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I'm Angry

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  • I was gonna make a joke about how many hot lesbian girls you made out with...but damn. That does not sound like a good night. Well, no. A good night with a crappy end and the morning from hell.


    • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      I was gonna make a joke about how many hot lesbian girls you made out with...but damn. That does not sound like a good night. Well, no. A good night with a crappy end and the morning from hell.
      Yeah pretty much haha. I go to Pride events as a fag hag though, cos I've got a lot of gay friends and I want to show my support, and have a great time to boot. I was suprised at how many kids were there. Even the thought of alcohol or paella now makes me gag.

      When I was stood outside the pub waiting for a taxi, I was so drunk I didn't even realise why everyone was staring at me. My mum told me a few hours later when I was sober enough to talk/think that I'd come out of the taxi with it being blatantly obvious I'd peed myself (was wearing light coloured jeans), and I was panicking asking where my phone was and I had it in my hand.
      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 09-05-2010, 04:45 AM.


      • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
        What's the law like about insurance in Mexico? In the UK you have to have insurance to drive the car.
        Well, supposedly you have to get insurance to drive here too, however, like most mexican laws, nobody gives a crap about them. To be honest, I would like to be insured, but that would cost me A LOT of money, because of my age (23)... I am not careless when driving, so I thought I really didn't need insurance. Good side is that I got the dent fixed, the guy actually paid me to the last cent (it wasn't expensive, like $80 USD/£50) so I guess I'm a lucky bastard

        Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
        I have the worst hangover ever. I went to Gay Pride yesterday to show my support (will upload photos sometime, have some great pics, one with two drag queens), and there was a tent for a Spanish restaurant in town called La Tasca. I'd already drank a fair bit before I even went to Pride (a pitcher of Sangria, 2 vodka shots, smirnoff ice), and I couldn't pull myself away from this tent. Because we were joking around with the guys at the stand and kept buying it, he was giving us these massive glasses (easily equivalent to a pitcher) for £3. They were supposed to be at least £9, and if you go to the restaurant, £15. So we just drank Sangria for hours (proper Sangria, very high red wine and barcadi content), until I was absolutely shitfaced and could hardly stand up. After dancing for another hour or so (I was going to leave but that guy who used to be in Phixx came on and started doing Lady GaGa so I couldn't leave with GaGa on), I walked across the park to a pub across the road, bursting for a pee. The gents loos were clearly highlighted but the ladies weren't, so I was frantically searching for the ladies loos. By the time I found them, it was too late and I had already peed myself. I then went home and vomited 4 times.

        Since then, I've drank about 3L of water and I've hardly even had to go pee, which shows how dehydrated I must have been. I woke up 3 hours ago with an absolutely banging headache. I never normally drink and this has definitely put me off it in future.

        Never be tempted by cheap Sangria.
        Now that's a wild night! Combine several types of drinks = EPIC HANGOVER.

        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


        • I remember my experience with homemade, gallon-jug Sangria...quite an obstacle course, that fence-heavy upstate NY campus.


          • My cat is peeing in the house again...Were running out of time and options. My parents, my mom in particular, is just getting fed up and she said she'd take him back to the shelter if we couldn't stop it. But we can't fucking FORCE IT, her terrifying him everytime he does it isn't helping. I'm trying as hard as I can, doing all the research I can...

            We know exactly what the fucking problem is, my grandparents and their stupid mutts were in the house for a long period of time. This happened before the last time they visited. They can't discipline their fucking dogs so my cats ended up terrified and confused most of the time.

            I'm at the end of my rope, I'm getting sick of there always being something going wrong. This family can never not have somehing bad happen. I can't lose Evinrude, I lost Jenny back in June...


            • I'm angry, just recently found out my mum has throat cancer.

              The slightest thing has me raging.

              Everyone keeps saying its not so bad with today's medical advances and that she'll be ok, thing is my grandmother (my mum's mum.) recently died from the same thing and I'm only hearing it like a replay and I can tell my dad is (obviously) not taking it too well either.

              Sorry, just need to rage dump and this seems the appropriate thread.
              Finally playing 1.5. Woo-Hoo!!!



              • Originally posted by Enigma_632 View Post
                I'm angry, just recently found out my mum has throat cancer.

                The slightest thing has me raging.

                Everyone keeps saying its not so bad with today's medical advances and that she'll be ok, thing is my grandmother (my mum's mum.) recently died from the same thing and I'm only hearing it like a replay and I can tell my dad is (obviously) not taking it too well either.

                Sorry, just need to rage dump and this seems the appropriate thread.
                That sucks man I know how it feels to have a parent diagnosed with cancer.

                Its not the fact that we have the "medical advances" is the fact that she was diagnosed with it. I guess some people just don't understand.


                • Originally posted by Enigma_632 View Post
                  I'm angry, just recently found out my mum has throat cancer.

                  The slightest thing has me raging.

                  Everyone keeps saying its not so bad with today's medical advances and that she'll be ok, thing is my grandmother (my mum's mum.) recently died from the same thing and I'm only hearing it like a replay and I can tell my dad is (obviously) not taking it too well either.

