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I'm Angry

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  • I'm not so much angry as I am annoyed: For some reason my internet just started running extremely slow after a Windows update, and also turned on a light on my computer which I never noticed before. The hardrive activity light (the three discs on top of each other) now bounces between orange and blue. It used to only show blue when there was activity, but now, it stays orange and bounces to blue when there is activity. According to a lot of sites I visited, it means my notebook went into so sort of auto-protect mode because it sensed movement. Does this never turn off? It has been orange/blue since the update...Perhaps the update made this a permanent feature. Fine, whatever, I can deal with a light flickering colors.

    The internet...Oh, dear Satan, the internet decided that it no longer liked more than one page open, and frequently locked up whenever I went to YouTube. If the internet locked up, it in turn caused the rest of the computer to lock up, and usually took around 2 minutes to fix itself. Control+Alt+Delete did nothing during this period; I was pretty much at the mercy of the computer fixing the internal processes. Annoyga.

    So I updated my video/graphics card, Internet Explorer, Java...And pretty much everything else I could find that was out of date a bit. Hopefully, this will work because I'm pretty much out of ideas on what to try. A lot of sites said it could be spyware/malware of some type causing the internet/YouTube lag, but Malwarebytes pulled up nothing...My Symantec/Norton actually seems to block anything and everything it deems unsafe.

    I'm really thinking it was an out of date browser as being the issue as even now it feels like webpages are not having any lag...Perhaps and out-of-date browser conflicting with a Service Pack update...

    Microsoft annoys me.


    • So sick of so many PC gamers being elitist fucks and so many console gamers having wars over which one is the best. I was under the impression that so long as one enjoys gaming in general, it shouldn't matter. I certainly don't care what you use... Unless you're an asshole about it. In which case I say good day to you. I really hate it when people lose sight of the important things and take stuff like games too seriously. IT IS MEANT TO BE FUN.


      • Warhammer has taught me many things, including that for some people to have fun others must feel bad.

        These people are pricks.


        • This is why I have the best of both worlds, a PC and all three consoles. [/snobby rich white boy attitude]

          Nah, but seriously, I agree. I love all the consoles for their strengths. I love the PC for its strengths too.

          Also, something I noticed. L4D2 Vs. on 360? Fun. On PC? Elitist central. I can't really comprehend how something like a PC automatically makes these guys have a bigger schlong than everyone else. It really is annoying.


          • i hate going to school with a bunch of dicks that can't keep there mouth's shut fuck them all they can suck a dick and go die fucking bastard's hate them all but lol dot50cal
            the death cannot die....



            • What about Dot50Cal?

              GAME are unreliable tosspots. They sent me an e-mail on Monday to say my order had been dispatched, and gave me a ParcelForce tracking number. On the site, the tracking number wouldn't work so I sent ParcelForce an e-mail yesterday asking for an ETA. Got an e-mail back today saying according to them, GAME have never dispatched the order and it hasn't been collected by them, and if GAME say it has, it must have gotten lost. I've always used GAME before for pre-orders on big titles because they've been reliable and I've recieved them early, but I've sent them an angry e-mail saying I want to know what is going on, and if this is how they treat customers who spend £90 on their site then I'll cancel my other pre-orders. Sure, it'll be a little more hassle not getting games delivered to my door, but I can still get them early and get the big editions without going to GAME and it'll mean I support independent retailers.

              Lucky Gareth already did so I've been playing it since yesterday afternoon. Great game, much prefer the action route to stealth though. Never really enjoy stealth, but I love hiding behind corners and head-shotting people, then occasionally running up to someone and stabbing them with my arm blades. I'm like that Jensen in the trailer, breaking people's necks spinning their heads round, punching through walls snapping their necks, stabbing them etc.
              Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 08-25-2011, 03:23 PM.


              • Originally posted by WeskerSexyCheez View Post
                So sick of so many PC gamers being elitist fucks and so many console gamers having wars over which one is the best. I was under the impression that so long as one enjoys gaming in general, it shouldn't matter. I certainly don't care what you use... Unless you're an asshole about it. In which case I say good day to you. I really hate it when people lose sight of the important things and take stuff like games too seriously. IT IS MEANT TO BE FUN.
                It's because you can't raise or lower settings, customize, mod on a console game to suite your needs without reverse engineering the whole game and breaking some laws along the way, they make next to no effort / alloances to engage with console game modding communities. For example we created GSM for the PS2 because it doesn't have display settings, you lower the resolution the higher framerate, the same with filters.
                A console is just that a standalone console designed for one purpose gaming, with no bs os in the backgound hogging ram, but now people want it to everything social networking, music, films etc
                I long for a return to discless instant boot gaming, N64, Mega Drive but they continue pushing with this disc space retardation, the next systems will use HVD or VMD with even more scratch happyness :-( believe it or not, a few years back some guys wanted to go into business with me developing a multiple lazer drive.
                Last edited by kevstah2004; 08-25-2011, 10:01 PM.
                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                • I was having a nice meal and beer outside with my girlfriend around 5-6pm, beautiful, when a brawl erupted in a house nearby (not sure what it was about, they were speaking local dialect Taiwanese not Chinese Mandarin) which eventually resulted in someone going to the local fruit shop to unsheathe a huge frigging fruit knife and chase everyone down the street. Fun times!


                  • Sounds like it was a scream. *rimshot*


                    • Well this is a minor grumble that has festered in me for sometime. Ever since I moved in with my girlfriend years ago, anytime her family come over to visit they just walk right into our home like "hi, it's me". It's not like we're ever doing anything inappropriate (although what is inappropriate in your own house?) usually we're just sitting watching TV or making dinner or whatever. Which can be an inconvenience but it's just the brazen nature of it. I get that some people are like that, maybe even most but I was always taught to knock and wait for the homeowner to answer. My Gran, my parents, my best friend of 12 years I always knock but they just saunter in. Even her mother does it and it just seems i dunno . . . ignorant . . .


                      • I usually ignore the weather, and did so yesterday, when I left the house without a coat and didn't have time to go back get one. Sadly, I then wandered around in the rain for several hours, and got a cold.



                        • Originally posted by Rancid Cheese View Post
                          Well this is a minor grumble that has festered in me for sometime. Ever since I moved in with my girlfriend years ago, anytime her family come over to visit they just walk right into our home like "hi, it's me". It's not like we're ever doing anything inappropriate (although what is inappropriate in your own house?) usually we're just sitting watching TV or making dinner or whatever. Which can be an inconvenience but it's just the brazen nature of it. I get that some people are like that, maybe even most but I was always taught to knock and wait for the homeowner to answer. My Gran, my parents, my best friend of 12 years I always knock but they just saunter in. Even her mother does it and it just seems i dunno . . . ignorant . . .
                          Keep the front door locked at all times so they have to knock


                          • I've been coughing like crazy the past few days, it's been so bad that I've got a damn headache from coughing so much.


                            • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                              I usually ignore the weather, and did so yesterday, when I left the house without a coat and didn't have time to go back get one. Sadly, I then wandered around in the rain for several hours, and got a cold.

                              Are you in fact me? I did the exact same thing, and now I feel like shit. Hot lemon and meds here I come.


                              • No, I think it's clear you're really me, dreaming I'm you, whose dreaming your me. Makes sense, really. I certainly don't want to live in my skull at the moment.

