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Cats, Dogs and your various pets

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  • #61
    I live on a 30 acre horse ranch, so I've got me a bunch of animals.


    Dancer - Appaloosa
    Einstein - Dutch Warmblood
    Marcus - Dutch Warmblood
    Snowflake - Thoroughbred
    Romeo - Thoroughbred


    Eddie - Golden Retriever
    Angel - Dalmation
    Titus - Saint Bernard
    Cleo - Saint Bernard


    All Black:
    Midnight, Princess, Ebony

    Black & White:
    Yoko, Jasmine, Tinberbell, Bobby, Jimmy



    Mr. Quakers - White Peking


    • #62

      Mr. Quakers
      That is TOO FUNNY!!!
      Do you have a picture of Mr.Quakers?

      I used to have a cat. It didn't really have a name, just 'Pussy'. It got into a fight and its tail had to be amputated. So then it became 'Stumpy'. It took pride in its stump and still groomed it into a point.
      Before that I had a number of reptiles but I took them out to the bush and set them free, when I moved out of home...


      • #63
        Haha, I know the feeling. We stopped giving our cats detailed names too with so many. We do actually say stuff like "did you feed the pussies at all today?" LMAO!

        And here would be a pic of my duck as requested.


        • #64
          That's one fine looking duck!
          Mmm, go good with some gravy and potatoes... (just kidding )
          He's cool!


          • #65
            Originally posted by Skunky View Post
            That's one fine looking duck!
            Mmm, go good with some gravy and potatoes... (just kidding )
            He's cool!
            Thanks, hun. He's a real sweetheart. Not many ducks will allow you to pet them so willingly. They usually just run away from you.

            LOL! That's what everyone says whenever they see him! He's like a walking entree!


            • #66
              My family's dogs are pekingese's the big one is Teddy, the little one is Dixie.

              My cat is a siamese called "Shinji" but all he really responds to is "kitty" He's the first cat I've ever had and everything he does cracks me up, makes me wish I had him a long time ago.
              Attached Files


              • #67
                LMAO, it still cracks me up to see Dot's shaved cat. I've gotta get some pics of my cat clarence on here
                Last edited by REmaster; 05-01-2009, 07:26 AM.
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                • #68
                  heres my kitty,his name is Bear but if you want him to come to you, you have to say "Bear Bear" and slap your leg 3 times, i dont no how he got that way lol, sorry for the blurry pics there from my cell.

                  scared to death cause i showed him Dots shaved cat and told him i was going to shave him

                  hes like wtf?

                  the camera love him
                  Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 05-01-2009, 07:12 AM.


                  • #69
                    XD Dot's shaved cat cracks me up.

                    I have, well currently have them on the farm:

                    Horse - Chester
                    Cats - Boots, Alex
                    Ducks - Houdini and something else, I can't remember what the name of it is at the moment.
                    Dogs - Alaskan Malamute called Moshi, she's currently down in the Snowy Mountains being trained for sledding (she's most likely going to end up on the team for show and end up being bred), Old English Sheepdog called Mr. Henry.

                    All of my pets are rescued and rehabilitated, all of them generally go to new homes. The only one I'm going to keep is Mr. Henry as it's too hard to get an OES/Old English Sheepdog here and that's the breed I specialize in training and whatnot.

                    These are from Henry's photoshoot -

                    Last edited by Enetirnel; 05-01-2009, 07:42 AM.
                    Non-blurry Signature Version
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                    • #70
                      There are so many beautiful cats here, and I want them all! But, I'm pretty cat crazy as it is...

                      I have four cats at the moment (Had six, but one died and another moved out!); Two black ones, a black and gray striped one, and a orange striped one. Anyway, here are a couple (I don't have pictures of all of them on my machine):

                      Goten: She was the best cat EVER. I had her for nine years before she, quite unexpectedly, died last summer.

                      Ashley: She's an old one. She'll be 14 in October, yet she still runs around and plays like a kitten.

                      Ashley and her twin!

                      Little Blue: Okay, so it isn't a REAL cat, but it's awesome and means the world to me, as it was handmade by my idol.


                      • #71
                        im loving your cats stunna shades


                        • #72
                          I was going to make this topic, I'm glad it was bumped.

                          Boxer dog, Daisy:

                          Oldest cat, Lulu:

                          Middle cat, Binky:

                          My brother just got this one about a month ago, little Moe:
                          Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 05-01-2009, 06:34 PM.


                          • #73
                            Aren't fat cats AWESOME, GuardhouseMusic?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Dan Corson View Post
                              Aren't fat cats AWESOME, GuardhouseMusic?
                              I want my cat to be big and fat, but he just stays skinny and small no matter how much I feed him


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Dan Corson View Post
                                Aren't fat cats AWESOME, GuardhouseMusic?
                                I honestly don't know how it happened, but Binky got exceedingly fat over the past 2 or so years. She's definitely a furball. Plus I don't think she feels much pain, it's weird. Lulu just has a crap load of fur.

