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I'm Angry

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  • A better question is, is food the right word for what McDonald's sells?
    Last edited by alexdz; 10-10-2011, 02:22 PM.


    • I was hungry and required some kind of sustenance, even if McDonalds 'food' is a lie designed to trick you into satisfying hunger when really it does anything but.
      See you in hell.


      • Had rotten insomnia last night....woke up around noon. would have been nice to have gotten some real sleep and woken up at a proper time.


        • Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
          Yeah its those bastards that killed me twice. Once by poision and the other time by one hit kill because I was on caution. I took my Bazooka and health the next time though. They were no match.
          acid rounds are the shit in CV.. against Hunters in general, for that matter..
          stand upon thy feet, thou barren sun, whose face is as the dusk..


          • I'm rather enraged over this and for a fair reason why.

            My mother is a nurse, she began working at a new place late last year/early this year and began catching the bus to her work in January this year. She hasn't had a problem, until last week.

            Some random Autistic asian kid showed up and was eying off her bag, phone and came up and when my Mother asked him to back off a little he ended up invading her personal space and started screaming "GO TOUCH YOUR PARENTS PRIVATE PARTS!!!!", to which my Mother responded with "I haven't got any parents. :/", a woman ran up and offered some help but the asian kid eventually slunk away from her so she could get the bus home.

            He hadn't been back, but he showed up again today. Mum was getting a bus ticket with nice lady from her work called Beth and the kid was standing over near a rubbish bin at the corner of the street.

            So, they're buying a bus ticket in this little shop half way down the street when he makes a beeline to my Mum and latches onto her arm and starts shaking her. Beth tries to get him off her, but Mum told her to stay out of it and she eventually got him off her.

            Now, my Mum is pretty fucking strong - I've been tackled by her and I've seen her punch people before and I know for a fact, if you piss her off enough she can give you a concussion or knock you out.

            So, she goes off to wait for the bus and he grabs a rock and throws it at her head, she ducks and runs out onto the road, nearly gets hit by a car and he then throws a fucking BRICK at my Mother's head, she dodged that too and ran out onto the island in the middle of the road.

            The guy is screaming his fucking head off, and then grabs branches off the nearby tree and starts waving them around, throwing them and everyone at the bus stop starts backing away from him.

            Mum went across the road and circled around so she could get her bus, the guy went batshit again and started latching onto the bus driver, still screaming and the bus driver had to shove him off the bus but then the guy latches onto my Mum again, the other bus driver waited as long as he could before he had to go and then left.

            Mum gets him off her again, then he latches back on when the other bus pulls up, a guy on the bus ran out and helped pull the fucking batshit asian kid off her - the asian kid had been punching, kicking, attempted to rip out her hair and tried to slam my Mother's head into the fucking nearby wall.

            And you know what the fucking kicker is?

            Mum had to call triple 0 for the police, but they can't stop him from coming to the bus stop, she can't charge him because he'd get off scot-free because he's a fucking juvenile and because he's possibly autistic and delusional.

            And you know what else? In Australia you can't carry any item for self-defence, such as a gun or even a fucking taser/stun gun type of thing without getting fined a decent amount of money or even possible minor jail time for "concealing a weapon" and shit.

            Mace doesn't work on autistic kids or crazies, I've seen someone try it and it simply made them go even more fucking batshit.

            So, they arrested the kid but they most likely aren't going to do anything. But the kid was alone, he should have had a carer or should be in a fucking special home instead of being out in fucking public when he's clearly fucking unstable.

            They dropped her off home in the police car, Mum is going to the doctor to go and get a medical certificate because she's totally covered with bruises and I had to clean her up when she got home, tried to calm her down and she's just really fucking shaken.

            She's a strong woman, so it enrages me even fucking more to see this happen to her and to see her like this.

            I'm tempted to wait for her when she finishes work and see if the asian kid attacks me, if he does then I'm all for jabbing his eyes out. I don't give a fuck if he ends up blind, but teaches that motherfucking piece of shit and his lazy fucking parents for not taking the right measure with a fucking crazy, unstable bastard left out in public.

            And I don't give a fuck if I've sworn too much or am appearing somewhat racist in this post, I really fucking don't. I'm just that fucking mad, I've already organized stuff with my Mother's work union and I'm glad to say that the second bus driver recorded the second assault and there's multiple witnesses, including the lady from Mum's work.

            Thinking about suing the negligent parents of the fucking batshit fucking kid for the unprovoked fucking attack.

