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  • Hello everyone! I'm Cindy, age of 23 and I music compose/voice act as well as sing online for 8 years now! and I'm the best in the world at what I do! [kidding] xD But yes, been lurking in the shadows of this forum for years, now FINALLY I summoned up the courage to join the-horror family! You all are liars, cheaters and parastic gelatinous tapeworms! [kidding bout that too! xD] Hope to be in part of many topics, nice to meet you all! PS: If curious bout my work check out ze channel at: -Thumbs up while plugging, sprints off.-


    • Hello Cindy, welcome to THIA. (Cindy's been on my MSN for a couple of years, met her during the RE5 stream years ago).


      • -Points up at Alexia.- Ello govnar, Miss Alexia tis a pleasure meeting you here and a honor of you being on ze MSN list for awhile. I forgot to add to my introduction thanks for reminding me, Alexia. I too am a video gamer, I proudly own SNES, NES, Dreamcast, PS2, PS3, Gamecube, Sega Saturn, n64 and a 3DS so for those who game, rock on!


        • Hello, all.

          I'm Eoweniel. I'm originally from Biohaze and I figured that having yet another page to discuss my most beloved game series, couldn't hurt. Also, I heard there's quite a bit of Europeans on here, which is nice. I got nothing against Americans, I'd just like to see more RE-loving Europeans is all.

          Uh, so who am I? I'm 22, I live in Sweden and I'm a major MAJOR gamer, starting at the age of 5 roughly, with games such as Mario, Hexen, Heretic and doom. To prove how big of a gamer I am, well, let's just say that my closet is full of consoles and spare computer parts instead of clothes (which is a bit odd, don't you agree? as I'm female).

          Anyway, I first got introduced to RE around the time RE2 was released and my parents had bought me a PS with RE2 included, for Christmas. I just fell in love, and have frantically been following the series since then. Other series that I dearly love are Silent Hill, MGS, Tomb Raider and Diablo. I've played MMORPGs such as WoW the last 6 years but that interest died entirely and man, I don't want to go back. What was I THINKING spending all that money on a shit game like that?

          I'm a college student, graduating in May and will be working as a therapist when I do. So that sadly takes up a lot of time I could use for gaming, but that's just life. Other hobbies include singing and music, movies, photography and digital arts, psychology, linguistics, etcetera. Speaking of photography, I think 2012 is the year I will be actualizing my dreams of completing several RE cosplay projects, so you can expect some pictures, if you don't mind.

          Thanks, that's all for me. I hope you'll welcome me here and I'm sure I'll have a good time, too. Looking forward to hopefully get to know more people on here as well.


          • Yeah, we have a heavy European presence here. Carn is from some scary Nordic country too (Norway, if I recall correctly) and a lot of folks here are Brits, myself included.

            Look forward to seeing the cosplay stuff. It's always fun to see people doing good quality cosplay.


            • Yeah, lots of Brits here. I'm from the UK myself. Nice to see you on here from Biohaze, Eoweniel.


              • You parasites!

                Welcome MS.E, I am too a new cosplayer debutting in 2012. Doing a Sailor Jupiter, Then Lightning from FFXIII/FFXIII-2 Then RE2 Darkside Claire with RE3 Jill. Now, back to what I was going to say to the liars, cheaters, hypocrites, sycophants and parasitic gelatinous tapeworms here. Guess It is Euro-heavy, I'm in the USA. D'ohhh. Oh well, boo hoo ;_; I'll get over it.


                • Don't worry, we have plenty of you guys from the Colonies as well. Dot, for example, is American. We try not to hold it against him.


                  • Lousy Americans, I h-wait.


                    • *Sits in the corner of the Intro topic sipping tea out of a China teacup and eating scones*.. Why hello thar.


                      • Originally posted by xLightningxLita View Post
                        Hello everyone! I'm Cindy, age of 23 and I music compose/voice act as well as sing online for 8 years now! and I'm the best in the world at what I do! [kidding] xD But yes, been lurking in the shadows of this forum for years, now FINALLY I summoned up the courage to join the-horror family! You all are liars, cheaters and parastic gelatinous tapeworms! [kidding bout that too! xD] Hope to be in part of many topics, nice to meet you all! PS: If curious bout my work check out ze channel at: -Thumbs up while plugging, sprints off.-
                        Welcome to THIA! BTW, gotta say I loved your version of The Deadpool theme. You have some really cool and interesting stuff there!

                        Originally posted by Eoweniel View Post
                        Uh, so who am I? I'm 22, I live in Sweden and I'm a major MAJOR gamer, starting at the age of 5 roughly, with games such as Mario, Hexen, Heretic and doom.
                        Playing DooM @ 5? Awesome. It's good to see people who remember good ol' ID. Welcome!

                        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        Don't worry, we have plenty of you guys from the Colonies as well. Dot, for example, is American. We try not to hold it against him.
                        Hopefully, us sombrero-wearing humans are more appreciated LOL.
                        Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 01-05-2012, 12:44 AM. Reason: Avoiding Multipost.

                        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                        • Welcome to THIA.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Hopefully we get some more members and activity in here once Revelations is out. I Love new fish.


                            • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                              Hopefully we get some more members and activity in here once Revelations is out. I Love new fish.
                              I see what you did there!
                              See you in hell.


                              • Hello, I just registered a few minutes ago.

                                My name is Andrew. I live in the United States, in the state of Virginia, though I am originally from the state of Washington. I am currently twenty years old, and I just graduated high school this past June (had to be a super-senior, ufortunately). I am a huge Resident Evil fan, I became one when I first played Resident Evil 4 back in 2005 at the tender age of thirteen. Outside of Resident Evil, my hobbies include watching movies, (huge movie buff here) reading, writing, going on walks, sleeping, eating and trying new exotic foods, and keeping up to date with my favorite TV shows. My favorite film of all time is the 1984 cult classic Red Dawn with Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen. Some of my favorite TV shows include the Pokemon anime (yeah, a little weird, but hey, it's something I grew up with) [I]Two and a Half Men[I], Beavis and Butt-Head, The Simpsons, Family Guy, and The Big Bang Theory. I am a huge fan of the James Bond movies, Marvel and DC comics (so looking forward to The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises later this year.), and the Harry Potter book series. I am currently not in school, nor do I have a job (kind of hard to get one in this terrible economy right now) but I will be going to a technical college in March. I have big aspirations with my life, and I hope to achieve them one day. I am a semi-devout Episcopalian Christian, I believe in God, but I respect people who have different religious beliefs or no religious beliefs at all.

                                I hope you will all help me feel welcome here at The Horror is Alive, (or THIA, if you prefer) and that I will be welcome in these forums.
                                Last edited by jbird7777; 01-20-2012, 12:00 PM.

