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I'm Angry

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  • I can't stand my father. I really can't. I'm in the midst of job hunting and unknown to me, McD's holds your application for six months. (Yes I'm desperate) so I try to call in about it but not only if my phone getting fuzzy, but I can't understand a WORD the person is saying. I didn't even hear them announce that I was talking to McD's. It sounded like he was speaking Spanish, or at least extremely accented. I asked for a manager but still couldn't understand. I tried to say I would call back later when my phone wasn't messing up, and hung up. My dad FLIES OFF THE HANDLE at me and starts screaming like the manchild he is. He says me not understanding was just an excuse and I was 'giving up.' He's fullblown screaming at me and not listening to you know, logic. And after I got fed up and gave him the silent treatment, all he did before he left was insult me about it.

    I'm getting so fucking sick of this. I'm stuck living with people who I can't stand anymore, I want to get out, I want a job, I'm willing to do ANYTHING, I'm willing to work, but I'm still stuck.


    • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
      I'm getting so fucking sick of this. I'm stuck living with people who I can't stand anymore, I want to get out, I want a job, I'm willing to do ANYTHING, I'm willing to work, but I'm still stuck.
      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
      See you in hell.


      • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
        Note: I'm not 15.

        Note #2: You're not funny. That joke is old. Use Hollywood Undead or Hawthorne Heights next time.

        Or for extra lolz,
        Last edited by Inferno04; 02-07-2011, 02:55 PM.


        • The choice of song is irrelevant actually and not the crux of my post, what mattered was the point I wanted to bring across. Majority of posts in this thread are people complaining about the most trivial things, usually but not limited to the "I hate my parents" routine or the perennial favourite, "my gf left me ;_;"

          Sounds to me like your father wants you to succeed and get out there to do something with yourself, which is what any parent worth his/her salt would be doing too. Granted he may have overreacted but it's frustrating when you only want what's best for your children, hell they've scrounged off you long enough, it's time for them to give something back and enter society and the working world.

          I think that some of you need to stop and have a good, long think about things before you make a post ranting about it. Just think, look on it from a different perspective and try and see how others might view it as opposed to going in with just your own viewpoint.

          Hell, a friend of mine who went through a miscarriage and lost her baby doesn't whine as much as some of you, and the problems that are bitched about are of very little significance comparatively speaking - but alas, I've been told that to some, a break up can feel like a death if they haven't gone through a personal loss in their lives yet.
          Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 02-07-2011, 04:56 PM.
          See you in hell.


          • In fairness, posting about this sorta thing on the net is a good way of coping with the everyday stress of life. It's a way of letting out a lot of negative feelings without it being, say, a screaming match with a loved one. It's a coping device, same as rambling in a journal or having a bitch with friends is. Plus, it's what's this topic was for. The very first post is all about issues on e-bay, after all.


            • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
              Majority of posts in this thread are people complaining about the most trivial things, usually but not limited to the "I hate my parents" routine or the perennial favourite, "my gf left me ;_;"

              I think that some of you need to stop and have a good, long think about things before you make a post ranting about it. Just think, look on it from a different perspective and try and see how others might view it as opposed to going in with just your own viewpoint.
              I think you totally missed the point of this thread.

              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Plus, it's what's this topic was for. The very first post is all about issues on e-bay, after all.
              Darkmoon beat me to it.
              Last edited by Trent; 02-07-2011, 05:37 PM.
              Freedom of Information.


              • Originally posted by Trent View Post
                I think you totally missed the point of this thread.
                I agree with Trent. I do not come to this thread expecting to be coddled and supported. It's a place to vent. I expect to be able to rant frustrations without being judged, mocked for my problems, or have them compared to those of others. Try to make me out to be a spoiled child all you want, but you don't know my parents, you don't know me, and you don't know the situation I'm in. :/ If you actually read my post you'd know I'm EAGER to work, I'm doing all I can, and he isn't helping matters in the slightest.


                • I've never agreed with this thread, I did and still do consider it a bad idea.

                  Originally posted by Trent View Post
                  I think you totally missed the point of this thread.
                  I will remember this defiance, Trent! Hahaha.
                  Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 02-07-2011, 05:47 PM.
                  See you in hell.


                  • I'm angry that you feel that way Spencer.


                    • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                      I'm angry that you feel that way Spencer.
                      I'm angry you did that and it isn't even Opposite Day!
                      Non-blurry Signature Version
                      Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                      • R.I.P my Bunny, called "Bunny". 2006-2011. He's just disappeared, without a trace.


                        • I'm so sorry Alexia! D= Are you sure you won't be able to find him?


                          • He's returned now We looked everywhere for him last night and he was gone, then at 8am this morning he found his way back to our garden all scared and timid but not injured. We've looked after him and put him back in his hutch now.


                            • The world's first chained up bunny. Well, since Bugs...

                              Glad to hear you found him though. I was terrified someone was going to make a rabbit stew joke.


                              • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                                He's returned now We looked everywhere for him last night and he was gone, then at 8am this morning he found his way back to our garden all scared and timid but not injured. We've looked after him and put him back in his hutch now.
                                At first I didn't see your previous post and thought this was about Gareth ... I think it was right about when the word hutch popped up that I realized I might have been wrong

