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I'm Angry

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  • I'm friends with two of my exes. Went to one's wedding a year or two ago.

    It can be done.


    • I'm on good terms with all my exes. Don't talk to them all, only about one, but I guess things are more complicated with you because you were doing the whole "friends with benefits" thing. The lines of what is/not acceptable with that can be much blurrier.


      • It wasn't really with benefits lol we still cared about each other a certain amount. We were good until I told her that I started liking a girl
        "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


        • No wonder. She probably still liked you, and now she jelly.


          • yea i don't think it's fair that she tried to claim me basically like i was her "property". She left me with no choice but to move on and I did.
            "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


            • Today I had to question my ability to do absolutely anything when I was instructed to walk on a non-slip surface as it was raining and the rest of the bridge was slippery...

              I managed to slip anyway. On my arse. In front of manly, blokey builder-type men. Who laughed... Understandably.

              I'm not actually angry, perhaps even slightly amused. Until I realise that I should probably have just been smothered at birth.


              • Yer Ok WSC. This crap happens to us all


                • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                  Yer Ok WSC. This crap happens to us all
                  Thanks, now I can't even convince myself that I'm retarded enough to be considered special. HAH! XD


                  • Look on the bright side (I say that a lot) I tend to fall over on most surfaces. Such is life.


                    • Originally posted by WeskerSexyCheez View Post
                      Thanks, now I can't even convince myself that I'm retarded enough to be considered special. HAH! XD
                      This you in the middle WSC?


                      • Essentially. Except dressed classily.


                        • So, my internet connection decided it'd fuck up again all day... it's finally working now and then I manage to check my e-mail to find I've more or less been spammed with shit again.

                          Not really angry, but I'm a bit fed up with getting messages like "I'm doing X series, I want you to audition!!!" and they rattle off a list of characters.

                          I respond back and then they go "Oh, well I already asked someone to do them. But there's other ones!!!"

                          Like what ones? And if you already made a request, then WHY THE FUCK DO YOU STILL MESSAGE PEOPLE OVER IT WITHOUT HAVING A VA CONFIRMED?!

                          Seriously, I'm not a fucking mind-reader as to what shit they've got going on in it and they mention "lines from the script" but also FAIL TO INCLUDE SAID EXAMPLE LINES.

                          Like how the fuck can you be so thick as to not be able to sort out a casting call properly FFS?

                          Or hey, I just loooove those messages when I'm in the middle of a game or have just gotten to sleep at three a.m. before I have to get up for work at 5:30, only to be woken up with weird requests like "Well I didn't cast you but I need a random voice done, record Princess Peach for me now kthxbai" and being expected to whip out my mic and record, also record lines whilst being ill in the past couple of weeks despite that the script STILL isn't done for things and I doubt it will end up being done at this rate overall.

                          And funnily enough, I don't even know how Peach sounds (never played any of the other Mario games than the original ones sooooo). Then the following response is "Sound English.", "I'm Australian and you already thought I was British.", "Oh. My bad maaaannnn".

                          *Banging head on keyboard*

                          I swear, the sheer amount of stupid lately is killing me.
                          Last edited by Enetirnel; 08-16-2011, 05:46 AM.
                          Non-blurry Signature Version
                          Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                          • My god customers are dumb fucking idiots. I had to have a 15 minute debate with some old fuck because she didn't understand 2 key points about the products she wanted to purchase.

                            1. We have a type of pie made by a company called Fray Bentos. Now, we have 2 sizes. 425g and 475g. The 475g is currently on offer, so it's like £1.09 instead of £2.39 or something. The 425g is £2.29, it's not on offer. This idiot didn't understand a 50g difference does in fact modify the item beyond my capabilities of selling it to her on the offer price. Nor did she like me pointing out that the size difference is the only reason I'm refusing, not because I'm "biased" towards old people. (Her words.)

                            She then went on to complain about a packet of ham, which is £1.44 and has a sticker on it saying half price. She wanted it for half price and didn't understand that it already IS half price. Cue me explaining that the discount is already processed before we even receive the product in our store, so she would usually pay £2.88. Cue more arguing, until I just told her I'm not paid enough to deal with brick walls, and called my supervisor, who explained the same things I did to her. She argued on and on, claimed I had been terribly rude, etc etc. She left without buying anything, eventually.

                            2. Still at work, a woman asked me where we kept our milk. I politely explained that it's in the fridge labeled "milk" on the right-hand side of the main aisle. Apparently I was being rude by saying milk is in the milk fridge, because "If I knew where the fridge was I wouldn't fucking need to ask for it."

                            Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the most recognisable part of this particular fridge is the giant signs all over it saying MILK MILK MILK. Forgive me for using the part that stands out the most in my description of where to find it. Bitch.

                            Also, one of our freezers at the back of the store is broken. We keep frozen curries and meals in it, and it won't turn on no matter what we do. This happened sometime last night, so much of today was spent cleaning leaked-out curry off the sides of the freezer/the floor/the walls, somehow. No bueno.


                            • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
                              So, my internet connection decided it'd fuck up again all day... it's finally working now and then I manage to check my e-mail to find I've more or less been spammed with shit again.

                              Not really angry, but I'm a bit fed up with getting messages like "I'm doing X series, I want you to audition!!!" and they rattle off a list of characters.

                              I respond back and then they go "Oh, well I already asked someone to do them. But there's other ones!!!"

                              Like what ones? And if you already made a request, then WHY THE FUCK DO YOU STILL MESSAGE PEOPLE OVER IT WITHOUT HAVING A VA CONFIRMED?!

                              Seriously, I'm not a fucking mind-reader as to what shit they've got going on in it and they mention "lines from the script" but also FAIL TO INCLUDE SAID EXAMPLE LINES.

                              Like how the fuck can you be so thick as to not be able to sort out a casting call properly FFS?

                              Or hey, I just loooove those messages when I'm in the middle of a game or have just gotten to sleep at three a.m. before I have to get up for work at 5:30, only to be woken up with weird requests like "Well I didn't cast you but I need a random voice done, record Princess Peach for me now kthxbai" and being expected to whip out my mic and record, also record lines whilst being ill in the past couple of weeks despite that the script STILL isn't done for things and I doubt it will end up being done at this rate overall.

                              And funnily enough, I don't even know how Peach sounds (never played any of the other Mario games than the original ones sooooo). Then the following response is "Sound English.", "I'm Australian and you already thought I was British.", "Oh. My bad maaaannnn".

                              *Banging head on keyboard*

                              I swear, the sheer amount of stupid lately is killing me.
                              Huh, I had no idea there was a VA here...You a Voice acting alliance member by any chance?


                              • Summoner, I hate when that happens too. I love it when a customer is looking at something or standing right in front of it with all of the signage extremely visiable and clearly marking it out and they're all "Duuhhhhh where's the [item]???". It's like, you can't be seriously THAT dumb to realize you've been staring at the chips, standing in front of it for TWENTY MINUTES and you still haven't worked out where they are.

                                Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                                Huh, I had no idea there was a VA here...You a Voice acting alliance member by any chance?
                                I'm on VA Alliance and the Voice Acting Club. Smiley on here is also one, REmaster does some too.

                                And an update on the random message, this is another person that expects me to record at ridiculous hours again.
                                Last edited by Enetirnel; 08-16-2011, 06:03 PM.
                                Non-blurry Signature Version
                                Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)

