You see, when you pay for a site, you're placed under a contract by the hosting company. But you can cancel your website at any time. This means the domain is your property until it expires. Then you can either renew it or begin your site again. Why would the owner of Bioflames revive the site and forums if Bioflames expires in August?
Some people choose to have a site for a year. Then if they lose interest in say, Led Zeppelin, they wouldn't want it to run for the remaining 3 years if the domain lasted 4 years and they lost interest after the first year. Make sense?
Anyway, If INFLAMES brings back Bioflames then that's good. But I'm just saying that Bioflames could have been cancelled early and the owner has a new Bioflames pending. You know how DaMa always marks his site with version numbers. So INFLAMES could call his site Bioflames Version 2. That way, everybody knows he had an older site called Bioflames also.
Some people choose to have a site for a year. Then if they lose interest in say, Led Zeppelin, they wouldn't want it to run for the remaining 3 years if the domain lasted 4 years and they lost interest after the first year. Make sense?
Anyway, If INFLAMES brings back Bioflames then that's good. But I'm just saying that Bioflames could have been cancelled early and the owner has a new Bioflames pending. You know how DaMa always marks his site with version numbers. So INFLAMES could call his site Bioflames Version 2. That way, everybody knows he had an older site called Bioflames also.