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one time i got really drunk because of irish carbombs,couldint walk strait for a week,i had THREE of them..the hangover lasted longer then a week to. thats kind of why im giving up drinking. atleast to the point of being drunk
Woaah! Thats crazy you had a hangover for a week! Mine have never lasted that long... Maybe because I don't drink that much, who knows. Well, congrats on giving it up!
I remember my 21st b-day, free drinks at all the bars all day..so after getting trashed all day my brother takes me to this bar. Inside they have a barber's chair and for a few bucks you get to pick your liquor, lay back in the chair while they pour it into your face until you can't swallow it fast enough then they stop..well I remember picking Jack Daniels. All I remember afterwards was waking up in my bed with no clue how I got there...
I remember my 21st b-day, free drinks at all the bars all day..so after getting trashed all day my brother takes me to this bar. Inside they have a barber's chair and for a few bucks you get to pick your liquor, lay back in the chair while they pour it into your face until you can't swallow it fast enough then they stop..well I remember picking Jack Daniels. All I remember afterwards was waking up in my bed with no clue how I got there...
Wow! Thats sounds crazy! I would never be able to do that! Liquor makes me nuts! I become a huge drama queen, and start crying about random things like my cat and how shes so mean to me sometimes. hahaha I drunk dialed my friend once after I had a whole bottle of rum and I was crying and was all like "Why don't you love me anymore?!" and she was like "WTF are you talking about?!" and then I went "What?! Why are you yelling at me and why did you even call me in the FIRST place?!" then I hungup hahaha
It was my junior year in high school, and one night my friends and I had nothing to do. We were hanging out at my friend Dave's house and we were bored, when we got a phone call that a bunch of people were going to go hang out in the woods behind one of the elementary schools in our town. "Awesome!" we said. On our way to the woods, we stopped at my friend Jay's house and he ran inside, and came back outside a few minutes later with a large jug of alcohol. The bottle was rustic, classic..."Seagram's Canadian Whiskey" read the label. "LET'S GET HAMMID! LET'S GET HAMMID!" we chanted as we drove to the elementary school.
We hung out in the woods for a few hours, passing the whiskey around, taking sips and grimacing. It was some nasty shit. We weren't drinking fast at all...save for one of my friends, Tim. He was drinking it like it was water. It wasn't very long before he got absolutely trashed, slurring his words and acting like an ass. We were in the woods for something like an hour when we got a phone call that a friend of ours was having people over. We were all buzzed(except for my friend Matt who was driving that night, and Tim who was very drunk) so we decided to go to his house.
We got to his house, and Tim started running around in circles. People laughed at him, we scolded him for being a 'sloppy' drunk, and we tried hiding the whiskey on him. Whoever was hiding the bottle from him didn't do a good job, and he got his hands on it again. We were at the house for a good half hour or so before our friend's parents kicked us out, so it was time to go. It was at this time when Tim lost his ability to walk. We held him up(he's about 6'4" 215lbs) and walked him to the car. This was when he grabbed hold of the pole of a basketball hoop outside our friend's house and refused to let go. He was completely incoherent, speaking a language that no one would ever understand. Eventually, after a very long struggle, we got him into the car.
We were dropping off some sluts when Tim stopped his incoherent babbling, and got very quiet. I tapped him on the head, "Tim, don't go to sleep, man...we're taking you home." No response. "Tim?" A friend helped me tapping him, trying to wake him up. No response. He was passed out, leaning his head to his left as his body was absolutely lifeless. After about 15 minutes of wondering what the fuck to do(we were all 16 or 17 at the time, inexperienced and stupid), we decided to call up his brother's girlfriend(a senior at the time). She told us she was at a party at someone else's house, so we made our way there.
We were parked in the driveway of the house when Tim began regurgitating all over himself. He was passed out and throwing up all over his chest and arms and my friend Matty's car. We tried picking him up and taking him out of the car, but he's a big fucking kid, and we weren't able to do it. He was not responding to any of us...absolutely passed out, dead weight in the backseat of the car, sitting in his own vomit. It was after much deliberation that we decided to call his parents -- but before we could dial a number, a cop car pulled up.
By this time, the entire party had emptied out and it was just my friends and I, and a few older girls who stayed to help us. The cop started busting our balls about where we were earlier in the night, more worried about breaking up a party somewhere than trying to help out our friend who was in obvious need of help. He started checking our fucking breath as our friend sat passed out in his own vomit. I started voicing my concern for my friend and the asshole policeman said he was going to cuff me if he didn't start getting answers.