            Absolutely no fucking need for it!!
            Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-11-2011, 06:28 PM.
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            • That kid sounds insane, not autistic.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                That kid sounds insane, not autistic.
                Pretty much so, but considering the slurred shit he was screaming - is why they think he might be autistic but even then, he shouldn't be outside without a carer or someone watching him as he's clearly dangerous.
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                • That's absolutely ridiculous, and I'm guessing he's gonna get away scott free?
                  So much for equality and protection rights, I never understood how anyone can just assault someone and get away like that for nothing.
                  Though, here, I've had it done with me and my boyfriend, but we got a restriction against the person, and they'd been jailed if they provoked even a word.
                  Still, it's fucking ridiculous they have done fuck all. I completely understand how you feel and your frustration - anyone would be, so no need to apologize.
                  Just corruption at its worst as usual.


                  • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
                    That's absolutely ridiculous, and I'm guessing he's gonna get away scott free?
                    So much for equality and protection rights, I never understood how anyone can just assault someone and get away like that for nothing.
                    Though, here, I've had it done with me and my boyfriend, but we got a restriction against the person, and they'd been jailed if they provoked even a word.
                    Still, it's fucking ridiculous they have done fuck all. I completely understand how you feel and your frustration - anyone would be, so no need to apologize.
                    Just corruption at its worst as usual.
                    The Senior Constable was all "Oh, it's a waste of time since he's a kid blah blah blah" whereas the male officer with her took a statement and also collected the evidence from the attack.

                    Pretty much, my Mum was lucky to have dodged that brick - considering she's usually sluggish after doing a night-shift and had it hit her in the head, it would have killed her as she also has pressure on the brain AND a goddamn thyroid condition that makes her even slower than usual.

                    She can't get a restraining order against him, because he's a kid and they can't bar him from public services either.

                    She's going to press charges, but the Senior Constable stopped giving a crap after they found out his age and the like. :/

                    She isn't aware of my Mother's medical condition, so when she calls back to confirm that Mum will press charges, is when she'll also get to hear Mum's medical records and the doctor's recommendation.

                    Made her go to the doctor as soon as my Father got out of work, he got out of the rest of his shift today because she's so shaken up.

                    Thanks Gradon, just completely enraged.

                    Because Mum doesn't feel safe, I've also had to give both of my Old English Sheepdogs the command to start guarding Mum specifically, they've both been trained to do so as we know they're highly protective of family and of their home.

                    If they hear a noise, they'll snarl and force the doors open and will attack on command if need be.

                    They already stopped an Aboriginal kid from trying to break in via our basement a while ago so I know they'll do it right.

                    Shouldn't have to fucking do this though.
                    Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-11-2011, 08:02 PM.
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                    • Fucking fantastic, to make matters worse...

                      I was talking to Smiley and was explaining what had happened when I was waiting for the Senior Constable to call back when someone starts ringing the house buzzer repeatedly.

                      Looked outside, the SC and Officer had parked out the front with the paddy wagon.

                      The SC said that the Mother of the fucking crazy retarded guy had wanted to buy Mum a bouquet of flowers. Like that's going to fucking help that he could have killed her had she not been able to dodge the fucking brick he threw at her and the SC told the batshit guy's Mother that my Mother didn't want anything to do with her.

                      And to top things off, the SC also spoke with the guy and wrote an apology letter for him and got him to sign it. I didn't read it earlier but read it just a little while ago, it makes no fucking sense.

                      He got her to write down that he was angry at someone else, SO WHY THE FUCK DO YOU ATTACK SOMEONE ELSE?!

                      Not to mention because of that, the SC also dropped the charges my Mother wanted to press simply because he's a fucking retard 17 year old apparently with the mental level of a five year old.

                      But seriously, even fucking five year old children know a basic bit of right and wrong.

                      The mother of the guy also claimed she didn't know he was catching the early bus and shit like that, but he's essentially beelined to my Mother and her friend - I had thought it was Beth from her work, but she said it was Ruth, my mistake there - she had been talking about it before she left work with Beth.

                      Anyway, I think this guy may just have an issue with white females considering the first time she saw him - last week, he was screaming obscenities at her randomly and went to have a go at her, whilst also eying off her bag and phone until a random lady jogging came over and pretty much looked like she'd beat the shit out of him was when he backed off.

                      Mum also said that he was apparently screaming stuff like "GO AND FUCK YOUR MOTHER!!! GO AND FUCK YOUR FATHER!!!! GO FUCK YOUR GRANDFATHER AND GRANDMOTHER!!!!!!" and it took the male Officer with a taser ready, the bus passenger that had pulled him off my Mother to stop him from attacking her.

                      Some dumb fucking woman had tried to calm him down and tried to make out my Mother had offended him, when she was just waiting for the fucking bus after getting a bus ticket halfway down the street, when he's spotted her, something clicked in him, he raced down the street and just starts fucking attacking her.

                      Needless to say, yeah I'm fucking pissed.

                      I know this is a double-post, but I think it's fucking bullshit. I mean, if you're a parent that is fully aware of your challenged child also being highly violent, then WHY THE FUCK DO YOU LET THEM OUT OR TRY TO INTEGRATE THEM INTO SOCIETY FUCKING ALONE?! I mean, the Mother only thought that nobody would bother her kid, but she clearly didn't think that he wouldn't fucking bother other people.

