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Should Marijuana be made legal?

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  • #16
    Yes I think it should be legal. I was a pot head for years but I've since quite because I had more important things to spend my money on. Alcohol is legal but it can result in abuse, drunk drivers, poisioning, etc. I think in the end people are going to chose to do whatever they want, and only they can decide to be responsible. Sure, legalize it and tax it for the economy.
    "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
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    • #17
      Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
      Hell yeah it should be legal, it make's pretty much anything (except work) alot more fun. I don't think any drug's should be illegal especially one's that grow from the earth! People should be aloud to eat, drink or smoke anything they want. It's our body's and we know the consequences. I was wondering when this topic would come up, nice one Medic.
      yeah, that's a great idea! let's give the adults marijuana and the children Crystal Meth!
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      • #18
        Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
        yeah, that's a great idea! let's give the adults marijuana and the children Crystal Meth!
        Obviously you would have to be 18 to buy it, I'm not saying sell it to kids. Don't twist my words man.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
          yeah, that's a great idea! let's give the adults marijuana and the children Crystal Meth!
          You know, I'm all for people having an opinion and all but you're just being an ignorant asshole with yours. I mean crystal meth to children? Really? Do your research. Marijuana isn't harmful to your body like meth is. Most of the time Marijuana isn't even addicting. I've smoked before but I've stopped, because I need to focus on school and my career ahead of me. I don't have any needs or a desire to smoke again. It was just a few times in high school when I was a bit curious and wanted to try it out. Doesn't make me an addict. On the other hand, I know there are people out there who are addicted to marijuana just like others are to alcohol (Which is LEGAL). So I don't understand why marijuana shouldn't be made legal. Alcohol and cigarettes are way more harmful to your body.

          I have anxiety disorder so I know that when you smoke weed it calms your nerves. I think it should be made legal for people with anxiety/panic disorder. Sometimes prescription drugs just aren't enough. I don't think people should be smoking it 24/7 though. Just like alcohol, you should only have it when you need to relax, and not have too much of it.
          Last edited by TheMedic; 07-16-2009, 07:44 PM.


          • #20
            Marijuana is the modern day alcohol.

            Prohibition created organized crime, and now the Marijuana ban is continuing the drug trade.
            They really should legalize it but regulate it the same way they do with alcohol.


            • #21
              Whenever someone I know suddenly has this urge to give me the whole addiction and brain damage speech, I know the damage is already done. I've also had the misfortune of working with way too many morons who've got their priorities in the completely wrong order.

              I wouldn't say I'm against legalizing it, but I'm against people (ab)using it.

              Unfortunately, people can sniff glue and paint thinner too, but sniffing those are now just a profession disability or something, 'cause they're too available to the public (anyone can go purchase it at a manly hardware store) and thus no fun to the mighty and super educated rebels of society.

              However, even for medical purposes, I'm pretty sure you gotta have some pretty obscure allergies for there not to be any other alternatives for a person to take. Of course, people can go trade those medications on the street too...

              It's a messy topic. People talk about how it apparently worked out fine for Netherlands, yet, I every now and then have to endure the nightmares of communication with not-exactly-upstanding US citizens that talk to me as if I was the luckiest man in the world 'cause I live in Norway.

              Why Norway?

              "It's fuckin' close to Amsterdam, duuude! Oh man, I'd give anything to be where you are, dude! Maaaaan!"

              The argument about cigarettes being more harmful doesn't exactly work the same way, same with alcohol "in general". Cigarettes don't make you act like a retard and only a few people are so far down on the bottle that they become a burden on society. Same applies to smokers who've successfully achieved cancer. Hilariously enough, the chances of someone getting cancer from smoking is probably evenly shared with them picking up any other annoying permanent illness or handicap in their life.

              One of the problems are; marijuana is way too "accessible" and "tempting". Legalize it and you'll have more idiots not knowing the difference between their work hours and personal private time. Unfortunately, as I said at the start of this; most people haven't got their priorities straight. Working with self-impaired morons is annoying. And firing someone for being stupid hardly ever happens (but if they reek of alcohol... they're out! As long as they're not your boss!)


              • #22
                I do share your point of view, Carnivol. However, NL is the worst example of a "successful drug policy" and people who credit NL usually dont have a clue. Portugal was the first one to go through with a well thought-out drug policy that has all bases covered and the success so far is backed by numbers and is overwhelming. Like its being said, MJ is modern alcohol, times have changed and laws have to adapt quickly, not to "allow" recreational drugs, but to control their spread more efficiently and give people more options to ditch their habbits. One of the first obstacles for someone who wants to seek help is the social stigma attached to the "junkies".

