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Swine Flu.

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  • thats bull shit dude. thats actually a little racist as well. but still its not like all mexicans have it. i mean you dont have it and your mexican (right?).

    ehh people are just full of shit.


    • thats why i'm so angry, mexicans all over the world are being threated like shit!!!! even a girl who visited her germany family was rejected by them, thye don't even hug her, or say hello!!! in some places they call it the mexican flu!!!! i cannot believe this!!! even if it spread around mexico its not everywhere!! where i live (veracruz, a really nice city, heheh) there are only 5 cases, and in some other states there are none!!!!!! c'mon!!! we mexicanss are very friendly with aliens!!! we even love them... like the way i love sebastian rulli, hehehe... anyway... why some people treat mexican like crap???!!!
      Last edited by RE-Hiro; 05-04-2009, 02:06 AM.


      • I think you're overreacting. You're acting as though every Mexican around the world is being persecuted. Do you have some sort of victim complex or something?
        See you in hell.


        • How do you think the Spanish feel? The 1918 pandemic didn't even originate in Spain.


          • Originally posted by RE-Hiro View Post
            HEY! how did you know my name?

            lol jk (seriously my name is Sebastian lol)

            but yha that germany thing is fucked up, not all mexicans are being treated like shit though. alot of them around here are being treated good actually, but no one has been to mexico since the flu started.


            • i didn't say every mexican, i said some mexicans are being threated awful.... the thing is; it makes me sad and angry. seriously, i'm not overreacting, just think about, what would you feel if they do the same to the people where you're from...

              Anyway.i hope this whole thing end, i'm so bored in my house.


              • damend double post, sorry.
                Last edited by RE-Hiro; 05-04-2009, 02:10 PM.


                • A case of a kid getting it in a school in Dulwich was reported on regional London news tonight, thats about 10mins drive from where I live, so its getting somewhat worrying now.


                  • I flew home from school yesterday and saw many people wearing masks in the airport. Wasn't a bad idea, really. Sitting on the plane with screaming babies and sneezing assholes was a little nervewracking. It was almost like I could feel myself getting sick. It was all mental though.

                    On a lighter note, every time my mother and I passed someone wearing a mask, I would fake a loud, obnoxious sneeze in their general direction and watch as they quickly stutter-stepped as far away from me as quickly as they could.


                    • Now I feel better about this whole Swine flu thing now that I'm hearing that some people is getting better on their own.


                      • People used to say that the day a black man became president would be the day that pigs fly. Obama's 100th day in office. Swines Flew.


                        • yha i no, i cant wait for this shit to be over.


                          • Me too. I bet you china is going to have it bad within the next week. Lot of people to infect over there.


                            • thats what my teacher told me today.


                              • Originally posted by hellrizer View Post
                                Me too. I bet you china is going to have it bad within the next week. Lot of people to infect over there.
                                really... mm i didn't knew that. i think my chinese class teacher (who is chinese, da!!! ) is gonna have a breakdown!!!

