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Toy Story 3

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  • #76
    Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    You need kids as an excuse to see Toy Story 3? I'm 18 and I went in there with a few friends of mine who are the same age. It's not like anyone is gonna make fun of you if you go in there by yourself. If they do they have problems not you.
    LOL I didn't meant it that way.

    I simply don't get very motivated to see a film at the movie theater all by myself.... Unless its a porno.

    It's like this... Whenever I go to see a film its because I'm going with someone else. So I use other ppl as an excuse to see ANY flick on the big screen. Be it horror, action or animated films.

    I think I'm just lazy to go see movies by myself. I rather wait for the DVD if I can't go with anyone else. That's just me.
    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


    • #77
      Gonna go see tomorrow, well today actually looking at the time, haven't decided if we're going for the 3D or 2D I'd prefer the 2D since I don't think this really needs 3D but who knows my better half may persuade me (read as moan and distract me while she buys 3d showing tickets) . . .


      • #78
        I saw it in 3D and its not really anything special. Save your self some money and stick with the original.


        • #79
          I saw it in 3D too... Go 2D and save the spare money for some nachos. MMM... Nachos.

          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


          • #80
            Well I'll have to go and see Toy Story 3 at some point the reivews im hearing are good and I saw the first 2 when I was a kid and I have to finished off this trilogy but with me been 19 and I feel abit daff going to see it but if I get my family to come along since they too love the film then it woint be a bad but it will be in 2D.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View Post
              I saw it in 3D too... Go 2D and save the spare money for some nachos. MMM... Nachos.
              Really? You'd think Pixar would have been all over that from the beginning given that nostalgia is a major theme.


              • #82
                Well been to see and it and it was certainly not only 5/5 but a true lesson in how to a trilogy and oh man I loved it I genuinely loved it just flowed so well sure it was predictable at parts but it still gelled so well I didn't care one bit. I aught to mention the short before it "Day and Night" which was good too but the main feature was spot on. I felt like I really cared for these toys it made me think of my own toys and the way I couldn't part with some of them and how much I pained at passing them on to my niece and nephew. Ken was great and more and more I ached with the reality of growing up, the friends you lose and the way you can't play as much anymore cause you gotta "grow up" and:


                It has to be said Pixar are getting far more emotional with their films. I wasn't sure if it was just me but the emotional attachment and gravitas in Up was so poignant and powerful in a way that Bugs Life, Cars or The Incredibles just never reached although I reckon Incredibles was the start of it all but this bowled me over:




                Bah I better stop that's more spoilers than I dare to add to. Suffice to say this was brilliant and well worth seeing at least twice . . . in 2D I'd add since I went the whole feature without feeling like I was missing out being a dimension short and man how I laughed like a child so frequently especially at the slightest sight of Mr Fajita Head . . .


                • #83
                  Yup, it was really heartwarming at times... I went with a friend and she started crying at the Spoiler:
                  , and it was the 4th time she saw the movie. I really enjoyed it, and I felt some closure, however I don't think I'm ready to see the bunch leave...

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • #84
                    Well you know what Pixar are like there may well be a short that adds to the story on the dvd/blu-ray as for a 4th one? Probably not for a good few years again at least . . .


                    • #85
                      Yup, I think I could wait a few years, the gap between TS2 and TS3 was enough training LOL.

                      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                      • #86
                        Toy Story 3 is a Pixar animated film, is a 3D movie. It is a sequel movie and this time Andy is matured and starts college. this movie is perfectly fit to watch in you favorite theater with you family.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by krisannie View Post
                          Toy Story 3 is a Pixar animated film, is a 3D movie. It is a sequel movie and this time Andy is matured and starts college. this movie is perfectly fit to watch in you favorite theater with you family.
                          Really? I didn't know that. You just discovered the secret to this movie. I thought it was a horror movie that should be meant to watch in the dark with your scared girl/boyfriend.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                            Really? I didn't know that. You just discovered the secret to this movie. I thought it was a horror movie that should be meant to watch in the dark with your scared girl/boyfriend.
                            Well the clue was in the name N.W.D. honestly(!) Just wait 'til you play Alone in the Dark and see how long you spend attacked by monsters in poor ligh-wait that was a bad example nevermind . . .


                            • #89
                              Double Post sorry:

                              I'm a regular listener of SModcast which is Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier of Clerks fame and they have reviewed Toy Story 3 in a fairly recent SMod which I skipped over until I'd seen it but forgot to listen to. Finally have and would recommend it as long as you can tolerate the cruder language:



                              • #90
                                Actually it is made by Disney Pixar so it is diffidently movie was amazing, and i really like its concept like all toy are live and fight with each other and I seen all the movie of toy story.