                      Dumb motherfucking c* is what I would say if I could say that word without my Mother hitting me whilst screaming not to say it.

                      To the point that the SARGENT of the station just called a moment ago to check in with my Mother and apologized that they were unable to do anything because of the guy's mental condition. I don't give a fuck about his mental condition, my Mother has to deal with ex-military, ex-police officers with severe dementia, she's had to deal with autistic and other unstable children before and does so on a daily basis but she's never been shaken up.

                      So seriously, considering she knows how to fucking deal with them - clearly shows that this guy needs to be put into the fucking local psych ward because if it is what it seems - that he has an issue with white females considering he was also trying to go after Ruth before my Mother told her to go once the police finally showed up and the jogger the week before, imagine had he fucking done it to an elderly person or even a kid?

                      There's usually kids and the like at that particular bus stop early in the morning, luckily there wasn't today because I know my Mother would have protected them or any elderly people this fucking batshit prick would have gone after too.

                      I'm tempted to wait outside her work on my days off when I finish and see if the bastard will try to attack me too, because the Sargent is having him monitored and if he did attack my Mother again then I'd like to see the fucking bastard locked in the goddamn psych ward like he fucking should be.

                      Apparent mental age of five or not, there needs to be some fucking discipline in this fucking nanny state country regardless of mental illness or not, this guy was clearly aware of what he was doing the ENTIRE TIME given what was written in the letter and what he had said to the Officer. :/

                      Had we still had gun toting laws, my Mother would have most likely killed him in self-defense without hesitation. She didn't fight back, because doing that just makes them even worse....

                      She once told me about the time she had to save a nurse that had been attacked by an old war vet that thought he had been captured and was being held in a P.O.W. camp and thought he needed to take the nurse hostage to escape, my Mother had to talk him down as the nurse had tried to fight back and he ended up finding knives and the like that he had stolen from the kitchen and hidden in his room for his "escape plan" and she had to talk him down as he was trying to strangle the poor nurse if anyone got near him and she eventually got him back to his senses and he never had an episode as bad as that afterwards.

                      So seriously, it takes a fucking lot to shake my Mother up and considering the prick was aware of it the entire time, my Mother handled him the way she's been trained and has learned over the years of being a nurse - it's clear that there's an issue there and it's not my Mother's fault but that of the guy and his Mother for not taking the proper time and fucking effort to keep an eye on him.

                      I mean, really - she works somewhere in the inner city, which would usually mean that she should have enough money to afford a carer. Sure, she may have a family too but she clearly didn't think of other people that have to encounter her fucking crazy son every fucking day and considering what he nearly did today to my Mother....

                      I just want to say, send him to a psych ward. That, or that considering this and last month there was a total failure with carers in our own social services group dealing with a young autistic boy, one of the carers was placed near a goddamn main road, they didn't pay enough attention and the boy who was known for escaping to play hide and seek ended up getting hit and killed by a car.

                      Where the FUCK is common sense nowadays? Seriously, deal with them fucking properly.

                      So, if you have no common sense - clearly don't even bother with mentally ill ones if you can't even be considerate. My Mother was considerate and shrugged off what he did last week, so his attack - he assaulted her TWICE today, left and then came back for MORE - both of which were completely fucking uncalled for... needs to be dealt with fucking properly instead of "Oh, well he is mentally retarded to possibly have the brain of a five year old and yes he does violently lash out" - I don't even need to finish that bit properly to say, WELL IF HE'S FUCKING VIOLENT, PUT HIM IN A FUCKING PSYCH WARD FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

                      And for the sake of it, I haven't got an issue with mentally challenged people. I had a couple of friends in school that were, but they were lovely people and wouldn't harm a fly. Literally, wouldn't harm anything and would refuse to play anything like dodgeball so as to make sure nobody got hurt.

                      My main issue is, that if people are fully aware that their child is prone to violent outbursts randomly, then they should be keeping an eye on them instead of letting them wander around alone to randomly attack people for no reason.

                      I'm pissed off because this isn't even being put onto a Juvie record for the guy, my Mother is worried and feels quite helpless and I've finally gotten her to have something to eat, gotten her to stop shaking and got her to finally get some well-needed rest.

                      No fucking need for it and the factor that this isn't even being put onto a record, is quite honestly a fucking joke. It's only a matter of time before it happens again regardless as to whether or not the guy's Mother thinks she can get him back into his schedule in the next two weeks, that doesn't help in the long term.

