My queen didn't make it to Fashion Week in Project Runway. ;_; I knew he wasn't the best...but he was fabulous. He did win two of the best challenges though. That makes me slightly happier.
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I'm Angry
I said one fucking thing about Justin Bieber because the little pre-pubescent bitch was on Jimmy Fallon, and I'm currently getting ASSAULTED by legions of 12-year-old girls on Twitter. It's actually really funny, but I've been getting harassed for like a half hour now.
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostI said one fucking thing about Justin Bieber because the little pre-pubescent bitch was on Jimmy Fallon, and I'm currently getting ASSAULTED by legions of 12-year-old girls on Twitter. It's actually really funny, but I've been getting harassed for like a half hour now.
^ Agreed. I want to see this so much, also.
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostI said one fucking thing about Justin Bieber because the little pre-pubescent bitch was on Jimmy Fallon, and I'm currently getting ASSAULTED by legions of 12-year-old girls on Twitter. It's actually really funny, but I've been getting harassed for like a half hour now.
JUSTIN BIEBER, WAIT FOR ME! I'M ONLY A FEW YEARS BEHIND! WAIIT!!!Last edited by Ray; 04-09-2010, 01:30 AM.
I'm really fucking angry, a few months ago a defenseless three-legged Old English Sheepdog (the same breed as my dogs, I specialize in this breed as I've grown up with them) was murdered by burglars.
A week before Linus Larabie Holderman Warner was murdered in cold blood, a Pitbull was beaten to death in another burglary in South Bend, Indiana.
Linus was trained to take toys over to people if they were angry, his owners called it the "Play, not Hate" idea - the breed is also not aggressive (although they do make good guard dogs, the training Linus had ruled that out), they just flop down onto the floor and expect to be given a pat.
He had taken over a couple of toys to the bastards and they shot him, dragged him into the kitchen and covered him with blankets to muffle his yelps, whines of pain.
They only stole about $350 worth of money and goods and left him there and when the Warners' got back home, there was a trail of blood and they found their beloved dog in the kitchen.
These fuckers still haven't come forward, and there's a fund as well as people raising awareness of the matter. It absolutely sickens me that the family have had to put up a $3000 dollar reward for information/witness and/or names of Linus' killers.
This really fucking pisses me off, with the amount of animal cruelty I've seen - not to mention this is something that strikes a chord with me, when my first Old English Sheepdog (also known as Old English Bobtail) was extremely ill (incurable, cancer and other health problems) - my fucking bastard neighbors had also been attempting to POISON HIM WHILST THEY CAME INTO OUR YARD TO TRY AND BREAK IN AND STEAL STUFF.
I swear, I hope these fucking bastards get what's coming to them. Absolutely no fucking need for it.
Link to Facebook - "Linus" page (kept up-to-date by his owners).
I'm sorry, but this tears me really fucking up. Absolutely no goddamn need for this absolute bullshit!
Last edited by Enetirnel; 04-10-2010, 03:24 PM.
Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post*snip*Last edited by BadWolfX; 04-11-2010, 07:20 AM.
Originally posted by BadWolfX View PostI've always found animal cruelty to be amazingly sick and that's increased ten fold since I've gotten my own dog. Reading that almost had my in tears. What the hell?! I mean, how could somebody do that to anything?!
It really upsets me that nobody has come forward with any sort of information, it really fucking disgusts and enrages me to what they did to poor Linus.
I've spoken with the family, and they're not giving up - people are actually visiting from other countries to try and help them with the hunt as well.
I just wish that these bastards get what is really coming to them after that atrocious act.
It makes me absolutely sick and nearly brings me to tears as well, each time I hear about them trying to find the bastards.
