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I'm Angry

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  • That's good advice, Alexia.

    Oh, and I just found out the live action Akira film is supposed to be PG-13, which is very irritating since the content in the manga WAS explicit enough to warrant an R rating for its anime adaptation, and to remove such things feels like it'll just be another part that won't do justice to the live action film when it comes out.

    I mean, how exactly is the mutation sequence towards the end supposed to be PG-13? I have a feeling it's going to fail on the level of Dragonball: Evolution.



      I was just watching Fairy Tail on one piece of bleach, and I got banned randomly...this is so did i ever do all I did was watch Fairy Tail???? Whenever I go there it says THIS ACCOUNT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED...WTF I didn't even have an account..
      "Movies don't make psychos, movies make psychos more creative!" Billy Loomis


      • I'm Angry because I bought All Points Bulletin. What makes me angry, even though my PC doesn't quite meet the minimum requirements the sodding game won't run. It auto quits if it considers your pc to be inadequate. Thats a bloody Joke. My pc is above and beyond the necessary requirements all but the 7800 geforce,I'm running a 6800 which there wasn't an overly big power gain between the two cards from what I recall.

        I would have respected the game if it sodding tried to run but suffered a frame rate drop but the inability to start it? Bloody assholes.


        • You know what, nevermind. >< I'm better.
          Last edited by Inferno04; 07-24-2010, 12:55 PM.


          • So my friend Matt texts me at 2AM and I'm tired after playing hours on end with Roesy and he ask me to come out because he just got done with a show (he's in a metal band) and so I get up and dressed and move around for a little bit to wake up and I go to Mcdonalds to get a smoothy (no homo, those things are amazing) and I finally get out to where he lives (its a 45 minute drive) and I go in and him and a few of his friends Tyler,Billy,Vinny and Curtis are hanging out together on a couch in the small room listening to music and Curtis says "I can't believe Tyler never listened to One from Metallica" and Matt says "well Tyler doesn't like Metallica" so I say "well if theres one song from Metallica he's heard is Master of Puppets, but I don't care for that song really" and Matt just goes off the deep end saying shit like "you don't like that song because everyone likes it, you like pussy shit that no one really likes" so I just shut up for a bit because he ALWAYS has to be fucking right, you can't argue with this guy at all.

            So then he puts on some shitty thrash metal band were the lead singer isn't even singing he's just talking and he sounds like hes using a fucking shitty computer headset for PC games and everyone in the room besides him and me (I kept quiet) said they don't like it so Matt says "fuck you guys" and left the room, which he's done before and he'll usually come in around like 5 minutes later but this time we heard a door slam so we figured he went out for a smoke but we look and he just left. I asked whats up his ass and Tyler and Curtis said "he's been acting like this for fucking days and we're sick of it, he goes off for no reason or just because we don't like his music" which is pretty much hypocritical for him because he gives me so much shit for liking Tool,APC and NIN which he classifies as "shit music".

            After talking to Tyler and Curtis for a little bit I found out that Matt is almost out of his mom's life insurance (he's had it since February when my dad and his mom passed away on the same day but he got his money right off the bat since he was 18, mines in a trust fund) and he's fucking upset because he's a fucking idiot snorting coke for the past month now and because he's been doing that he fucked up his chances with this stripper he likes (he texted her at like 7:30AM while he was coked out talking about getting a fucking drag racing truck). I mean yeah I've spent money on stupid shit but fucking seriously dude, get your fucking shit straight. When in our 10 year friendship did you just decided to throw your fucking life away and start snorting coke and Advil pills dude. You're becoming something I fucking despise.

            And the bad thing is, is that if I said this to him I'd be the bad guy here not him. It's gonna take him to hit rock bottom for him to realize he's fucked up big time and as a really good friend and not to sound like a massive dick but you need to hit bottom.

            text messages

            Me: What happened with you?
            Matt: I left
            Me: Yeah I know, why?
            Matt: Because I fucking felt like it
            Me: Dude, I'm asking a fucking simple question and you're acting like a fucking bitch who started his period you need to fucking cool down. Get back to me when you changed your tampon.

            Obviously no reply.


