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  • Poor Jaffa, I hope you are taking the Goaulds out of them before you eat them. First enslaved, then eaten by the people that helped free them....
    Last edited by Borman; 07-22-2008, 04:09 PM.


    • And to think I thought I was the only one who noticed that



      • Lol how is Overblood 2 compared to the first one? I had the sudden urge to play Overblood 1 the other day - no idea why lol. I liked that little robot thing lol.


        • Haven't played yet. I need to recheck the solder points on my modchip since I don't think it's working properly. It'll play CD's but now is having trouble reading games. It could be just the laser though since the Playstation is a launch playstation...


          • hm speaking of jaffa cake, i knew a guy who was obsessed with them :/ but i hear they can rot your teeth really bad


            • ...and that's why baby jesus invented toof payste.


              • Oh jaffa, i'm eating some Tesco's (A local Supermarket) Basic Jaffa Cakes lol, cheaper and taste the same
                I'm really not sure about buying overblood 2, i love the first one but looking on youtube the second looks...poor. So i don't want to ruin loving overblood because of this second game.
                And on the buying front, i haven't bought anything, and that's because i've been playing Final Fantasy 9 all day and abit last night, so no need to pop on ebay


                • I've just returned from Thailand and as usual, picked up a bunch of pirate games . Only 20 this time. I usually get 30 or 40 but the release of ps2 games has obviously slowed. They also have 360 and Wii games but I don't have a 360 and my Wii isn't chipped, so I stuck with just ps2 games.
                  The ps3 seems to be the only system that can't be hacked and I've got a feeling that even if someone managed to do it, Sony would just fix the loop hole in their next firmware update.
                  All dvds, be they films, games or pc software, are 100baht each (about $2.50).
                  I know this site is strongly against pirated games but "hey man, I'm just a user... I didn't know they were fakes, honest!"... But seriously, some games are well worth the full price purchase but I'm happy to check out 'everything else' in pirate form before paying $100 a game.
                  I finally got a copy of 'Yakuza2' which comes on 2 dvds and also of note are 2 games I'd never heard of, 'Zombie vs Kyukyusha' and 'Earache, Extreme Metal Racing'.
                  I'm currently playing 'Alone in the Dark'. It's okay but I can't see myself paying for the shiny ps3 version (when it's released).
                  Some samples below:
                  Attached Files


                  • Ashamed to say, I've never actually played Resident Evil 0.
                    I bought the Nintendo Gamecube version, pre-owned yesterday for £13.
                    We did used to own it, but it was my brothers, and I never played it, only watched him, this was when it first come out, but it got lost nevertheless.
                    Anyway, I got upto the mansion with the big portrait, and so far I am thoroughly enjoying myself so much, this is my favourite RE now! <3


                    • Silent Hill Origins is out on PC?! I need to get it.

                      Also, PO, those early PS1s have a hardware problem to do with the laser being too close to the power supply (eg: heat), and over time getting more and more fucked up to the point of where one day it'll refuse to read the CD.

                      I haven't had that problem yet, but it'll happen soon. (I have a 1002 model).


                      • Always wanted to ask, what is the differense between SHOrigins on PSP and the one on PS2, PC?
                        "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


                        • I just bought this:

                          and I'm very excited. My very first drawing tablet! YAY!


                          • yay!!!!!

                            look what i just bought!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            i'm so happy and excited!!!!!!! yay!!!!


                            • Got this Sniper Wolf figure yesterday. Cleavage FTW!


                              • OI OI
                                Gosh sniper wolf is something ;)
                                Still the Ninja is my fave figure out of series 1

