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I'm Angry

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  • What?

    On a side note. I still can't make up my mind on the next game console issue. I'm waffling more than Brett Favre in the off season.
    Last edited by Agent_Wong; 10-26-2009, 05:33 PM.


    • I got sick just in time for my theatre rehersals to bump up to 10PM every night after school. ._. This'll be a fun next few weeks. ;~;


      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        I get that feeling sometimes. I spend time putting together cunning, well thought out arguments...and get ignored.
        I hate that so much. Really irritates me sometimes with my parents regarding what I do on my computer. Though I tend not to show it.


        • I'm angry cause someone backed into me the other day. Turns out, he called his insurance and told them I ran into HIM. The damage to my car makes it rather obvious that this was not the case. I have three witnesses, you claim to have one. A parking attendant...when there wasn't an attendant in sight.

          You fail sir, have a nice day. Wanker.


          • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
            I get that feeling sometimes. I spend time putting together cunning, well thought out arguments...and get ignored.
            I'm not ignoring you, darkmoon!

            Originally posted by YamiYumes View Post
            I'm angry cause someone backed into me the other day. Turns out, he called his insurance and told them I ran into HIM. The damage to my car makes it rather obvious that this was not the case. I have three witnesses, you claim to have one. A parking attendant...when there wasn't an attendant in sight.

            You fail sir, have a nice day. Wanker.
            You'd think with all the messed up people I've had to deal with this wouldn't disturb me. I still get annoyed when someone who knows they're guilty, feels no qualms at all pushing the blame over to an innocent person. That kind of person can hide anywhere and be anybody.
            Last edited by The_15th; 10-28-2009, 05:39 PM.


            • Originally posted by The_15th View Post
              You'd think with all the messed up people I've had to deal with this wouldn't disturb me. I still get annoyed when someone who knows they're guilty, feels no qualms at all pushing the blame over to an innocent person. That kind of person can hide anywhere and be anybody.
              No joke. Thankfully my father called and had words with the guy who originally called us. The insurance agent's exact words were,
              "Yeah, uh...your car was in an accident with my client, and he has a parking attendant who can verify it was her fault. It doesn't look good to you."

              Sadly, this dumbass didn't realize my father's been chief of police for about 25 years, and can tell when a car has been backed into, as was the case for me. So he very plainly told him this, and also advised him it's not very professional to attempt and use scare tactics to have someone back out of a claim.

              Then he got connected to a claim's specialist, who agreed and apologized for the man's behavior. All I have to do at this point is take my car into an automotive tech and have them give me an estimate which they'll send to his insurance...He's paying for it, and I also get a rental car for the time that they'll be working on the car.

              What a fucking twatwaffle, though. UUUUURGH.


              • Heh-heh... Twatwaffle...


                • im so freaking pissed!!!! aparently i have a mild case of swine flu! just before Halloween!! personally i dont really feel that bad but the doctors say i might have to take that Tammi Flu im going to see the doctors at 3 where they will determine if i have swine flu or not (personally i dont believe it is)


                  • Originally posted by I_Am_Nemesis View Post
                    im so freaking pissed!!!! aparently i have a mild case of swine flu! just before Halloween!! personally i dont really feel that bad but the doctors say i might have to take that Tammi Flu im going to see the doctors at 3 where they will determine if i have swine flu or not (personally i dont believe it is)

                    I hope everything turns out alright! I'm sure if it was swine flu you'd be feeling a lot worse than you are right now. It's affecting people our age the most and killing people our age. I got my vaccine last week since I go to school at the hospital and we get all the special vaccines first. I've researched this flu a lot and I'm pretty sure you don't have it.


                    • No way am I taking that vaccine after I've heard of the side effects.


                      • Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                        I hope everything turns out alright! I'm sure if it was swine flu you'd be feeling a lot worse than you are right now. It's affecting people our age the most and killing people our age. I got my vaccine last week since I go to school at the hospital and we get all the special vaccines first. I've researched this flu a lot and I'm pretty sure you don't have it.
                        Thank you and yea to be honest i really dont think that i have it. im going to the doctors soon and im relatively sure that they will say i havnt got it im also feeling a lot better than i was this morning and yesterday so hopefully il be fine by tommorrow


                        • Glad to hear you're getting better. Those pigs haven't got to ya.


                          • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                            Glad to hear you're getting better. Those pigs haven't got to ya.
                            lol cheers and yep im just too healthy for those pigs to get in my system
                            The doctors have told me its just a cold and not much to worry about the only problem is that since every one has a cold at the moment there was no more paracetemol left any where so ive been having to take that soluble stuff that you mix with water and god does it taste disgusting! lol


                            • Crap, there's some serious stuff going out here and I'm coming here to whine about a stupid memory card, but I have to get the steam off... I was very happy doing a playthrough of RE-0, going fantastic, and baaaaaam. Memory card save corrupt. 3 hours of my life wasted by a cheap GC memory card. Fuck third party. I'm buying a new Nintendo memcard. I had a original nintendo white (1019 blocks) memcard with my GC and it worked like a charm...

                              "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                              • I F****** HATE DISC READ ERRORS and PS2s. Thanks to the ineptitude of the PS2, I can no longer play any of my games (or movies) for it.

                                At least I won't have to see it much longer; the Wii's coming back with me this next week in preparation for DSC.
                                A man chooses...a slave obeys.

