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  • Anyone got a spare 660$?
    Really rare, first I've seen at auction.


    • Jesus Christ, that is awesome O_o So detailed.

      It also makes the Mr.X Tyrant look 10x better than it is normally portrayed.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • I got this.


        • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
          Anyone got a spare 660$?
          Really rare, first I've seen at auction.

          says seller won't ship internationally


          • I bought a strut bar for my Camaro Z28 and Acrylic rear decal inserts, new rotors brakes, and I also recently bought this

            I play airsoft and im into my Camaro and Resident Evil of course oh and I love women


            • Oh nice, So its an official one? Theres a lot of knock offs being sold, seems like thats the "remake" edition of the Samurai Edge. Good deal!


              • Last week bought the first S.D Perry book, loved it, so just now bought the rest of them.


                • Originally posted by Stars_g36 View Post
                  I play airsoft and im into my Camaro and Resident Evil of course oh and I love women
                  Nice What gun do you use when you play?


                  • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                    Oh nice, So its an official one? Theres a lot of knock offs being sold, seems like thats the "remake" edition of the Samurai Edge. Good deal!

                    Toyko Mauri makes all of the Biohazard Pistols, its an offical standard mod of rebecca chambers, ill take pics of all the stuff, ill be back in a few

                    my airsoft gun is a Classic Army G36c, kinda like the G36 in Resident Evil: Dead Aim ;)

                    here is some of my airsoft stuff ;) enjoy
                    Last edited by Stars_g36; 08-13-2007, 07:20 PM.


                    • I prefer my guns like I prefer my women, real ;)


                      • Ahaha yea, I have some real guns too...but this is what I do for my hobby, airsoft 4 life!


                        • Actually, I was just kidding (about the guns lol). I've never even held a real gun before.


                          • i shot a real gun before, nearly shot out the guy's foot too he jumped up and the place smelled afterwards too. there was smoke in the room after that. and i remember the way it felt to pull the trigger, like my whole body was tensed and you could feel it in that one finger pressing against the trigger. it was awesome


                            • Well I finally got a hold of a NECA Hunk figure so that Series 1 of the 10th Anniversary collection complete (except a variant if there is one) pending delivery. Got it for £7 and some change on eBay of which half was postage. I also finally got the Play Arts figure of Sephiroth so that's series 1 of the Advent Children figures complete inc. Cloud w/ Fenrir. Also picked up the McFarlane Stealth variants of Ninja, Snake and Psycho Mantis for a tidy £19.50 which considering Ninja usually goes for about 25+ alone was pretty delicious. All I really need for that set now is uncloaked Ninja but I can deal for now. On the gaming side I picked up Family Guy the Game (PS2) £5, Twilight Princess (Gamecube) £26, Perfect Dark (GBC), £2 a replacement copy of Dead Aim £4.70 after my friend scratched it to hell and back in his vertical standing PS2 and Clerks the Animated series on R1DVD for £8. Well it is my birthday on Saturday so I felt it was time for a present or two from me-to-me . . .

                              Those Airsoft guns look like a nice way to blow some cash next time around, I got some of the guns from RE but no official versions just some I knew and recognised M92f, M93R, DEagle, H&K VP70 and an AK47 as briefly seen in CV . . .
                              Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 08-14-2007, 01:53 PM. Reason: I dunno you making a fuss like?


                              • Man, I love that gun. Always have and always will <3 XD
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

