^That just depresses me, to be honest.
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Funny thread.
on the WiiU version of RE Revelations you can apparently post a creature message to miiverse. im not sure exactly what it does but im assuming that if you appear as an enemy in raid mode, it gives your monster self a word bubble. (gonna have fun with this)
I posted "itchy... tasty..." and "HUG ME!!!"
there was some talk about console generations i overheard, basically it said that at this point in time.. the gamecube, PS2, & original XBox are officially going to be retro consoles... (gonna give you a moment to let that sink in)
my little brother said "i feel old now" then i said "I feel ancient" because i grew up in the NES era. is it insane to feel old at the age of 23?
Try being 33. I remember when the nes was brand new and changed the video game world forever.
Its interesting looking back on those days because games were simpler, but more complicated in a lot of ways.
Platformers especially, my god...Fucking Ninja Gaiden. The infinite enemy respawn in that game still makes me cringe.
Ugh try 16. I am ANCIENT. Just kidding.
Even though I was born in 97, my first console was a Sega Genesis, so I'm a bit farther back than I should be. When I first played the PlayStation and N64 as a toddler, I was amazed by 3D graphics. My jaw dropped when I played the Dreamcast.
Couple years later -- my early childhood -- PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox were out. I spent a good chunk of my childhood playing these systems, so it does make me feel kinda old now that they're considered "retro". Not as old I suppose as some of you feel, but still.
Born in 92'. I kinda wish I was born earlier since I missed out on a lot of great games on ps1, Saturn, and super Nintendo. The Sega genesis was my first true system. Spent hours playing the True Crime videogame adaption, Jurassic Park, vector man, and sonic 2; I even bought a 32x addon at a yard sale with some fighting games. Never had a super Nintendo, but I would go to a friends house and play super mario with him sometimes. An older cousin had a N64 so in the late 90's and I got to play all the essentials like 1080 snowboarding, Mario 64, goldeneye, Zelda oot, etc. As for ps1 my brother for a brief moment in time was a gamer and he bought dozens of cool ps1 games back in 98-99'. I got Parrapa, gran turismo, MGS1, bushido blade (which I thought was the weirdest fucking game ever), and of course RE1&2! Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was the first game I remember truly going all in for. But I never got to play virtually any rpgs - let alone on ps1 - like FF7 or breath of fire in the 90's. Never had a Saturn or Dreamcast
. As for the sixth generation of gaming I fared a lot better. Was fortunate enough to have all 3 systems (ps2,xbox, gamecube) at one point or another, and got to play most of the games I wanted - except for the damn rpgs on ps2 that always alluded me :/ (deja-vu).
Was about to give some IV medications to a newborn baby at the hospital today when the mother of the baby got into an argument with my partner nurse. Argument ended with the mother telling him that she will "haunt him if something happens to her baby". Also, she literally "shooed" us away, complete with matching hand gestures, after we were done taking the vital signs of her baby. It was sort of infuriating, but in retrospect the entire ordeal was actually too comical for me to get worked up about it. Gotta love them post-partum blues episodes.Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-11-2013, 09:22 AM.Seibu teh geimu?