                  Sorry, just need to rage dump and this seems the appropriate thread.
                  I can relate too. I lost my mom because of cancer. I was very young (like 2 y.o.), but still it had a great impact in my life. All I can do is give you my best wishes for your mother and your family. In times like this you need to be strong and if you need to take that crap out of your system, do it.

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • Thanks for listening nemesiswontdie and Beanovsky Durst, I just feel so f****n useless, not being able to help.

                    My mum (and Dad) has always been there for me and now I can't do nothing to help.

                    Just I don't know, sorry for clogging the boards.
                    Finally playing 1.5. Woo-Hoo!!!



                    • No need to be sorry, you're expressing emotions which is relevant to the thread.
                      Best wishes for you dude, I can't begin to comprehend how horrible it must feel.
                      All I can say is I hope the best. <3


                      • I just feel so useless and its really eating at me.

                        After all my mum and dad have for me and I can't do anything for them.

                        If I hear someone else talk about 'medical advances', f*** it doesn't matter.
                        Last edited by Enigma_632; 09-07-2010, 11:31 PM.
                        Finally playing 1.5. Woo-Hoo!!!



                        • You may not be able to do much directly yet, but you'll be able to help a lot during there treatment. My brother had throat cancer (and then bowel cancer...lucky guy) and his girlfriend felt the same way. But once you start treatment, as I'm sure you know, you get a lot weaker and more tired. That's when she came into her own.


                          • Bah, I'm frustrated about a few things...

                            Is it just me, or do people in the Resident Evil 5 Versus really SUCK or are really GOOD? Its like there is really no in between. I, myself, seem to lean more towards the sucking side mainly because I have trouble finding people that have good connections, so it is constantly glitching for me. I'm awesome with Mercenaries/Mercenaries Reunion. And I get so freaking tired of joining a game and then people booting you out three seconds after you've been there. I'm not a Wesker spammer, and I do have all the main game trophies...So really? Booting me. If you want to play with your stupid little friends, make it a private session so I can actually find people to play with. I like the idea of Slayers; I think its pretty cool to see who can kill the most crap in an alloted time, but I am seriously beyond pissed with people coming into Slayers to play SURVIVORS! If you want to shoot other players PLAY SURVIVORS! BAH! I just need to face it: Versus sucks. About 1 in 10 games is with actual good people who play the game for what it is. Meh.

                            Another thing I'm tired of is my job. You people who are in school/college...Enjoy that because I have a feeling that you, like me, will face the same issue of not getting a job suited to your education right away. I know I'll get something better if I just keep filling out the applications and expanding my network. I understand some things you just have to be patient for, but I am so tired of working in the retail environment. I see retail as only a small step above the food industry in the way people treat you. I feel like customers act like morons and douches just because they know they can because they know you really can't do anything about it. And it really doesn't help much when you have a boss that decides to seldomly work, and when he does he doesn't really do too much. Then to make the situation even better, I have to answer to our district manager as to where our general manager is. This is not part of my job. My job is not to keep complete tabs on my boss.

                            I know this is going to sound extremely emo, but sometimes you just wake up and really hate the world for what it really seems like it is.


                            I'm actually in cohoots with a lady that is trying to set me up with a job in which I would be working for Elizabeth Colbert-Busch...For those of you who are familar with Stephen Colbert, this is his sister.

                            Okay, I'm done my venting.



                            • Only a minor one, but this annoys me that they've got this statue of Hewie at the entrance room... Photo of it taken by Seiko Kobuchi.
                              But they released barely any merchandise in regards to Demento (or even Clock Tower 3 for that matter).

                              *Sighs* Such a shame, but by god I fucking would love to have that statue to add to the collection! *Eye twitching*

                              Anyway. A proper rant would be a whole traineeship thing, I got it. I ended up being told I'd be the receptionist and that was the end of discussion, with me being expected to spend $70 per week in transport and the like at already minimum wage (due to it being a traineeship) more or less as I'm still currently living with my parents who upon finding this out and the go-between more or less making ridiculous excuses for it - left a nice little phone call which was more or less summed up in "Get fucked." so. Now I have to go on the job hunt again and find one that won't bullshit me or screw me around into having a false-sale on the job more or less. >:|
                              Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-09-2010, 10:44 AM.
                              Non-blurry Signature Version
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                              • The incompetence of some forums' so called 'admins' boggles my mind. It really does. This is why you can't have nice things internet, your forums are ruled by people who abuse their powers, make assumptions about lurkers, and have no common sense.

                                They seem to think they deserve respect...even if they ATTACK you for merely stating your opinion on something, not directed at them whatsoever. Admins need to be mature and reasonable, not given their status based only on being the bff of the founders. "I'm dependable" my ass.

                                In thinking this, it makes me so glad to have the admins and mods for THIA as we do. You guys are always very reasonable, and very nice, you give us no REASON to snap at you.
                                Last edited by Inferno04; 11-11-2010, 11:49 AM.

