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Single, taken, or in a relationship?

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  • #31
    I'm single and have been for what, 3 months now? Since the beginning of February anyway. My ex who I was in love with, I found out only recently, dumped me for another guy shes supposedly "in love" with. Funny thing is that this guy was going out with her cousin when I was going out with her and she really disagreed with it, and didn't like the kid... Of course, I guess that was a lie considering that she says she loves the kid and never wants to be separated from him now.

    I dunno, I'm ready for a relationship again but there's no one I know that I really feel like chasing after or really interests me. I figure if I just wait it out, someone will probably come along, but it's hard and loneliness really does a job on me at times...
    Last edited by Spera01; 05-19-2009, 07:02 PM.


    • #32
      Been with my boyfriend for five years...going on six. He's in the US Navy, so I hardly see him. He's going to be shipping out I won't see him for another 7 months. But other than that, we're a happy enough couple.

      Trying to get both of our careers set up before we do anything like getting married and/or living together...Hit a bit of a rough patch lately, but we've worked through it. :3


      • #33
        Single, and so have been for three years. I DO get a little lonely/frustrated sometimes but then I just play my videogames and I'm fine. ^^;


        • #34
          im happily in a relationship im currently deciding whether or not to pop the question ;)


          • #35
            Single! I've never really been interested in stuff like that, hilariously. And I'm still really not. I get retarded crushes on people but that's about it.

            My cat is totally my boyfriend or something idk.


            • #36
              I don't mind being single, but I'm a bit reluctant when it comes to make relationships with someone that interets me. Maybe this is a result of always being the one who fully commits to a relation, only to get a cold shoulder.
              Anyway, I've stopped looking around and let things go their way; it's better when you don't force things out...

              "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


              • #37
                Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                I've stopped looking around and let things go their way; it's better when you don't force things out...
                Yeah that's the way I am now. I got tired of forcing things and am more focused on fixing my own life..I'm sure everything will work out sooner or later.


                • #38
                  Bitches ain't shit.


                  • #39
                    I'm currently single and had been seeing this girl on and off for about a year. She didn't really know what she wanted and couldn't get over her scumbag ex boyfriend. I would date other people and she would get mad and date other people to kind of rub it in my face. She knew I wanted to be with her and hated to see me happy with someone else but guess she couldn't get close to me and get away from her ex. Now we are good friends and she stopped partying and taking school seriously. She actually decided to go back to school in Miami, which is kinda a relief for me, and told her she could come back to me when she got her life together.


                    • #40
                      Well right now im Single but i hopefully won't be soon. There's a lovely girl in my year who i hang around with all the time and we work together in class. I wanna ask her out but i turn into a nervous wreck even thinking about it. I had a Girlfriend before but it didn't work out well since she was just using me.

                      Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                      That's a new one for me.

                      Eh, what can I say? I'm very old-fashioned, so for me, "dating," "going out," "taken," and "in a relationship" all mean the same thing, or should mean the same thing.
                      Guess that why your an Old Fashioned Cowboy is it?

                      Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                      Ditto. I can't stand people who "date around". It's sickening IMO
                      Yeah there are some people like that i know, it is disgusting, i don't think i could do that without feeling really bad.


                      • #41
                        what are your guy's definition to dating around?


                        • #42
                          I am honestly pretty sick of being single. There was this bastard guy a couple of years ago that REALLY tore me up, and it fucking sucked for the months afterwards since my best friend was always around with her boyfriend and my sister with her girlfriend. I got pretty bitter and frigid. Of course, nobody ever bloody takes me seriously, so even when I did manage to say why I was having problems in the dating area, I got the reply;

                          "You need to get laid. Big time."

                          As for people who "date around" I'm not sure what to think that means... I just don't like people who can't make their intentions clear (thanks to the nameless bastard mentioned above) who drag you through so much shit. So long as somebody makes it clear that they don't want anything serious from the beginning, why should you care? Your feelings aren't at stake.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by WeskerSexyCheez View Post
                            As for people who "date around" I'm not sure what to think that means... I just don't like people who can't make their intentions clear (thanks to the nameless bastard mentioned above) who drag you through so much shit. So long as somebody makes it clear that they don't want anything serious from the beginning, why should you care? Your feelings aren't at stake.
                            QFT. I actually applaud a guy that's not afraid to just ask for what he REALLY wants instead of just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. At least that way, you both know where you stand, and you don't get any misconceptions...and no one gets hurt.

                            Much, MUCH easier that way. *nod*


                            • #44
                              when i date a girl i tell the girl im an asshole which its funny but yet its true and girls like the truth


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by WeskerSexyCheez View Post
                                I am honestly pretty sick of being single. There was this bastard guy a couple of years ago that REALLY tore me up, and it fucking sucked for the months afterwards since my best friend was always around with her boyfriend and my sister with her girlfriend. I got pretty bitter and frigid.
                                That's the problem. We usually get hurt and tend to carry our bad experiences with us when we try to find another person to be with... I used to be so bitter about my past relationships, because as I've said, I've always gave too much and got screwed. Then realized that I have to let go those bad feelings and try to learn from it.

                                And I'm also pretty sick of being single. There's this girl at college who's been very nice to me on recent weeks, yet I don't really know her intentions; she's not my type, but I don't know, I might give it a shot.
                                I see love/relationships as a big gamble. You might win big time or lose it all.
                                Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 05-20-2009, 03:00 AM.

                                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key

