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  • #91
    I've been watching the Big Bang Theory a lot lately. I saw it when it first aired and didnt care for it. Now I really enjoy it. Howard is my favorite.


    • #92
      I love scrubs, The Daily Show with John Stewart, Colbert Report, and Tosh.O. I lmao everytime I watch them.


      • #93
        Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
        I've been watching the Big Bang Theory a lot lately. I saw it when it first aired and didnt care for it. Now I really enjoy it. Howard is my favorite.


        • #94
          I'm watching Stargate Atlantis since it started in FX, I watched till the end of the second seasone when it was on fox, but then they decided to move the show to another chanell and gess what: I wasn't aware of it, so now, a few years later, I'm back watching it.
          I'm currentlly in the fourth seasone and boy it is great!!! I'm loving it every day more, I didn't like the Spoiler:
          , but still, it is great, much better than SG-1


          • #95
            Supernatural - Because it's just so awesome.

            Stargate SG-1/Atlantis - Love their storylines.

            WWE - Only to see my favorites wrestlers; Storylines are "Eh".


            • #96
              I've been watching House with my boyfriend over Xbox he has all the seasons and downloads the episodes as he goes. He's almost caught up with the episodes airing on TV.


              • #97
                I've been watching a marathon of a show called Ghost Adventures all day now. These three random dudes lock themselves in a haunted place overnight just to fuck with and taunt the spirits that are supposed to live there. They set up cameras and digital recorders everywhere throughout said location(any haunted place all over the world, really fucked up places; abandoned hospitals, prisons, stuff like that) and catch all kinds of weird shit on film and audio. Many different kinds of EVP's(Electronic Voice Phenomenons), real creepy shit. Disembodied voices either laughing or saying distinct words and sentences to the three of them. Every once in a while, they'll catch an apparition or a creepy shadow. One a few occasions, deep scratches actually appeared on their bodies.

                In my opinion, this show kicks Ghost Hunters in the dick, and shits all over that pathetic Paranormal State crap. It's some really creepy stuff. Lots of people say it's fake, and I'm not one to judge, but you need to see the show yourself to make a judgment. I absolutely love it, though.


                • #98
                  Ive been trying Really hard not to watch any episodes of season 8 of scrubs as i want too see them all in one sitting on DVD, sadly i caved yesterday and watched an episode .... It was awesome! Scrubs really is my favourite show of all time!.
                  Ive also recently got into friends and how i met your mother.


                  • #99
                    I've been watching the 4th season of Seinfeld. Just brilliant.


                    • Justified. <3 Love it. Also...I'm tempted to start watching True Blood. My brother loves it, my coworkers love it...and now I have the first disc of season one. Just waiting for a good time to watch it.
                      Are you tired, Rebecca?


                      • ^True Blood is produced by HBO so it has to be good.


                        • South Park has been playing in the PS3 almost daily as of lately. I'm almost to that point of quoting it and not even realizing I'm doing it...Or the Cartman voice comes out periodically. This is a direct result of my satellite going out and me not really having the motivation to get it fixed. Besides, I would probably be watching Family Guy on Adult Swim and be almost to the point of banging my head against the wall from the constant repetition of Peter doing the "Neehahahahaha" laugh. I like Family Guy, but I just prefer American Dad out of Seth's prominent shows...The jokes seem to be a bit more different and not so overused.

                          And I will probably be watching Daria which comes out on DVD May 11...*screams* I can't wait.



                          • Oh shit, thanks for posting about that! Will need to buy the Daria DVDs.

                            Loved that show, I think ABC here still reruns it every now and again.

                            Anyway, just watched Medium - it was alright, though bit of a boring episode.

                            I can't wait til Dexter, True Blood and Supernatural start back up and we get them over here - out of those three I can't decide which one I'm looking forward to the most as I really like them (and in all honesty, I'd rather watch them then force myself to sit through our shows like Home & Away, Neighbors... )
                            Last edited by Enetirnel; 05-06-2010, 12:43 PM.
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                            • Only 4 episodes left of 24. I'm really gonna miss this show.

                              Jack has really gone off the deep end...I'm afraid what he's gonna do.


                              • ^ My parents and I have been watching it, too. We all hope some sort of Deus Ex Machina will happen/arrive, but we're afraid it might not. Damn peace treaties.

                                I've been rewatching the current season of Heroes, too. God, it started off so great... what the hell happened? :|

