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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by Ray View Post
    Although my community is pretty accepting to all types of cultures, I still can't stand the fact that there are so many homophobes in my school. Yes, at my age I am still not determined about my sexuality, but I still find this wrong. Keep it to yourself, don't take it out on somebody you only ASSUME is gay. Fucktards.

    My sympathies.

    To tell you the truth, I just don't get this whole "homophobia" thing sometimes. If they (the homosexual/lesbian/etc. couples) want to be together for the rest of eternity, JUST FUCKING LET THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE NOT HURTING ANYBODY ARE THEY?!!! ... Didn't think so.
    Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 01-21-2010, 12:00 AM.


    • ^ Yeah, pretty much. I agree. And thank you for your sympathies. I actually feel sorry for the people in my school (and in the high school nearby) who are scared about coming out because people here can get pretty nasty about those topics.


      • I'm angry because this headache won't go away even after all the pain killers I've taken..


        • Gotta vent out... FUCKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY.

          I'm half-way thru replaying RE0 on hard mode. I'm going awesome, but I forget to save often, as I was doing allright and well. I go to the computer to check some stuff out and WHAM! The supply goes out. I lost 1 and half hour of progress (with good ammo and health).

          Fuck this shit. I'm really pissed off right now... I wish I had a No-Break.

          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


          • ^Well, this one time, I was playing leech hunter with my cousin and my cousin's friend at his house (we finished the game, and we just started switching the game back and forth), and, at our 97th leech, the power goes out. asdfghjkl FFFFU- Ah, what times when everybody played with a GameCube.


            • FFS G-con light gun. Why won't you work with my LCD tv. Pissed off now. Was going to run through RE survivor using the gun. FFS now I need a CRT tv. And my old one is 105miles away. ARRGGHHH!!!

              FAIL............. That means I can't play Dead Aim either. *CRIES* Least I can't play Survivor 2 (silver lining).


              • I just discovered that my Resident Evil fanfic I was writing has now has it's data corrupted (possibly caused by a recent BSOD my laptop had briefly gone through a day or so earlier), so I have to delete it and start all over again. *(sighs)*
                Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 01-22-2010, 09:20 AM.


                • Originally posted by Ray View Post
                  ^Well, this one time, I was playing leech hunter with my cousin and my cousin's friend at his house (we finished the game, and we just started switching the game back and forth), and, at our 97th leech, the power goes out. asdfghjkl FFFFU- Ah, what times when everybody played with a GameCube.
                  Ouch, sounds like the time I was on FFX doing the lightning dodging sidequest in the Thunder Plains and my PS2 shorting out on the 96th dodge :p, had to laugh at the irony though :p.

                  EDIT: Caught my first bad cold of 2010, hands shaking, can't concentrate, sore throat, nose clogged up and constant feeling like im going to barf, life is good. -_-
                  Last edited by The Dude; 01-22-2010, 11:18 AM.


                  • Well: Today was an awesome day at school. Though the thunder and rain and hail (IN SAN DIEGO!?!? WTFFF) was kind of scary (they constantly give me nightmares if they continue on to the night), the sun appeared out of nowhere, and is still out! Hooray for the first 3-hours of straight sunshine in a week! School was awesome, too. Our 'decathlon' was awesome, the advisor was being so win-like, and everybody was just being awesome! The day went so awesome, so put-together, but then...


                    I'm walking home with my friends, we're talking, chatting and stuff. The, all of a sudden this pang of sadness hits me, like the feeling when you realize that everything is all wrong. I don't even know what the fuck is wrong! I don't even know why I'm all depressed in the first place! I got all snappy, all angst-y (not the cliché teenage angst, but the huge 'fuck you' angst... I guess), and just plain out sad. So, now I'm home, still wondering why I'm even depressed in the first place.

                    God, this hasn't happened to me in such a long time (it's kind of recurring, happening ever since I was 8, but I've never told my parents), nearly 2-1/2 years, but god-DAMN. Sure, occasionally, I get all 'fuck you-like', but usually never this extremely sad. Right now, I hope it's just pubertal-hormones giving me these mood swings. Oh God, please, we don't need another depressed person in my life.
                    Last edited by Ray; 01-22-2010, 05:23 PM.


                    • I already miss you, Conan O'Brien. I don't know what the fuck I'll do on weeknights at 11:35 anymore...


                      • All of this for Jay Leno, a man not even remotely near as funny as Conan.


                        • Conan's actually, for sure, going to be gone? I mean, I like Jay, but they should have kept Conan, too. I mean, the proposed 30-minute slot for The Jay Leno Show wouldn't have been to bad, imo.


                          • Tonight was his last Tonight Show, and it was awesome. He's such a classy individual.


                            • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              Tonight was his last Tonight Show, and it was awesome. He's such a classy individual.
                              Agreed. I hope he comes back in September with a bang!


                              • ^ I just saw Conan's show. I feel sad now, I actually liked his run.

