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Most Overrated Films and Games.

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  • #61
    I think TSS is a lot better than the original.

    Updated graphics (unimportant for me, personally), updated dialogue (See Liquid vs Fox conversation), updated gameplay, updated soundtrack. In fact, I rank some of the tracks on TSS amongst the top of the videogame world and they are often accompanying me on my quest in searching and destroying in Crash.

    From what I gather, people dislike two things. Matrix-esque cutscenes and the soundtrack. The second one is blasphemy, but the first one can easily be ignored if you take the whole experience into account.

    TSS is in my books, the most underrated MGS game.


    • #62
      TTS is utter shit! the voice acting sucks, the bull shit matrix cut scenes, the dialog is worse, the soundtrack is completely diffrent hell fox's voice when he is dying just sounds like crap,in the original MGS1 he actually sounds like he is in pain in TTS he is just like he whats up snake i havnt seen you in a while, yha im about to die.

      TTS sucks and should be banned from this world

      Snake jumping off missles, snake stepping on guns and doing a backflip while catching them and twirling around and making a perfect shot to sniper wolf,snake fighting fox after the ocelot battle. its all dumb and made it completely bullshit. everything in the orignial could happen. everything that snake did in TTS no...not possible.
      Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 07-03-2009, 01:15 AM.


      • #63
        I guess you can consider The Twin Snakes superior if you enjoy the following:
        • Grey Fox sounding like the All State insurance salesman.
        • Snake looking like a member from the Jonas Brothers
        • Snake somersaulting and back flipping over missiles and other objects like he's suddenly a superhero, rather than a believable hero.
        • Most cutscenes not being plausible anymore, whereas the original was within merit and reason.
        • Overall terrible voice acting.
        • Terrible music choice compared to the stunning original score.
        • Strange dialogue changes, that were unnecessary at first, and still are today. Sometimes, less is more.
        • FPS camera angles in a game obviously designed not to have these.
        • Owning a game from the same guys that spit out Too Human (lawl)
        • Crap remakes.

        Yeah, definitely.


        • #64
          I know how religiously hated TSS is, its not in my intention to persuade you not to. However, a couple of points-

          * The original score wasnt "stunning". Im willing to bet that noone has the tracks from original MGS on their iPod. They were severely outdated, and TSS tracks were actually extremely fitting to the atmosphere. MGS afterall was about high tech industrial environment with a tip of mysticism thrown into it, and the soundtrack delivered the perfect support to that.

          * Snake has never been a believable hero, even though his TSS tricks did go over the top.

          * Fox´ death alone was infinitely better without Liquid spinningsentences to just say "you asked for it". Instead, he delivered one of the most memorable lines ever- "When death is entreated, the battle is decided."


          • #65
            Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
            if your didnt play MGS1 back in 1998 or play it in 1999 your not gonna think its that great of a game but infact its one of THE best games for the PS1 its up there with FF7 and RE2 actually its better than RE2 and hell RE3. MGS1 is THE best MGS in the whole series. the worst one is MGS:TTS (everyone can agree with me here) and MGS2
            Hay i didn't say MGS1 or RE2 are bad games. I love them, it's just they seem to be praises as if they are the greatest games in history a lot. They are some of the best but not the best i don't think.

            Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
            TTS is utter shit! the voice acting sucks, the bull shit matrix cut scenes, the dialog is worse, the soundtrack is completely diffrent hell fox's voice when he is dying just sounds like crap,in the original MGS1 he actually sounds like he is in pain in TTS he is just like he whats up snake i havnt seen you in a while, yha im about to die.

            TTS sucks and should be banned from this world

            Snake jumping off missles, snake stepping on guns and doing a backflip while catching them and twirling around and making a perfect shot to sniper wolf,snake fighting fox after the ocelot battle. its all dumb and made it completely bullshit. everything in the orignial could happen. everything that snake did in TTS no...not possible.
            I haven't played TTS yet, but is it canon? Which is canon MGS1 or TTS? I have seen a few screen shots and cutscenes and the voice acting is not as good i don't think.


