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I'm Angry

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  • I' angry because such a slight nuisance (burned the tip of my tongue) became such a bitch. Every time I move my tongue, scrape over it with my teeth, roll it over, fold it, or even talk, it hurts. D: Such a mean thing. There goes fellatio (kidding, kidding).


    • Originally posted by Ray View Post
      There goes fellatio (kidding, kidding).

      Just kidding

      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


      • ^ bahahahaha

        I'm angry because, since I live in the South-Western Pacific Coast, the place is practically a fornication and bodily fluid filled puddle for college students (it's Spring Break, so yeah). I personally have nothing against college students (lol, both of my sisters are college students), but the ones that usually come here are the complete stereotype of the partying college student. It's evil. They're loud, obnoxious, and roam around the WHOLE DAMN COUNTY shouting shit. Fff, last year, I was slightly harassed by a group of them drunk young'ns on my way home from my friend's. I was glad I vented by socking one in the face. Such a shame, he was kinda hot, too (but he was probably straight, so ewww). And I hate socking hot guys in the face. But, if it has to come to that, it's time Falcon Punch some bitches.

        Haha, and that's why I'm angry.

        Oh shit, my tongue is still sore from that burn. Still no fellatio. Darn labbit. ;D


        • I'm angry because construction work is currently going on at my school. The two entranced are blocked off and I spent ten minutes walking around, trying to figure out how the hell I was supposed to leave. Eventually I found a gate was open, but I had to walk around half the school just to get to it. Not pleased.


          • ^ Ooh, sounds tedious. Construction is going on at my school, too (loud as a motherfucking fucker!), but I'm glad our school only has one entrance. Oh well. Hopefully, you'll get used to the routes needed to be taken.
            Last edited by Ray; 03-22-2010, 11:16 PM.


            • I'm pissed off at everything right now. Like literally I feel the damn adrenaline pulsing through me. I wanna rip someone's fucking head off right about now. I can't even go into details without getting pissed off. FUCK


              • Logged into WoW this morning to be booted out of my account, logging in on my brothers laptop using his ID I realised that someone had hacked into my account and was in the process of stripping and selling off all my gear from 2 lv 80 characters, one lv 71 and my bank character who had at least 3000g in my bank.

                I changed the password and alerted customer services but frankly I doubt anything will be done.


                • I'm angry as I've had a Headache for 2 days now. Pain killers don't seem to want to work and sitting in a darkened room doing nothing seems to quell it a bit but thats so boring. Then there was the matter of my kitchen. Full of dirty dishes and plates, none of which were mine and everyone left for Easter break, three weeks of leaving them there to rot. So I had to clean them.

                  Logged into WoW this morning to be booted out of my account, logging in on my brothers laptop using his ID I realised that someone had hacked into my account and was in the process of stripping and selling off all my gear from 2 lv 80 characters, one lv 71 and my bank character who had at least 3000g in my bank.

                  I changed the password and alerted customer services but frankly I doubt anything will be done.
                  Thats not good. Half the reason why I don't play official MMO's any more because of the theft level. Hope they track them down.
                  Last edited by Enrico Marini; 03-28-2010, 10:00 AM.


                  • My moms boyfriend is pissing me off. He thinks I need to tell him everything and what Im doing. I can't walk around the house with my shoes on and I can't spend my own money with out him bitching. This guy is the most racist asshole homophobe hypocrite I've ever met in my life. FUCK YOU RICH!
                    Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 03-28-2010, 08:04 PM.


                    • Tell him to fuck off. He's not your Dad.


                      • I'm upset in general...My mom just had a surgery and is having random bouts of EXTREME pain every so often...My mom is so strong, I've never seen her cry over physical pain, it's disheatening. There's nothing I can do either.


                        • Ahhh trust issues fail.

                          Now I remember why ex-gf's MUST remain ex-gf's. It turns out I was number 3 of 3 in her list of current simultaneous dating. Ahhh I feel so stupid, not by emotional reasons, but for the time and money spent that's going to waste.

                          If you'll excuse me, I'll go kill zombies to vent off.
                          Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 04-03-2010, 03:51 AM.

                          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                          • So me and some of my friends are cooperating with each other to finish our Spring Break English assignment homework (which is, surprisingly, a lot of homework). One of them is continuously yelling at me because I wasn't able to send her the work I should have completed (she and the other ones have already finished, I'm just really, really slow). It's probably nothing, but it sort of hurts me. I honestly didn't do anything, and yet she still yells at me. D:

                            I'm also angry because yogurt makes my tummy hurt. D:
                            Last edited by Ray; 04-05-2010, 12:51 AM.


                            • The past few days, I've gotten only about 4-6 hours of sleep because of English homework. ENGLISH HOMEWORK, of all things! Even when I try to sleep, I can't. Jesus shit-fucking Christ, grammar is a pain in the ass. It keeps me awake until midnight usually, and about once or twice, until 2. My body has become... evil... not working properly (I've vomiting a lot lately, hopefully not from lack of sleep or some stupid hit I'm thinking about; though, it has a tad bit of blood, so maybe it's from something else). This is so not normal for Middle School English homework. Not. Fair. D:< I should be doing it now, but I'm trying to stall as much as possible (hence my posts the last few hours, ha). Goddammit, my fingers are bruised from the pencil I've been writing with, and have become so bruised or weak or some shit that it began to bleed. Ugh. I need to vent. I am seriously becoming (metaphorically) suicidal; on the verge of becoming demented and thrashing and breaking a glass pane in dramatic fashion shit. Coffee so doesn't help. But it does keep me awake. Back to homework. *sigh*

                              And that's why I'm angry.



                              • I'm angry because I had been asking my guild for a specific instance run for weeks, and I sign in today to see that the ENTIRE guild is running said instance. Without telling me. Even though two of said guildmates have me on their AIM and could full well have IMed me to let me know what was going on.


