This is a rant, these are my opinions, so would people please not quote, belittle or argue the cases of my views, I won't answer back.
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
Good, not great, and unbelievably overrated to the point where the world has raised Fumito Ueda on a godlike pedestal that he could quite frankly wipe his arse and we'd call it a arthouse gaming masterpiece.
Speaking of Overrated Garbage, anything made by Quentin Tarantino.
Considering its common knowledge he watches movies, catalogues speeches and scenes and files them in order to reuse them later under the guise of "homage", this cancer merchant of a director molests and repackages Japanese cinema, throwing vulgar dialogue and weak pop culture references in to give it his own spin.
The guys in no way an auteur, he's an arsehole.
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
Good, not great, and unbelievably overrated to the point where the world has raised Fumito Ueda on a godlike pedestal that he could quite frankly wipe his arse and we'd call it a arthouse gaming masterpiece.
Speaking of Overrated Garbage, anything made by Quentin Tarantino.
Considering its common knowledge he watches movies, catalogues speeches and scenes and files them in order to reuse them later under the guise of "homage", this cancer merchant of a director molests and repackages Japanese cinema, throwing vulgar dialogue and weak pop culture references in to give it his own spin.
The guys in no way an auteur, he's an arsehole.