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  • started watching Attack on Titan on netflixs, god this show is intense & disturbing...

    i just made an odd realization about that show, it almost seems kinda similar to a zombie apocalypse story except with a Macrophilia twist to it. ya know, like instead of rotting corpses its incredibly threatening mindless giants. i normally don't assume stuff like this but i cant help but wonder if the creator of this show has a few fetishes.


    • ^Your post reminded of this gif:


      • PCOS Charity


        • its been a while since ive been on here :/ this site isnt too dead is it?

          anyways... rest in peace you magnificent comedian.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	tumblr_mmgnaxvU1M1qepf8yo1_500.png
Views:	1
Size:	419.4 KB
ID:	403738


          • Comment

            • damn.. been a while since i logged on here
              Click image for larger version

Name:	tumblr_n714dkR0hH1t3wof6o3_500.png
Views:	1
Size:	422.1 KB
ID:	403845
              funny, but its quite sad how true it is


              • Was drinking one of those 'all natural' veggie/fruit blend drinks at work, and one of my ear-buds accidentally fell into the bottle. It was completely covered in veggie and fruit goo. It had beets in it. So I turn to my friend and say: "Hey man, I got some new beets headphones"
                Last edited by Lead belly; 12-31-2014, 09:01 AM.


                • I saw this contestant on an old episode of the Chinese dating show If you are the one.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Ifyouaretheone.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	89.1 KB
ID:	403878

                  They air it in Australia and it's quite popular. Anyways...


                  • its been a while sine i logged on


                    • in terms of WTF news there is apparently a Firearms manufacturing company called (i shit you not) Umbrella Corp. same logo of the fictional umbrella and everything

                      Umbrella Corporation is a research, development, and engineering firm incorporated in 2007 with primary focus on small arms design to include complete weapon systems.

                      my brother showed me this & im still questioning if its real or not... does capcom know about it?

