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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by alexdz View Post
    Just saw I didn't pass in a class at college, now I'll have to do it again next year. Because one question I didn't get right in the last test, one freaking question, godamnit!
    Doesn't matter if it's just one question or ten, you still failed! Alex, you could of revised more and done harder (be honest). Apply yourself more and you'll be the top of your class. Doing it again in a year could be a good thing for you in the long run, look at what you've got on the table with the career you wish to try for.


    • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
      Doesn't matter if it's just one question or ten, you still failed! Alex, you could of revised more and done harder (be honest). Apply yourself more and you'll be the top of your class. Doing it again in a year could be a good thing for you in the long run, look at what you've got on the table with the career you wish to try for.
      Yeah, I know that, just makes it worse though, I was too lazy. And I have to pay 100 bucks more because of it.


      • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
        Doesn't matter if it's just one question or ten, you still failed! Alex, you could of revised more and done harder (be honest). Apply yourself more and you'll be the top of your class. Doing it again in a year could be a good thing for you in the long run, look at what you've got on the table with the career you wish to try for.
        Pretty condescending attitude, don't you think?
        See you in hell.


        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
          Pretty condescending attitude, don't you think?
          Don't mean it by that, if that's what you thinking. I had to retake my Maths exam ages ago since I know I could of done better (got a C and wanted a B in my GCSE). A lot of people would rather want an honest response on feedback that he could of done a lot better if he used his full potential than being light-heated on such manners because these are important things in life, it's an effective use of montivating yourself. I was thankful to my mum and some teachers in my secondary school in some situations because of me being laid back and I'm greatful for where I am now because of it. That's life I'm afraid at the end of the day and I've got nothing but gratitute to some of the best teachers I could of had because of it.

          Didn't you get honest feedback or support from your teachers or family at school to improve yourself on areas because of not working hard enough?
          Last edited by Zombie Fred; 07-03-2011, 01:52 PM.


          • The only feedback I get is people telling me to study harder. It's not a big deal it's just really annoying having to do everything all over again while having to worry with next year's stuff and having to pay for it.

            And my teacher at procedural labor law (not sure that's the right term for it in english), the class I failed at, is really bad, she had the most boring class I've had this semester.


            • I never used my GCSEs for anything, don't even know where they are. But yes you are right, you should apply yourself, not to school work though, to your own passions/obsessions, that's how you really get somewhere.. Like those guys who work at IBM etc who broke into the computer lab on the school holidays or programmed on paper..


              • So I started a new job as a security guard looking after a worksite and the boss who is from another part of the country and lives nowhere near me or the job was texting me refusing to answer his phone to tell me details about the job and has been asking for my bank details by email and over the phone. Never having met the guy or barley even spoken to him I refused. After the past 2 days of him changing my hours of work at least 6 times I finally had my hours of work which I couldnt agree to. The boss decided to change the hours to more convineant hours for me and we agreed on 6 am to 6pm. I went to work at 6am and when I got there eventually I was told I shouldnt be there. I phoned the boss and he said he told me 6 pm to 6 am which is bullshit because I have the texts on my phone. He refused to pay me for the days work and told me I had to work the original rotar which I told him I couldnt agree to. He refuses to admit we agreed on my hours and says I misunderstood him when the text couldnt be any more clear. It was all just one big mess. When I arrived at work this morning the workers were locked out of the site and I had to let them in with the key. If I wasnt meant to work today how was the workers supposed to get in??? Anyway I refuse to work for a company like that, the most disorganised waste of time job ever.

                I think that the boss messed up because he said to me it was a 24 hour protection job so someone had to be constantly watching the site. Then the site worker told me I dont need to be there when they are in work I should come in after. He had taken on 3 security guards including myself so god knows what their hours are if im there from 6 pm to 6 am mon to fri. One of them could be doing weekends but what is the other guard doing? Theres no hours left unless they are sharing 1 day each on the weekend. Anyway I'm pissed now because I'm broke having spent my money on petrol to get back and forth to work and he refuses to pay me for the days work.


                • If you've got the texts that clearly say that time then you can actually sue him/claim your money back for going against some of the regulations that have been put in place for that.


                  • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                    If you've got the texts that clearly say that time then you can actually sue him/claim your money back for going against some of the regulations that have been put in place for that.
                    As long as I get paid I will leave it at that but if he continues to blank me and refuses to aknowledge that I should be paid then yeah I will take it further. He said he would phone me back in 1 hour at 10 am this morning, its now half 2 and no reply. This guy is rubbish. Think I will put in a complaint to the company.


                    • Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
                      As long as I get paid I will leave it at that but if he continues to blank me and refuses to aknowledge that I should be paid then yeah I will take it further. He said he would phone me back in 1 hour at 10 am this morning, its now half 2 and no reply. This guy is rubbish. Think I will put in a complaint to the company.
                      Do it, complain to the company of what he's doing and that you will take further action if nothing is done about this.


                      • Not so much angry but amazed, my internet is acting up again. Phoned up my ISP, this will be the third time they have sent out an engineer to fix the fault.
                        See you in hell.


                        • Apologies for the double post, I received a text from my ISP about half an hour ago:

                          Hi There, You recently called us and booked a technician due to a problem with your Virgin Media Services. We have identified an issue in your area which is affecting your services. Your technician has been cancelled and we aim to have your services restored as soon as possible. Virgin Media
                          Internet is working for now but I don't know whether it's a temporarily thing or if they've fixed the problem, I'm going to fire up TF2 and see what happens.
                          Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 07-04-2011, 10:48 AM.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                            Do it, complain to the company of what he's doing and that you will take further action if nothing is done about this.
                            I gave him a chance today big time, he said he would phone me at 10 am and he never did so I phoned around 4 pm and he was practially begging me to work tonight but I told him no because I havent had any sleep because I was up at 6 am and there is no way I am doing a night shift (12 hours) tonight, also I have a job interview tomorow morning and I am not missing that because he needs me to work one night. He then got really abusive saying its my fault and I got him into this mess and should help him out lol. He said I wil sort your pay out later and will phone you back. Its now 6 pm and nothing. He is really pissing me off. I am phoning the company tomorow and going above him.


                            • Shouldn't be hard going above an asshole.


                              • Fan-fucking-tastic.

                                I bought the Parasite Eve, Parasite Eve 2 and Z.O.E. Dolores i: Original Score Vol.1 and guess what?

                                They arrived today ALL FUCKING BOOTLEGS. FML.

                                I'm going to have to open this shit and put up details on VGMDB so other people don't get this shit.

                                Pissed off because I check all of the stuff I purchase thoroughly and all of the details matched up with the official releases including photos on request that hadn't come from VGMDB or any of the Z.O.E. fan-sites.

                                So, that's it. Sticking to importing from Japan from now on, they haven't let me down yet.
                                Last edited by Enetirnel; 07-05-2011, 01:12 AM.
                                Non-blurry Signature Version
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