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I'm Angry

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  • So exactly how have you survived with no food? You're only supposed to be able to go three weeks without eating. And did you make that promise to yourself? If so... stop. You're doing yourself no favors. Admirable? Maybe, but it's honestly stupid. It really doesn't prove anything, except that you're trying to kill yourself.

    Hope you get into the army though.


    • Originally posted by Beef_jerky_yo View Post
      I'm angry because I've been trying to join the army for the last 2 GD months and I keep getting delayed. I was supposed to go to MEPS a month ago, and GD paper work keeps delaying me. I hate paperwork!

      Plus I lost 40 pounds to meet regulation, and until I make it through MEPS, I can't eat any food, (because that's the promise I made) which after 2 months is starting to mess with my mind. Malnutrition and an empty stomach make learning upper division engineering hard to learn.
      Trying to lose weight the easy way? Not eating is destructive to your body. In order to lose weight you have to keep your metabolism working, you just spend more energy than you receive.

      People wont like this advice, but you can pick up smoking to reduce the desire to eat more than you need. In essence you pick up one addiction instead of another but smoking serves as a distraction to the mind, and its very effective at that. Quitting the smokes is easy if you dont do it for more than 1-2 months, at which point you quit and see if your eating habbits return, then see if you can selfregulate it. If not, you pick up smoking again and try to stay at a point where you dont cross physical addiction limit.

      But you have to excercise, work out, work out a diet and by diet people dont mean you stop eating completely.


      • thank you for the advice Canas Renvall and Member_of_STARS. I am eating food, it's just tiny amounts, well under 600 ~ 1000 a day focusing on protein and important nutrients (soy things and veggies), and I burn about 750 in the gym.

        and i really thought about taking up smoking, but I didn't want to take a chance because of asthma as a kid, but I do smoke an occasional cigar when I'd normally want a drink.
        Last edited by Beef_jerky_yo; 03-06-2010, 01:54 AM.


        • I am fracking fuming. So, I went to Darkmoon's last night. Me and Gareth got onto the 8.01am train this morning to get back, and usually it's a 15-20 minute train journey. Right, so we got on the train. Sat there for ages. Nothing. The train manager then makes an announcement that there is a problem with the line, so no trains can leave the station until it's resolved, and she'll keep us updated as she hears the news.

          So we sit there. Another 30 minutes pass....

          "Sorry for the severe delay, but we know nothing else new at this time and we will keep you updated".

          Looking at the electronic billboard thing, as we're sat there, less important trains begin to get cancelled. They couldn't cancel ours because it was en-route to London St Pancras and they can't terminate the most important route in the country.

          Another hour passes..

          The trains engines suddenly switch off. No announcements to tell us why, so we're just sat there on a train with no power.

          Another half an hour, 2 hours after the train was originally meant to leave..

          "This is the train manager speaking, this service has now been terminated. Coaches will be at the front of the station".

          So we go out to the front of the station, there's a coach there, but we get on and ask and it's to another destination from a cancelled train earlier. So me (and about 100 other passengers from 4 delayed/cancelled trains en-route to London St Pancras) wait for 15 minutes for another coach to turn up. We get onto it and no one from the station has bothered to come out to direct people onto the right coaches. Everyone gets on. A guy comes out with a speakerphone saying "This is not the coach to XXXXXXXXXXX *, it's the coach to XXXXXXXXXXX!" so we all had to get off again. Another 5 minutes, then our coach arrives. All the London passengers are then told the train manager told them the incorrect information and they had to take another route with 2 changes to get to St Pancras. All the remaining passengers en-route to my destination got on the coach, and it took us a further hour to get home, for a journey which should have been a 20 minute train journey.

          I've travelled on trains all my life, and I have never known such an utter fiasco. It's beyond me why it took the rail staff two hours to tell the passengers they wouldn't be able to leave the station and would have to lay down coaches.



          *Locations left out to protect mine and DM's privacy
          Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 03-06-2010, 06:11 AM.


          • Originally posted by Beef_jerky_yo View Post
            and i really thought about taking up smoking, but I didn't want to take a chance because of asthma as a kid, but I do smoke an occasional cigar when I'd normally want a drink.
            ASTMA IS A MYTH!!!

            No, seriously, I retract my advice, haha. Losing weight is not as easy as it looks, so I wish you look and strenght.


            • My breathing has become erratic, my leg has begun to limp again, and my health is failing. I also learned that the possibility of me having a mental disorder is rather high. Like, scary high. Huh.

              Also... tuesday. >:| I never liked tuesdays (probably because the worst shit happens coincidentally on tuesdays). Le sigh, extra homework, after school support class, the mile, doing announcements alone (FUCK YOU DARCIE D<), English class, History class, not being able to attend the decathlon I've tried so hard to attend practices for.

              And sometimes, when I'm at the decathlon, they call me retarded or useless (I get ONE question wrong, and I'm useless? Pshhht). I generally shrug it off, but it always hurts.

              Being discriminated by homophobic students hurts, too. Sure, I shrug it off, too, but I still die a little bit inside after every insult. I know it's not good to take such insults to heart, but it's hard not to.