                      [Edit] And if anyone has a problem with me swearing too much or using the term 'retard' then just give me a bloody infraction.
                      Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-12-2011, 05:58 AM.
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                      • Honestly, that kid needs locked away - for his own protection as well as everyone else's. If he attacks someone with less restraint than your mother, who sounds like a saint, he'd at best get a beating and at worst not walk away from it. It's insane to have someone that mentally unable to deal with life allowed on the streets.


                        • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                          Honestly, that kid needs locked away - for his own protection as well as everyone else's. If he attacks someone with less restraint than your mother, who sounds like a saint, he'd at best get a beating and at worst not walk away from it. It's insane to have someone that mentally unable to deal with life allowed on the streets.
                          Yeah, the thing is he isn't some little looking punk either. He's this fucking tall, giant guy and my Mother is just a little bit shorter than me.

                          We're around about 150cm or so, but I know she can kick ass but considering she didn't do anything to provoke him and didn't fight back because she recognized the general mental condition he has the first time she ran into him.

                          And that's pretty much what we said earlier and the Senior Constable still didn't want to put it on a record, which is why the Sargent of the station had to call and personally apologize to my Mother and inform her that he's getting him monitored and if anything like it happens again then he'll have something done about it as it really just isn't on.

                          But again, the stupid nanny state legal system here fails to consider the general safety which is why so many kids here get away with so much shit.

                          My blood is boiling and I'm feeling extremely dizzy on top of already feeling so disgusted I've more or less vomitted... so I think I need to go and lie down now.... Mum is finally getting some rest so I can have some too.
                          Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-12-2011, 06:28 AM.
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                          • the Senior Constable still didn't want to put it on a record
                            That totally sounds like he's being paid off. Any incident should be recorded regardless of severity or whether it was prosecuted. If the kid does it again to someone else, there won't be a record that its happened before.

                            I had to report my Wing Mirror being broken, even though there was no evidence of who did it, simply so there was a record that it had happened incase it became a common place thing.

                            Hope your mother feels better soon. Pretty good of her not to react after a brick was thrown. I would have lost my rag with that and gone for his throat.


                            • Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                              That totally sounds like he's being paid off. Any incident should be recorded regardless of severity or whether it was prosecuted. If the kid does it again to someone else, there won't be a record that its happened before.

                              I had to report my Wing Mirror being broken, even though there was no evidence of who did it, simply so there was a record that it had happened incase it became a common place thing.

                              Hope your mother feels better soon. Pretty good of her not to react after a brick was thrown. I would have lost my rag with that and gone for his throat.
                              She wouldn't do it because she didn't want to do the paperwork.

                              She actually said it was a waste of time because the guy is just under the legal adult age and is Autistic so nobody would want to touch the paperwork for that.

                              Our legal system is completely ass-backwards and that's how all of the little shits get away with stuff because the "Oh, they're just a kid" card gets played and they just get told to be good and that's it.

                              Our Juvie system is practically non-existent. I've seen the Juvie court in the inner city, but I've never actually really seen anyone there in my time of having to do courier shit for a law firm or assisting my aunt at the firm she worked for in Sydney.

                              And thank you, she's just lucky and glad she was able to dodge the brick considering she gets rather slugging from being exhausted after doing a full nightshift at her work.

                              Considering she often has hydrocephalus issues, that is water building up and causing pressure she has to avoid getting any bumps on her head as to avoid a bubble of fluid or to get the pressure built up within one section of her skull away from her shunt.

                              So getting hit with a brick would have certainly killed her had it hit her in the front of her head or top part of her head as it would have also lodged the shunt in further too.

                              She's got bruising and swelling on her head from when he slammed her into the brick wall... So I have to monitor to make sure she isn't ill, because if she is then I may need to take her back to the doctor and assist in draining the fluid again, which in itself makes her sick afterwards.

                              But at the very least, I work just down the road from my house so I can run home within a few minutes should the need arise.

                              And if she had defended herself, she most likely would have been charged with assault.

                              Again, our legal system is totally ass-backwards. For example, a child is upset at school and is sobbing, a teacher can't even pat them on the arm or anything as that's considered assault. :/ Self defense against an Autistic teenager, would be considered assault and the Senior Constable stopped giving a shit when she found out it was an Autistic teenager.

                              Had I waited for Mum this morning, I probably would have ripped off a decent amount of his face with my bare hands as I'm not afraid to fight dirty when it comes down to it.

                              But thank you, she's finally resting properly. She was pretending to be asleep earlier when I checked but I can hear her snoring quietly now.

                              I just hope she doesn't sleepwalk or start talking in her sleep, she also does that and that wouldn't be good considering how upset she is.
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                              • I don't get angry that often, but what happened to this toddler in China had me crawling up the walls in a fucking rage.

                                I've previously seen a heavily censored version on the news. And didn't knew the whole story until I watched this video:

                                (warning: 18 and over only)
                                YouTube video:

                                The latest on her condition:


                                Damn those no-soul mofos that ignored that kid.
                                Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

