatever the hell you want!". These 2 game franchises are still to this day, my favorite games and I'm passionate about both.
              About a year later it was my birthday and my brother handed me RE2. "I saw this and I just HAD to get it for you", he said (he had seen me watching Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead countless times... my favorite films). We watched the opening sequence together and it was the most incredible thing either of us had ever seen in a video game. RE3 was probably my favorite of all, but despite what some 'purists' think, I must admit that RE4 has become my all time favorite. I don't think a better video game has been made before or since its release. It's silly to compare say, GTA SanAndreas with RE4 because they are completely different types of games.
              After RE3's release I saw a box in a hobby shop containing Jill vs HunterB, the Moby Dick figures. I bought them and decided I would collect everything RE. I've since built a large collection of all the games (various editions), figures, posters, books, t-shirts ect...
              I went on to get a ps2 and put a mod-chip in it 2 days after buying it. I've got about 900 ps1/ps2 games in my collection. I also got a Game Cube for the RE games and recently bought a ps3. Oh, and I'm also gonna have to buy a Wii so I can play RE-UC.
              I hope I havn't bored everyone. That's my video game story.


              • Originally posted by SinValentine View Post
                That is true, i am a very busy
                Lies, she was sleeping

                Welcome new people


                • you would know right ;)


                  • I honestly have NO idea what you mean *confused*


                    • Comment

                      • hi new person


                        • Hi I'm Mitchell, I only joined like a month ago, I've been a longtime fan of Resident Evil.
                          Also note that I would like to apologize for creating a Runescape*crosses self* thread on here. You see, my cousin is the biggest geek you'll find and payed me 45 bucks to advertise his scam website wherever I could for a month. It felt bad to take his money, but hey his loss. Idiot


                          • hi lol


                            • Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
                              My name's Stu, and i'm 6'10" (hence the Big, clever that!). I live in Wales, an awful country which is often mistaken for a city in England haha

                              I've been a fan of Res since i first played the first game on a borrowed PS1 on holiday, been playing ever since. Res 4 is EEEEEASILY my favourite game of all time, and i'm eagerly awaiting the fifth! I don't particularly collect much resi stuff really, i have all the games, and i've got a pretty healthy book collection, but that's about it really.

                              I am currently developing my own website ( that would probably interest most members here too. Have been lurking on the site for a while and thought it finally time i introduced myself!
                              China Basketball player, Yao Ming, is 7'5"!

                              you are tall for us but short for him


                              • Welcome y'all.

                                The Dude, are you by any chance a member of

