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broken bones?

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  • broken bones?

    so i went to the chiropracter today after school cause my neck,sholder and back have been hurting and its been hard to breathe. anyways i went there today and i she popped my back and neck and 30 minutes later it was still hurting so she took some x-ray pics and i found out i chipped and cracked 2 ribs.
    so i relised damn bones are pretty easy to crack and break ( yes i no i didnt break my rib) has anyone one here broke or cracked a bone is so tell all of us the dumb thing you did to do so

  • #2
    i broke my leg and did not notice it for 3 weeks. then while in a full leg cast i went trick or treating...without crutches


    • #3
      I had a new pet kitten, and she wasn't meant to be in the backyard because we have a rottweiler. The kitten was about 1 mouthful for the dog, even though I didn't think the dog would bite her, the kitten would have been terrified.

      Anyways, I was out in the back yard playing darts with a friend, and then I saw the cat up a tree. So I climbed up the tree after her. She shot right to the top (little smartarse), and I was stuck on a branch, which was about my height and a bit, so maybe 2m above the ground. After realising I couldn't back down without hurting myself (in a place where men would rather not be hurt), I jumped out, and broke my left ankle. It was about 4pm on Friday afternoon so I went to the hospital and got an X ray, and told it wasn't broken, so all weekend I was on it (but I couldn't go very far). Still aching on Monday, I went to the doctor who ordered I get it re-Xrayed at the hospital (because the proper technician would hopefully be there monday morning, as opposed to friday afternoon), and sure enough it was broken.
      I'd done more damage while trying to walk on it. It was in plaster for 8 weeks, and I was on crutches for about 12.

      While I was in plaster, the cast broke at around the shin, so I went to the hospital to get another cast put on. It was the nurse's first day on the job. And when she set my foot and put the cast on, she set my foot a little bit wonky, so to this day my left foot points about 2-3degrees left of where it should point.

      And I never sued the hospital...


      • #4
        I went skate boarding at my local skate park when I was 14. I decided I may as well go big, so I went up the half pipe trying to do a kick flip... I ended up landing on my wrist and breaking it. My hand looked like rubber, it was all bent up and pretty much hanging there. I had to get two screws put in it because it had shattered into two pieces. In other words, it was the worst pain I have ever been in in my life and I have the scars to prove it.
        Last edited by TheMedic; 05-11-2009, 08:14 PM.


        • #5
          Challenged a mate of mine to break one of my fingers at a party. She did. I've never laughed so hard in my life. Pain laughter is pure gold in the perfect situation. The day after though, wasn't as funny. Especially when you don't "remember" anything.
          Last edited by Manji; 05-11-2009, 09:01 PM.


          • #6
            Bawwwww, I broke my left arm when I was 10 after I fell off my bike. It was so tragic. I remember dragging myself home that afternoon and bursting into my house to tell my mom I thought I broke my arm. She didn't believe me, thus didn't take me to the hospital until it was nighttime and my arm was still hurting. Lol. I had a sexy pink cast on for a couple of months or something. It really wasn't pleasant.


            • #7
              I've never broken anything. I think the closest I have come is my right shin was bruised from playing some weirdass game while in Germany where you fight on top of wooden planks (???) and I slipped and got my leg caught in between them.


              • #8
                i got another but this is more weird then broken. on easter in 97 i was hunting effs when i fell and broke my thumb, it was simple neough that i only had to wear the cast for a week or 2 but 2 weeks when i had the cast removed i coulf not stand up and it turns out i had a really bad knee infection that was so bad i had to get surgery a day after i went ot get my cast removed...

                I nearly died on the operating table due to my size (i was not huge but a bit big for my time) and had to have my knee drained ofr over a month since i was still in school, its not fun goin to the nurses office to check the huge hole in your leg and pack it full of cotton tape.

                to this day i still have a sagging kneecap in my right leg along with saggy skin


                • #9
                  I have broken both of my hands.

                  The left one, I broke while sparring in Tae-Kwon-Do class with my brother. He threw a kick and I tried to catch it. I was a little off and his foot went in between my ring and middle fingers and twisted, breaking the middle and index metacarpals.

                  I broke the right one trying to enter my house while it was storming. I slipped on some ice while walking in and (like a fucking retard) grabbed the door, slamming it and (oddly enough), breaking the same bones I broke in the other hand.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by riderkid View Post
                    hunting effs
                    Hunting what now?


                    • #11
                      speeling err

                      i meant hunting eggs. i usually type in the dark


                      • #12
                        I fractured my arm once, was told in certain ways that it was worse than a break, don't understand how, I always thought a break was worse.
                        Finally playing 1.5. Woo-Hoo!!!



                        • #13
                          Im one of the lucky people to have never broken a bone, but i did hurt myself real bad one day when i was chasing my brother and kicked a door really hard and almost ripped my two little toes out from my foot! It hurt so bad and was made worse by the fact that my nanna (i was at my grandma's home) hates hospitals and she decided to try and fix it herself, and actually succeded in doing so but i would have rathered go to the doctor anyway.


                          • #14
                            I cracked three of the bones in my left hand when someone decided to attack me. Unfortunately they were a lot smaller than I was, and I could have probably shattered there jaw if I punched them...landing me with a criminal record or some such shit, despire that I was the one getting attacked. So I punched the sandstone wall and a good chunk of a block vanished (it was an old wall, riddled with crap, but he didn't know that). Little bugger quickly got the idea and decided to back the fuck off before my self restraint snapped.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                              Im one of the lucky people to have never broken a bone, but i did hurt myself real bad one day when i was chasing my brother and kicked a door really hard and almost ripped my two little toes out from my foot! It hurt so bad and was made worse by the fact that my nanna (i was at my grandma's home) hates hospitals and she decided to try and fix it herself, and actually succeded in doing so but i would have rathered go to the doctor anyway.
                              This post made my feet hurt...