              Oh fuck, my breathing. >.< I swear to God, I feel like cutting my damn throat open. Fuuuuck.

              *enough with the bitching, on with your homework, teenager!*

              And that's why I'm angry!


              • Well I am cheesed off. Because I have been without 1 housemate for 2 months and another for a month my gas bill share will be around £150 odd. Fucking great. Then I have a bloody TV license renewal coming up as well. Argh.


                • I'm more depressed than angry but as far as I know there's no "I'm depressed" thread so this will have to do.

                  So my midterm grades came back. I had 1 A, 3 C's, and a D. Now, being that I'm someone quite used to getting all A's and B's, you can imagine this is quite the shock. Even worse is that I have to get my grades up enough to total a 3.0 GPA or I lose my scholarship. And it feels like there's no way to do that.

                  It's not like I don't do assignments either-I do every bit of homework either early or on time and very rarely do I not do it at all. I haven't missed a day of school (bar 1 where I was sick) since the third week. I pay attention as best I can.

                  But you know what really leaves me feeling gutted? The fact that that 1 sick day my BIOL teacher decided to lump three assignments into one day (one of which was worth a hefty thirty points) and when I asked if I could make them up she told me that since it was already passed back (assigned on Friday, returned on Monday, btw, so it's not like I got a chance to actually do it) I couldn't make it up. That's BS, IMO.

                  My other classes are fairly understandable (ECON and Programming have been rather tough to comprehend at some points), but there's also ENGL, where a C-grade doesn't even seem plausible. I never once got something back that appeared to be graded badly and unless my first paper was just that damn terrible (and I don't think it was based on the source material I wrote about) there's just no real justification for it.

                  I'm really doubtful that I'll be able to pull through and get my grades up. God, I do not want to work at McDonald's/Tyson/Wal-mart the rest of my life...
                  A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                  • God, I do not want to work at McDonald's/Tyson/Wal-mart the rest of my life...
                    Grades aren't the be all and end all of getting a job. Confidence and Personality count as well. Also working hard and getting along with your lecturers helps too when it comes for a reference. My first Job, as an IT technician, I was up against 5 other people from my Computing course that had better grades than me and a bunch of other people with experience yet I trumped them all for the position. As long as you keep working at your course. you'll be fine. Just don't settle into coasting, thats one sure fire way of ending up with a menial job.
                    Last edited by Enrico Marini; 03-13-2010, 05:18 AM.


                    • I'm angry because my COUGH IS LIKE MY EVIL SOAP OPERA TWIN, always coming back. >.<


                      • I feel your pain. Also, my hideously abused lungs.


                        • I'm a bit upset that all the vet's offices close at noon on Saturday and dont open at all on Sunday. One of my cats is ill...and I'm starting to get worried about him. Usually he's very peppy and frisky, but he's been very lazy, hardly drinking, and his eyes are glazed over a bit.
                          Are you tired, Rebecca?


                          • A bit of angry, but more sad. AND kind of empty...Sad music isn't helping.

                            I don't know, just...when you have unresolved issues between someone, and you both know it but kind of avoid the subject, then when you both finally talk about it, it feels relieving but....The whole issue is brought up again in the first place, and you know the truth know, and it all hurts, but it's not as if the person is cruel, and they may feel sorry...

                            I can't explain this without going into detail...I just feel bamboozled right now, my emotions are all mixed up and I feel ready to explode.


                            • I hate my neigbor so EFFING MUCH. I think I'm gonna keep renting here past my moving out so as to blast metal 24/7. IDK how the hell she pays rent. I got flexible hours, so I tried switching to a schedule that I end the day at 16h00 instead of 19h thinking I was going to get 3 hours of FUing SILENCE and she is IN HER FFFFFIN KITCHEN!!! @ 16h30-17h 18h-22h What should I do short of murder? She is up at 2AM and she is in her kitchen at 7AM too. Sometimes it's 18h til midnight.. One of those times, at 12h30, I started yelling at the wall STOP! STOP! TAKE YOUR CRAZY PILLS!!! and she's like "what's your problem?" and she keeps doing her dishes AT MIDNIGHT AND A HALF. In the morning she comes and laughs at me like I was a little kid and she's like:"Why did you get so mad? I was cooking my supper".

                              And this is ALL WEEK LONG.

                              EDIT!!! She was nicely reasonable last night, and this seems to be getting under control since I complained to the landlord!!!! :] So happy!!!
                              Last edited by The_15th; 03-17-2010, 08:45 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                                Grades aren't the be all and end all of getting a job. Confidence and Personality count as well. Also working hard and getting along with your lecturers helps too when it comes for a reference. My first Job, as an IT technician, I was up against 5 other people from my Computing course that had better grades than me and a bunch of other people with experience yet I trumped them all for the position. As long as you keep working at your course. you'll be fine. Just don't settle into coasting, thats one sure fire way of ending up with a menial job.
                                My concern with the grades stems primarily from the fact that if I don't get my GPA up to 3.0, I'll lose my scholarship. That is not a good thing and is very detrimental to my future career opportunities. A degree means a hell of a lot more than a high school diploma.
                                Last edited by DarkMemories; 03-16-2010, 09:12 PM.
                                A man chooses...a slave obeys.