            • His terrible attitude can be totally explained by the cocaine use, man. It's notorious for causing pretty rampant hostility. I had someone close to me get hooked and he did a complete 180 from a decent human being who I actually looked up to to a raging jackass I couldn't stand the sight of would do anything for a fix. I completely cut him out of my life. It was extremely difficult to do, but it absolutely had to be done.

              Now, I'm not saying that's what you should or will do, but I can almost guarantee you the time will come when you have to choose between him and your own well-being. It's happened with everyone I've ever known who has had substance abuse problems. It's a really shitty thing (especially with someone you've known for so long) but like you said, they have to hit rock bottom. Sadly, that sometimes means losing them... sometimes for good.

              I wish you the absolute best of luck.


              • Im angry with myself for the fact that...Im a fucking lazy bastard....and its actually hard to do anything about it...I don't know its hard to explain....I have like only 5 to 7 frigging friends because I treat those around me generally like shit unless I actually was acting nice at the time..and i don't want to act like that but I can't FUCKING DO anything about it..I honestly think it has something to do with AD HD because I never acted like this before.......MY LIFE SUCKS BALLS.

                Im in my room which is literlly my house within my house most of the day. I act without thinking to the point where its like instinct....I don't know what to do.....
                Last edited by Ghostface; 07-27-2010, 12:34 AM.
                "Movies don't make psychos, movies make psychos more creative!" Billy Loomis


                • I'm not angry at myself because im not lazy and i am very pro-active haha.

                  Though I am only pissed i had to work an extra 4hrs at work because of the stupid system running the conveyors fucked and delayed our work.


                  • I'm a little angry at MMO players who love to forget that there are such things as tactics and the lag factor so when you easily whoop them, they start bitching in global chat about how I'm using hacks.

                    Basically I was playing All Points Bulletin, which I'm normally the one to die constantly. But this guy I was pitted against just sucked. Could have been the lag difference with me getting priority but he then goes and slanders me in the global chat saying I used aim bots, map hacks. FFS, don't use the same entry points and stand still when shooting. Don't blindly run into rooms. Never leave your rear exposed. Always pay attention to the map for blips. Gah, just makes me angry. If he isn't happy with the aiming, he should of done what I did. Serverly nuke the mouse sensitivity in the options.

                    Just angers the blood because it makes you think how many players have decided to avoid you.


                    • Test

                      Seems the topic was a bit bugged for a sec.
                      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 07-28-2010, 06:37 AM.


                      • July 2010 can go fuck itself in the ass. Please be better to my family and I, August.


                        • Gah, I'm annoyed that life just isn't moving fast enough for me. I've been trying (sort of) to get a new job for a few weeks now, and pretty much the only thing that is standing in my way is a finished resume. I pretty much just have to get a few more corrections smoothed out and then hand it over to my contact. It's just that when I get home from the boring job I'm in now, I don't really want to do anything. The only thing really standing in my way is myself; I realize this...

                          And then today, my car decides to just crap out on me while I'm on the way to said boring job. It turned right back on, but it was just a nerve-racking experience for me.

                          I also thought getting a computer without a disc drive wouldn't really be an issue, but here lately, I've really been wishing I had one. I realize you can buy an external one that just hooks into a USB port, but alas, I do not feel like spending the dollarinos on that yet. Must...Get...GFX...Program...On...New...Computer! I really have been wanting to play around with my Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9. Its an old program, but I still love it!



                          • I remember this AA signature... I remember it well.

                            My laptop crapped out 3 weeks ago, a faulty inverter. I cant play SC2, all my music is there and it doesnt have a VGA output so I cant even go full econ-mode with an external monitor. On the flipside, I finally got some new job offers but they depend on people other than myself and this is almost never a good thing.


                            • It's just that when I get home from the boring job I'm in now, I don't really want to do anything. The only thing really standing in my way is myself; I realize this...
                              I can really empathise with this. I'm learning to drive, but I'm really struggling with the theoretical bit. When I get home from work, I really don't have the energy to start learning driving stuff, then I get frustrated when I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. I can't just pack it in learning it either because my grandma spent money on the lessons.

                              I've also injured my left hand/wrist somehow and I think it might have been yesterday when I was carrying a heavy box for some heavily pregnant lady at work.


                              • Red Ring of Death. Irritation is mine. Onwards, to 360 # 3.

