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PC help

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  • PC help

    ok. after talking with some PC repair shops i found that some AGP cards can run games really well.

    whats a good AGP card that i can use to run left4dead?

  • #2
    x1900 or x1950. i have an all in wonder x800 and i have to turn textures and shaders on med to keep my framerates above 20. l4d is a very processor intense game since it has to run all of those zombies


    • #3
      hey, ive got a problem with my comp, the computer seems to start up , but there is no image in the screen. ive checked the screen and its fine. the computer is pretty old but it has been workin perfect lately. i just woke up one morning and it was not going but the power light was on. the hard drive is fine i checked it in another computer too. if you need the specs im happy to give em to ya.

      Please help

