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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by Scream View Post
    Vista is pretty crappy for copying stuff. Whatever you do never use cut and paste from an external drive to the main drive. There's a chance you'll lose some of your stuff before its even copied over if there's an error or something..
    I know, I never do that. I copy it and I also have software to make compressed backups for the external one itself.

    The issue is, that it crashed during the restart caused by Windows Update starting up again whilst it thought that there wasn't any activity. DX It even does it on the Win7 laptops when playing a game, when it should be doing that or indexing files when the search indexer has already been disabled.

    And Inferno, regarding the haircut issue - the previous haircut I got before my most recent one cost $200 and they completely managed to fuck up my hair with it.

    At least your hair grows out, mine takes forever to regrow because it's thin too.
    Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-31-2011, 02:34 AM.
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    • Public holiday today and I've got work

      A huge long day at work like 8:30-6 with 30mins lunch if I can steal it


      • Are they paying you overtime?


        • Nope. But I get a day off in lieu between Xmas and new year. And I'll just leave early Thursday or friday to square the ledger on the late finish. Still sucks when you have to work and everyone has the day off


          • Very much so. At least extra pay helps take the edge off - I know I'd rather have the time off to be with my family, but at least with extra cash I can do something cool with them. Not even getting a bonus is harsh.


            • I'm sick and tired of always being sick and tired, as the song goes. I've got an infection in my big toe that shouldn't be an issue, but is being awkward and refusing to go away. And by infection I mean toe swollen to twice it's size, red going down my foot, toe nail peeling backwards, yellow and green pus oozing from it...etc. The pain itself isn't a big issue, unless one of my kids stands on it (and that's happened five times today) but the infection is making me feel like shit. Sore throat, tired, drained...really don't need that shit right now.

              Worse, my youngest daughter has an infection too, due to her eczema. She has it bad, and a few weeks ago it literally got infected, meaning her entire skin went red and started oozing. That's done, but scratching has causing crap to go under finger nails, which means one finger and one thumb have huge green blisters of pus underneath them. She's got some special plasters that are gently drawing the gunk out, rather than the more direct lance-and-squeeze method and some medicine to stop her feeling like crap, but she's still sad and whingy. Which is heart breaking, because before all this eczema shit she was the happiest little girl alive.

              Hopefully this specialist she's seeing soon will be able to help her.


              • Welcome to life, nothing ever goes according to plan.
                Last edited by Ununoctium; 11-06-2011, 06:25 PM.
                Fission mailed.


                • Originally posted by Ununoctium View Post
                  Welcome to the story of life, nothing ever goes according to plan.
                  Fixed. But in all non-jerkishness, do not worry. =) Things weren't going so well today, but maybe you can plan for another post-birthday meetup later. Try to think of it as just another day, you'll feel less bad.(And that's all birthdays are anyway.) Hell, I'll be ALONE on my birthday. xD


                  • Im a little upset because I was playing RE 3:NEMESIS and I forgot just how frikin' hard it is to beat Nemesis at the Clocktower (after the heli crashes) had to replay a LOT of times! That bastard! And then this one time I managed to beat him and continued playing, got to the hospital with Carlos managed to survive without using any healing items all the way to getting the vaccine ready just to have my head chopped by a frikin' hunter while waiting for the elevator to open!!! so yes, I AM upset, and wont be playing RE3 for a while now > : (


                    • This is more frustration/irritation than anger, but...

                      I have to work at Gamestop tomorrow for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launch. We have over one thousand reserves for it in our store alone... Not looking forward to it, to say the least. ...
                      Last edited by PracticalAl; 11-07-2011, 05:15 PM.


                      • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                        This is more frustration/irritation than anger, but...

                        I have to work at Gamestop tomorrow for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launch. We have over one thousand reserves for it in our store alone... Not looking forward to it, to say the least. ...
                        At least you're not working the midnight shift tonight
                        Last edited by Ununoctium; 11-07-2011, 11:22 PM.
                        Fission mailed.


                        • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
                          This is more frustration/irritation than anger, but...

                          I have to work at Gamestop tomorrow for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 launch. We have over one thousand reserves for it in our store alone... Not looking forward to it, to say the least. ...
                          Ah, that sucks. I just hope none of the shelves giveout in the stock room.

                          When I worked for EB, pretty much we had some Fifa release combined with another one or two, to the point that some bright sparks thought it would be awesome to show each other their favorite way to block someone with the ball, they slammed into the HUGE PS2 used section, took out all of the game bins, knocked the shelves off, and the games on the shelves on the other side of the wall within the stockroom went EVERYWHERE.

                          Wading around in shitloads of games isn't fun, especially when all you're hearing is essentially this non-stop "CUUUUUZZZZZ I NEEED MAH FIIIIFAAA CUZ U DO CHEAP RIIIGHT????" screamed and having customers trying to barter the price of the game with you before screaming insults or then suddenly forgetting how to speak English.

                          It's either that, or what happened in the store I was at - stupid staff showing off on the ladder that they could lean back and end up on the either side of the stockroom, often taking down entire rows or landing in the boxes of dispatched stock... leading to even more or a pain to deal with on an already frustrating release day.


                          Wish you the best of luck with it PracticalAl, I hope you don't have to put up with too much crap tomorrow.

                          And as for being angry, called to see the status of my laptop - they said they repaired the harddrive but couldn't tell me about my data because they were looking into the fan and the damage on the case caused by incorrect parts, including the entire battery pack that was shipped with my particular laptop. DX

                          I hope my files are fine because otherwise... so much work gone...
                          Last edited by Enetirnel; 11-07-2011, 11:39 PM.
                          Non-blurry Signature Version
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                          • Hooray, a virus is starting to spout in my computer. It's 2am, I'm doing all I can but I'm running on low energy, no one I can contact at this time of night and I won't be able to fix it 100% until tomorrow, and that is if at all, these stupid fake security ones are tricky to erase, they detect everything. My grandmother had a similar one on her laptop maybe a month ago and had to wipe her whole computer to get rid of it. Which is THE LAST THING I want to do to mine.


                            • And once again my little girl is on anti-biotics and steroids to combat her infected skin. Fuck.


                              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                And once again my little girl is on anti-biotics and steroids to combat her infected skin. Fuck.
                                Man, I'm truly sorry about that, may she get well soon.

