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  • Drunk.

    Haven't seen any other threads like these (if there are, then feel free to delete this one!)

    The title says it all. This thread is for drunk people and/or people who have been drunk to share their drunken stories.

    I have a pretty good one. My best friend and I had a party at my house a few months ago and ended up going streaking outside. She tried to sneak out through my window and fell into a bush. I tried to help her out but it was too hard so I ended up falling on top of her, both naked, and drunk off our asses. If not to make things worse, she said "Taylor, I LOVE you! you're so awesome and if I was gay, I would be gay for YOU man!" After she said that my other friend walked out, saw us in the bush naked together, and said, "I knew it." and walked back inside.

    I try and tell people what REALLY happened that night but they all go "uh huh, sure." and don't believe me!

    Okay done with my story telling... I'm pretty drunk right now from red wine... What do you guys like to drink?

  • #2
    i was a alchaholic but other then light drinking ive prettymuch given up.
    and i prefer white wine


    • #3
      Why do we really need to know about someone's personal actions when they are drunk?
      Are you tired, Rebecca?


      • #4
        i was thinking the samething


        • #5
          People do dumb things when they're drunk. We don't really need a thread to extrapolate on that.


          • #6
            lol omgf haahaha the hororr is alive lol guys im soryr but im rllealy drnuk rghti now lol i was at teh moveisd with my frniedns and we decidded to go outt to a bar aftre the movei...we saw 'Observve and Reprot' adn it was funy Seht Rogen is a funny guy. but the movie wasntt that graet. we got to the bra and i strated dtaking shots with my freiend larwence...shots of petronnnn son. yeeaaahhh. anywya i met this girl, shew as hot...big boobs lol like JIll Valentinwe...

            im tirde and drnuk so ill ttly THIA...lolbye


            • #7
              Folks, don't ever drink, or else you'll become this guy. Do YOU want to become a brilliant songwriter? Huh? HUH? DO YA?


              • #8
                Well this thread was supposed to be fun, but I guess not many people drink here. Like I said, feel free to delete it.


                • #9
                  Alcohol? All about the codeine.
                  See you in hell.


                  • #10
                    I've never been wasted, the heaviest I've ever drunk was a third of a big bottle of vodka.


                    • #11
                      Well here's a story i posted on another forum, this happened about three weeks ago.

                      Ok, so last night i went to see my favourite band in the world. They are called MONO and they are from Japan. Me and my friend wanted to get a good spot at the front since the show was sold out, so we bought about 10 beers between us at the bar and took them to the front, where we remained for the duration (Even through the not so great support act). Eventually it started to fill up a bit more and there was no hope of getting back to the bar, so we consumed in moderation.

                      Then Mono played one of the best gigs ive ever seen and i was too impressed to do drink, or do anything other than stare in astonishment. They were incredible. After they finished, i went outside to the bar and got a few more beers and sat there for a while so i could meet the band and have them sign my poster. They were lovely people as usual, they signed it, thanked us for coming and said they'd definitely be back in Bristol on their next tour. I spent a small fortune on merch. Then i caught a late bus home, posted some garbage in a Steam Community chatroom to my friends about how amazing mono were before vomiting profusely all over the floor. I tried to get to the toilet but that just made it even worse and i left puke dribbles everywhere. goddamn.

                      Then i tried to lie down and sleep it off, but i couldn't actually sleep and just kept puking up. My housemate heard me and rather kindly brought me a bucket, so i was led there for about 5 or 6 hours, puking up into this bucket every 30 minutes or so before finally drifting off. This morning, i had to clean up puke from my room and all over my bed, and i have only just noticed that there is a giant puddle of puke under my pillow. So now i gotta clean that too. I can't even remember throwing up there...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gideon Quinn View Post
                        Well here's a story i posted on another forum, this happened about three weeks ago.

                        Damn, that is one shitty end to an awesome night! I hate getting THAT wasted. When the room starts spinning, you're screwed lol I end up doing just like you and puking the rest of the night if I have too much. Ends up being the most horrible experience, then the next day you feel like you're gonna die. I hate drinking water too so its even worse for me because I have to drink it all day to feel better.


                        • #13
                          if the room starts spinning just put your foot on the ground it works


                          • #14
                            This topic is stupid. In all honesty, we really don't need ridiculous topics like this.

                            I drink, I party, I hang out with friends -- but that's where I keep it, with my friends. I don't bring it to a messageboard and say "HAY LOOK AT ME I DRINK IM COOL." I'm sorry, but I just feel like this shit is unnecessary. I dunno if mods will agree with me but I don't really care...I just think it would be best if we let this topic die.


                            • #15
                              i agree i was just giving advice

