Recieved some precents with anticipation.... games!! they arent all I wanted, but still. My little bro got all the ones he wanted, but me, I didn't!!! the guy who brought them forgot to bring Left 4 Dead and insted of bringing Gears of War 2, he brought Gears of War.... so now, insted of havind "Gears of War 2" I have: "2 Gears of War"; but I'm very happy wth the one he brought right: Dead Space!!! I love it
No announcement yet.
What are you asking/buying for Christmas?
I know for certain i've got a 60gb Xbox 360 as I bought it! *Parents paid for half, times aren't exactly easy for the family so anything from them is good.*
Brother's got me a pair of boots *again I know about it as I had to try them on*.
Probably get another t-shirt from my sister, some money from Nan and that'll probably be it.
I got about $300USD from my parents. Already spent it. Man, money goes fast! I do get a bonus on the 25th though (about one months salary). I also get about $400 USD (in vouchers) from the Taiwan government as part of their economic stimulus plan, which apparently worked well in HK and Japan.
Times are changing, I know from most people I have talked to that this is gonna a miserable Christmas. Hopefully things will change in the future or I fear for the worst..
i got a few books and DVDs... Oh, and a new wallet to replace the one that got stolen last month. I guess we all reach a point where we stop asking for stuff and just accept what is given to us generously. My family make great choices though, my mother really knows what kind of novels i like.