                I am not a drug proponent, but Im really not fond of the whole "I want tighter laws against drugs because my principles say so".


                • #23
                  I can live with pot. I saw the stuff smoked, everyday of my life, for twelve years. It was, however, apparently not enough to make them wander around like zombies in search of pizza. Not to say I especially approve of the stuff, bar for medical reasons. If it helps people then great, although when my mother went onto one of the trials for the stuff she didn't think it worked.

                  It very much falls into the alcohol and cigarette categories. They're harmful and can cause a lot of problems, but the majority of people who take them won't suffer from some crippling problem related to it. Yeah, you get stoners who are constantly wasted. You also get drunks and sixty a day wheezing belows. With goverment regulation the nastier versions of cannabis should be at least less common, and that might help lower any problems it does cause.

                  Of course, I'll never take the stuff anyway.

                  As for other, harder Right now kids can get drugs, it's true, but what they mostly get is what is easiest to get hold of is booze and cigarettes. If crack is in the drugs cabinent at home, well, that's gonna be what they grab. And of course there are always lovely situations like some pops some LSD and goesw for a drive, spots the demons on the street again and plows through a couple of dozen people in there drug crazed assaults. Or the mother too stuck on heroic to do things like feed her child.

                  Yeah, those situations happen now...with drugs being illegal and awkward, if not difficult, to get hold of. Can you imagine how much more they would happen if they were available over the counter at a chemist? There was a reason that drugs were made illegal. People are not, infact, simply responsible for what they put in there own body. They are responsible for whoever relies on them as well, and the drain they place on society. Serious, heavy drugs cause problems and...well, can someone actually tell me a benefit to taking drugs? You feel good for a short time then desperately need a fix.

                  Doesn't seem like a good plan to me.


                  • #24
                    To be honest im all for legalizing weed. Just like alcohol and Fags, if not abused Weed isn't really all that bad. Alcohol kills thousands of people a year and is horribly abused by many, many people and yet its legal. Keeping weed illegal doesnt seem to make snense especially when compared to alcohol it isnt all that bad.


                    This isn't intended to be a thread bump its just that I've recently become interested in this whole topic.
                    Last edited by I_Am_Nemesis; 02-22-2010, 10:12 AM.


                    • #25
                      7 months old topic >_>


                      • #26
                        Your point being? He said he recently became interested. And seeing as how he shared his opinion, it isn't a thread bump.

                        As for me... no. Never tried it, never will, I don't care if you smoke it but don't expect me to light one up with you.


                        • #27
                          As others have said, legalise and tax it.
                          I've done it more than few times before and might do it again, if the chance comes up. I'll smoke if it's being passed around, I won't buy it though. If I want to impair myself, I'll just get shitfaced.


                          • #28
                            I smoked it for years, and loved every second of it. Of course, I treated it like any other weeked retreat such as alcohol and kept it out of my work schedule during the week. Those days are gone though, it's too risky to use with random work related drug tests and I'm more interested in spending my money on bills and my RE collection. If they do legalize it, I'd probably smoke it again, especially if it got cheaper but the government would tax the shit out of it. Good for the economy I guess lol.
                            Last edited by REmaster; 02-22-2010, 04:07 PM.
                            "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                            Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                            • #29
                              I'm with jagger. I'll smoke if it's being passed around, and since a few of my friends are becoming increasingly bigger potheads by the day, I tend to smoke a good amount when I'm at home with my boys...anywhere from 2-4 times a week. I use it, but I do not abuse it.

                              One of my really good friends is a pretty big dealer around my town so we always have a ready supply on hand, and he's pretty much "weed boy" to all of us. Anyone ever smoked it out of a hookah? Oh, man. I did, at the same kid's house. Pack the hookah with flavored tobacco and a bunch of weed, and it burns for a good hour or so, just passing the tube around and pulling as hard or as soft as you want. Never been so high in my life.

                              A few of my friends do harder drugs, like pills and even some cocaine every now and then...but I clear out when that shit starts going down. I only once saw a kid grind up a a Percocet and snort it before I got really uncomfortable with being around that shit. Long story short, I have a level head and I'll never go near anything more serious than weed on a time-to-time basis, so the 'gateway drug' thing doesn't scare me.

                              If it got legalized...I feel like it would be much like the "420" episode of Family Guy.
                              Last edited by Vector; 02-22-2010, 04:54 PM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post

                                As for me... no. Never tried it, never will, I don't care if you smoke it but don't expect me to light one up with you.
                                Yeah I'm the same way. I hate the smell of it and I cant remember alot of stuff i the first place why would I want to forget more? Most of my friends do it and their goal is to try and get me to smoke. I dont like the smell and it gives me a fucking headache.

