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I'm Angry

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  • Thats pretty bad, glad when I worked part time for Iceland *supermarket chain in England* that I never got into a position of power where I would have to do something like that.
    Although I have some very whacked out stories about working there, for some reason most of them involved fecal matter :S


    • Could write a book about it but i won't cause i have 3 days off now and i am gonna spend them good and without calls i hope. Daytime i won't even answer.


      • Enjoy your time off then :p


        • Thanks i will


          • According to my friends, I'm a selfish prick, and they're probably right. -_-
            Since I got this Godforsaken MSN, I hardly get off of it because I like talking to my friends, well when I tell them my parents won't let me have a Laptop on and a PS3 on, I naturally wanna play a game SINCE I HAVN'T IN A LONG TIME.
            They say I'd rather play games than talk to friends, half the bloody convo's I have with them die in a matter of minutes because we have crap to talk about.

            Well guess what happened today?
            I havn't seen Silent Hill in over a year, and after listening to music again, I had an urge to watch it again, well the same thing happened, I can't keep my laptop on and DVD on because my Dad won't let me, my best friend tells me to never speak to her again, because I wanted to watch a film I hadn't, in a year, when I speak to her, every fucking day, about nothing.
            And now my friends hate me because Im selfish, yay, whats the point in buying fucking games if you can never playe them?

            And now I'm convinced I'm an asshole. Fucking great day. -_-

            P.S. Excuse my langauge, I'm very upset.
            Last edited by Gradon; 07-27-2008, 04:04 PM.


            • Sounds like she's the asshole


              • I don't know why she acted like that, I even asked her to come to mine before, but she declined.
                I'm just so annoyed at the fact she can't respect I wanted to watch a film.
                And bloody hell, I hardly even WATCH films, the last film I actually saw was Ratatouille, when that first came out.
                I nearly see her everyday aswell, and we're in summer vacation, I've been going out the house and hanging around with her for a whole week.
                Just upset at her. -_-


                • rewak is so right! I don't spend all my time at the pc. There are other things to do besides chatting on msn. Don't get me wrong cause sometimes it is good to talk to your friends but everybody needs some time to do things he/she enjoys. What if she or one of your other friends wanna do something? Do they stay online to spend time with you or do they do what they wanted to do...


                  • I spent alot of time on the PC in the past year slobbing about due to either work, time off online talking to friends and my now ex girlfriend *long distance*, depression during the time I was sick, or just cause I have nothing to do where I Life and my friends are all around England *and Ireland*.
                    Basically it got me pretty sick, giving me all kinds of health and posture problems, worse of all being a bruised Coxxix bone/tailbone due to bad posture and seat, which will no doubt take months to fully heal so the doctor says -_-

                    Been trying to get up to more active stuff *more gym/martial arts classes along with training for any kind of active job or possible military service*, but whenever I sit down, BANG all the pains are back, but theres not much I can do about it :p


                    • I just got a call from her saying she's still talking to me, what the fuck? o.O
                      Ah well.

                      Dude, hows a posture affect your spinal area?
                      Have you tried getting a confier "seat"? Maybe that'll make you more relaxed?
                      Whatever you do, don't strain the pain.
                      I'm sorry; just get confy and rest.


                      • I got a better chair, but franky the previous desk chair I had we *as int he family* had it for well over a decade *bad I know* so the base had completely worn down to the wooden hardboard* so naturally sitting there for ages with no activity would damage the tailbone, then again no matter how good a seat is sitting for too long is bad.
                        Damage is already done anyway, just have to rest up but its hard to rest as it'd mean sitting on my arse for weeks on end when I have to keep working on my general fitness.


                        • maybe she likes you gradon, or wants attention?
                          Last edited by SinValentine; 07-27-2008, 09:17 PM.


                          • Originally posted by SinValentine View Post
                            maybe she likes you gradon, or wants attention?
                            I like you. And I love bananas.


                            • some love from jill's boob, would that make this a lesbian moment


                              • I am already there.