I think I'm just about ready to pop. I just enrolled myself for another two months of Nursing summer classes, and well I'm not really very keen on being a nurse, much more with trying to get along with the people in my class. I was thinking of shifting to Architecture next semester (I'm pretty good at drawing), but I don't think my parents want me to. In fact, me and my mom just had a fight about it and she was pulling the "Oh you don't know what your dad has gone through in order to pay for the bills blah blah blah" card again, complete with the teary eyes and all that conscience bothering crap. Now, I know that she does have a point and all, and my dad really is working hard in order to pay for all our needs, but I think that if I were to actually have to finish nursing in this shit dump place called the (insert the name of the university I go to name here) College of Nursing, I might just shoot myself in the head.
Oh, and I'm going to emphasize that I'm mostly friendless in class (they're all mostly backstabbing bitches anyway, or so I think), though I do have (decent, trustable, wholesome) friends outside of class. So honestly I don't know if I'm the problem or if they're the problem. I am so depressed right now. /sighLast edited by biohazard_star; 04-14-2010, 06:34 AM.Seibu teh geimu?
A friend's dog is going to be put down just because they don't have the money to bail him out of the pound. Note, he wasn't being bad, he was just accidently let out by someone else and was caught. Their money is already tight, and stuff like this isn't fair. Especially since they get paid about three days after his execution, and would be able to pay off any extra days, so instead of just putting it off and being paid back in full, THEY WON'T WAIT. Fucking evil. ;~;Last edited by Inferno04; 04-14-2010, 07:30 PM.
I'm angry at all the stupid reality shows that are on tv now. The worst show out right now is Jersey Shore. The only thing these air heads want is their 15 minutes of fame. I mean seriously if you want to get into HollyWood earn it. Don't ride the band wagon like Heidi and Spencer do. These people are a disgrace to society. All these retarded reality shows are taking away from real actors who can act and who don't have stupid catfights over boys. Whatever happened to music on MTV? Seriously, these broadcasting companies need to come up with some real shows. Not these bogus reality shows.
Originally posted by Jill's Pills View PostI'm angry at all the stupid reality shows that are on tv now. The worst show out right now is Jersey Shore. The only thing these air heads want is their 15 minutes of fame. I mean seriously if you want to get into HollyWood earn it. Don't ride the band wagon like Heidi and Spencer do. These people are a disgrace to society. All these retarded reality shows are taking away from real actors who can act and who don't have stupid catfights over boys. Whatever happened to music on MTV? Seriously, these broadcasting companies need to come up with some real shows. Not these bogus reality shows.
I can't stand these much either, but apparently most Americans love a good ol' cat fight and as long as said fights are raking in the dough...
I'm afraid we're stuck in for the long haul ladies and gents.
I'm angry because some monster ass creepo recognized me when I was out today, thought it was apparently okay to come hug me, proceed to waste my time for a half hour when I was trying to get home to study, and finally KISSED ME. On the forehead, granted, but STILL.
You're like. 18 years older than me. I am NOT going to sleep with you, nor am I REMOTELY interested in you. DIAF PLX.
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostNow that is just sad.
Now I'm angry for different reasons. :/
Seriously, jealous girls need to be slapped. STFU, I knew him before you did, and I'm to going to 'steal him away,' he may just have ALREADY liked me more than you because you're a nagging bitch. Don't call me a fat harlot then whine about your body issues to him. Don't try to keep him from talking to me just because YOU'RE insecure. Take a chill pill woman.
Gooood I hate girls like this.Last edited by Inferno04; 04-15-2010, 08:53 PM.
I'm sad because being gay at school has gotten me some unwanted attention. I mean, yeah, I'm in middle school, and I can't ever really be entirely sure around my age, but homophobia itself (not just to me, but it in general) still makes me mad. Oh hell no bitch, I swear, if I hear fag one more time I will over-9000 some motherfuckers face back to their mother's womb. With a wooden broom. Oh fuck yeah.
Unleash the power, angry hormones! BYAH!!!!
edit: stumbled upon this-
Breaking news, political news, and investigative news reporting from Raw Story's team of journalists and prize-winning investigators.
lol? I mean, yeah, personal opinion and shit, but FUCK YOU.
rage unleashed!
Last edited by Ray; 04-16-2010, 01:46 AM.