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I'm Angry

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  • Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious, according to Oscar Wilde.

    Watch that, since you seem so keen on posting youtube videos.
    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 10-22-2011, 08:04 PM.
    See you in hell.


    • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
      Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious, according to Oscar Wilde.
      So you would rather have everyone be like the European Commission and communist politiburo?
      Last edited by Ununoctium; 10-22-2011, 08:05 PM.
      Fission mailed.


      • Check that link I posted.
        See you in hell.


        • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
          Check that link I posted.
          I watched the video and that guy is a tool and he gives libertarians a bad name. He said himself that he wants to remove all forms of history, nationalism, pride, culture, and tradition from the world and replace it with European Union-style globalization. To which the only reply can be:
          Fission mailed.


          • We're not all like that btw. I'm in London right now, busy place but it is nice, I'm proud to be English, I don't love the Royal family but I don't hate them. On the Royal Wedding day, I was one of many Brits who were very proud of their country and celebrated.


            • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
              We're not all like that btw. I'm in London right now, busy place but it is nice, I'm proud to be English, I don't love the Royal family but I don't hate them. On the Royal Wedding day, I was one of many Brits who were very proud of their country and celebrated.
              I wish we had something like that to celibate here in the US...Stupid MTV, congress, Obama, and Hollywood in general ruin everything.

              All I can say is, I'm glad I didn't watch the video from China with the toddler getting hit by a van. I know I'd be in a rage after that don't need to put that on myself as there is already so much anger caused by a stupid selfish prick who was driving. Hes got himself a nice spot in hell though.


              • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                We're not all like that btw. I'm in London right now, busy place but it is nice, I'm proud to be English, I don't love the Royal family but I don't hate them. On the Royal Wedding day, I was one of many Brits who were very proud of their country and celebrated.
                Proud of what? I mean, you yourself didn't do anything. Neither have I. We're proud of things we haven't done, that's what nationalism is. Hell with the Royal Family, bunch of tourist magnets the lot of them.
                See you in hell.


                • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                  Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious, according to Oscar Wilde.
                  *(Francis X. Hummel elbows John Mason in the back of the head)*

                  John Mason (Sean Connery): *(grunts)* Thank you for proving my point.

                  Brig Gen. Francis X. Hummel (Ed Harris): Where are the guidance chips?


                  Hummel: *(whips out pistol)* Where are the guidance chips!?

                  Mason: I destroyed them.

                  Hummel: That was a bad move soldier.


                  ... Sorry ... I couldn't resist. The quote from Wilde reminded me of an childhood favourite action flick.
                  Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 10-23-2011, 02:57 AM.


                  • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                    Proud of what? I mean, you yourself didn't do anything. Neither have I. We're proud of things we haven't done, that's what nationalism is. Hell with the Royal Family, bunch of tourist magnets the lot of them.
                    There's no reason you can't be proud of what your nation and ancestors have achieved. You can be proud of actions other than your own, and take them as inspiration for better actions in the future.

                    Of course, I'm not especially proud to be British because of the stuff we're pulling at the moment politicians screwing over the poor in the name of cuts, but never touching the rich (which would include themselves) despite the fact it's there policies, or there predecessors, that have left us in this position but we get to suffer for there mistakes. Then we have hideously biased press, often doing illegal things to dredge up the worst possible bits of gossip to peddle, usually telling us how terrible everything is because of A) Political party they don't support B) Young people who don't buy there paper or C) random race/religion/nation/immigrants. Just peddling misery and hate to make money...there's good news in the world, but they never show that. People have to know that Paris Hilton blew some guy instead.

                    I'm proud of some of our past. I'd like to think I'll be proud of most of our future. But I'm not impressed by the present.


                    • Be proud of yourself, what you have accomplished instead of being proud of what others have done.
                      See you in hell.


                      • Oh, that I am. I'm 27 and bar two life goals I've gotten everything I want out of life. Most people can't say that.

                        The two remaining? Write and publish, and work out a way to kill people using only HTML. I'm close on the second...


                        • Your entire idea is based on utilitarian globalism. "Humans don't need to take pride in anything, especially not where they grew up or their history, so we will remove that" and so you ban nationalism and all other forms of pride. Of course you don't need to use a computer or be happy either, that is not pertinent to human survival. In fact ban everything in this world except for work, eating, and sleeping. Every human will work on a farm and create food to feed themselves and the entire planet, there isn't a need for anything else in humanity. Of course we can't have sex or procreation be legal, since it's not most utilitarian way to have kids, instead we will have test tube babies who are genetically modified to be great workers, really dumb as not to question the Great Leader (Barack Obama), and will have the same genes as everyone else. In fact let's just remove all forms of individuality from humanity, since it is not pertinent to human survival. Instead let's just have everyone look the same, work exactly as hard as everyone else, and we'll have truly achieved communism! A workers paradise, indeed.
                          Last edited by Ununoctium; 10-23-2011, 08:10 AM.
                          Fission mailed.


                          • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                            Proud of what? I mean, you yourself didn't do anything. Neither have I. We're proud of things we haven't done, that's what nationalism is.
                            Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                            Be proud of yourself, what you have accomplished instead of being proud of what others have done.
                            What others have done before you opens wide possibilities for you today, which in turn gives you the chance to do things to be proud of. If you're not proud of - or at least thankful for - the people before you, how may you be proud of anything that you do today?
                            Freedom of Information.


                            • Originally posted by Ununoctium View Post
                              Your entire idea is based on utilitarian globalism. "Humans don't need to take pride in anything, especially not where they grew up or their history, so we will remove that" and so you ban nationalism and all other forms of pride. Of course you don't need to use a computer or be happy either, that is not pertinent to human survival. In fact ban everything in this world except for work, eating, and sleeping. Every human will work on a farm and create food to feed themselves and the entire planet, there isn't a need for anything else in humanity. Of course we can't have sex or procreation be legal, since it's not most utilitarian way to have kids, instead we will have test tube babies who are genetically modified to be great workers, really dumb as not to question the Great Leader (Barack Obama), and will have the same genes as everyone else. In fact let's just remove all forms of individuality from humanity, since it is not pertinent to human survival. Instead let's just have everyone look the same, work exactly as hard as everyone else, and we'll have truly achieved communism! A workers paradise, indeed.

                              Wooooow. Way to take a simple belief and turn it into that.
                              That takes talent.

                              I rather agree with Spencer, I don't want to be lumped in with everyone else when our not-so-good moments happen. I for one wasn't jumping for joy like an idiot celebrating a death when Osama died. I found it sickening and wondered exactly how many of those drunk frat boys in the street were REALLY affected by 9/11. I was actually terrified, expecting an immediate retalitation attack. Just because someone dies doesn't mean it is over, and at that moment? I felt a little ashamed to be American.

                              These "99%" protests? Making me facepalm. I think it's fine to love your country but yeah, I am not one who claims credit for something bigger.
                              Last edited by Inferno04; 10-23-2011, 12:28 PM.


                              • An organization has a history, just as a person does. And since you are a part of that organization, why can't you be glad and/or proud of your organization's achievements? Please, answer me this Spencer. Also, do you believe that the Fourth of July should be banned? What about other holidays?
                                Last edited by Ununoctium; 10-23-2011, 02:43 PM.
                                Fission mailed.