Eventually, his power trip wore off and he called an ambulance and we called Tim's parents. His dad pulled up a few minutes before the ambulance, and stood over his son's lifeless body. He was grabbing his head and screaming into his face "TIMMY! WAKE UP, TIMMY! C'MON TIMMY, DON'T DO THIS TO ME, SON, WAKE UP!" I'll never fucking forget the sound of his father's voice...the amount of pain, worry and anguish in his tone, the tone of a man that is still to this day one of the toughest sons of bitches I've ever met. His son was 'dead' in front of his eyes, not responding to the loud screams in his face.
It was after this development that the ambulance pulled up. They took out a stretcher and with the help of four of us, all now covered in vomit, we got Tim into the stretcher. He was lifeless. Not a sound. He was breathing, but he was absolutely lifeless. The ambulance turned on its sirens and pulled away, with Tim's father following them to the hospital.
We washed out Matty's car for a good 10-15 minutes and it all sunk in. We sat in the car and got ready to leave, but Matty didn't start the car up. We sat there in the driveway in silence until we all simultaneously began crying our eyes out. Me and three friends who I'd never seen cry or show any form of concern over one another(we were tough) all started bawling. My friend Jay sobbed "how could we let that happen to him?" And I didn't have an answer. I sat silently as tears and snot streamed down my face. For all we knew, we just let our friend die.
We got Jay's house and told his parents what happened. We struggled to tell the story through the tears, but eventually we did, and we all came to the harsh realization of just what alcohol could do. Before that night, everything was fun and games, man. Get hammered, play beer pong, make out with chicks, gettin' druuunnkkkk broooooo! That was the scariest night of my life.
The next night we were at Matty's hockey game when we got a call from Tim. He was in the hospital, and there was distress in his voice. He had alcohol poisoning, and had his stomach pumped...he said his BAC was taken and it was 2.03(I'll never forget that number). He was pretty much saved on the operating table.
We all felt a collective weight off our shoulders...our friend was alive, but barely.
While I can appreciate some of the comments in the topic, I gotta ask if you don't like the topic then just move on. Some people have already voiced their concern, and thats fine, but please do it in a more polite manner.
Medic, the initial response was just because we're mostly responsible people here, with a few exceptions. Don't let it get to you much.
I went to a friend's house this one time, and this one guy came back from a party, he was 14 at the time, with an 18 year old. Apparently, he was so drunk he had no idea what the hell was going on, and was pissing up and down the streets... So he passed out on the porch, and when he came to, he couldn't even walk right. he layed down on the couch with his head in my lap, and vomited all over my jeans. Luckily it was just alcohol. But they had to call an ambulance because he had alcohol poisoning, and they pumped his stomach.
Now there was one recollection I have when I was drunk. I was being driven home from a friend's birthday party at around 4am in the morning or so, though when my friend pulled up across the road from where I lived, I just opened the passenger side door and fell out onto a neighbour's front lawn. Must have slept there for around an hour or so since I woke up at about 5:30am to the sound of passing traffic, picked myself up, brushed down my clothes and then casually crossed the road and went into my house as though it was perfectly normal.
Another time was at my elder brother's wedding back in September last year, when I was inebriated on numerous bottles of champagne. I remember pouring out half-finished glasses of champagne into my own glass and sitting alone at a table, drinking by myself with countless empty bottles of champagne beside me. Then some kids started bothering me, so I casually got up, took the bottle in hand and walked off to another table to continue my drinking. At the end of the night I put on my jacket and walked back to my hotel room, took off the jacket, placed it carefully down on the bed and then went to sleep. I don't remember too much from that night.
There's a strange sense of dignity to my drunkenness. I'm a polite drunk! Never violent, never shouting or hurling abuse. I get absolutely smashed, have a brief slurred chat with people and then somehow make my way home.
"There's a strange sense of dignity to my drunkenness. I'm a polite drunk! Never violent, never shouting or hurling abuse. I get absolutely smashed, have a brief slurred chat with people and then somehow make my way home."
Whenever I get drunk, I always end up playing the penis game with some complete stranger. In case you don't know what that is, it's where you go to a public place and take turns saying "penis" and each time you say it, you have to get louder and louder. So by the end, you're practically screaming it. Very immature, I know, but it was entertaining at the time.
While I can appreciate some of the comments in the topic, I gotta ask if you don't like the topic then just move on. Some people have already voiced their concern, and thats fine, but please do it in a more polite manner.
Medic, the initial response was just because we're mostly responsible people here, with a few exceptions. Don't let it get to you much.
Yeah, I know, you may not believe this, but I'm a very responsible person too. Thats why It got to me I guess. Only do that stuff every now and then and when I do I make sure to do it in my house and no where else.
Thought I would share the story because its so not like me that its funny. It's not like that happens all the time heh