            • #66
              Some people enjoy anal sex with dolphins while snorting peanut butter. To each his own, as odd as it may be, and I'll respect you for your strange differences. As a major fan of the game, you might want to abbreviate it right though. TTS, not TSS, lol.
              Last edited by Sinclair; 07-03-2009, 01:33 AM.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                I know how religiously hated TSS is, its not in my intention to persuade you not to. However, a couple of points-

                * The original score wasnt "stunning". Im willing to bet that noone has the tracks from original MGS on their iPod. They were severely outdated, and TSS tracks were actually extremely fitting to the atmosphere. MGS afterall was about high tech industrial environment with a tip of mysticism thrown into it, and the soundtrack delivered the perfect support to that.

                * Snake has never been a believable hero, even though his TSS tricks did go over the top.

                * Fox´ death alone was infinitely better without Liquid spinningsentences to just say "you asked for it". Instead, he delivered one of the most memorable lines ever- "When death is entreated, the battle is decided."

                lol.....WRONG! i have the original OST on my ipod and guess what? The Best Is Yet To Come is on my 25 most played track list so is Enclosure.

                the score sucked and yes Snake was a believable hero in MGS1 not in TTS. jumping off a missile going straight at you jumping on it THEN aiming perfectly and hitting a helicopter is NOT possible i am 100% positive its not.


                no MGS1 is up there with one of the best games in history it made stealth games. with out MGS1 or the past MG's there would be no spliter cell and other crap like that.

                TTS is canon its just a remake of MGS1 but if you noticed as im sure everyone did in the flashbacks in MGS4 they didnt use TTS screen shots they used....OMG THE ORIGINAL MGS1 screen shots!


                its blurry but you can still tell what it is with the OST artwork on the side
                Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 07-03-2009, 02:17 AM.


                • #68
                  I disliked TTS as soon as Gray Fox spoke and I didn't hear the voice of George Byrd/Greg Eagles.

                  Other than the silly cutscenes, it was a pretty enjoyable game. I still like MGS1 better, though.


                  • #69
                    nothing good came out of TTS i agree with CR29 Gray Fox' voice just...ruined it there was no pain there like the original.


                    • #70
                      Movie = Slumdog Millionaire
                      Game = halo


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                        MGS1 is THE best MGS in the whole series. the worst one is MGS:TTS (everyone can agree with me here) and MGS2
                        I agree that MGS1 is the best in the series but MGS2 being one of the worst? No way.


                        • #72
                          that part is my opinion for some reason i just didnt like it at parts


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                            that part is my opinion for some reason i just didnt like it at parts
                            You mean Raiden parts?


                            • #74
                              LOL yes that and the boss fights were dumb like Fatman,Vamp,Fortune though i do like the unmanned RAY fights (the part on Arsenal gear and you fight all the RAY metal gears) and the Solidus fight on top of Federal Hall was fun aswell.
                              but anyways i like MGS4

                              MGS4 Raiden is way better.

                              MGS2 Raiden


                              MGS4 Raiden

                              hmmm i wonder who would win?

                              hell even Raiden's MGS4 figure is cooler than his MGS2 figure


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                                LOL yes that and the boss fights were dumb like Fatman,Vamp,Fortune though i do like the unmanned RAY fights (the part on Arsenal gear and you fight all the RAY metal gears) and the Solidus fight on top of Federal Hall was fun aswell.
                                but anyways i like MGS4

                                MGS4 Raiden is way better.

                                MGS2 Raiden


                                MGS4 Raiden

                                hmmm i wonder who would win?

                                hell even Raiden's MGS4 figure is cooler than his MGS2 figure
                                Raiden has the worst taste in footwear i have ever seen.

                                I thought Vamp and Fortune were cool, and i liked MGS2 Raiden.

                                Of coarse MGS4 Raiden would kick MGS2 raidens ass in a fight lol. MGS4 raiden could kick supermans ass in a fight. MGS2 Raiden is a rookie.

