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I'm Angry

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  • I'm really, really angry at the SOPA bill. Can anyone say "1984" and "Oceania" and "Big Brother"?
    Revelations has a plot with twists everywhere. Way to go, Capcom, you successfully pulled off a mind-screw plotline.


    • Originally posted by Four Eyes View Post
      I'm really, really angry at the SOPA bill. Can anyone say "1984" and "Oceania" and "Big Brother"?
      They propose bills like that all the time, it'll never pass too many freedom loving conservatives/libertarians will vote against it. And if they don't, then the Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional since it violates the first amendment.
      Fission mailed.


      • Originally posted by Ununoctium View Post
        FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU the guy on Amazon sold me a defective copy of Metal Gear Solid. The game disk has so many scratches that it becomes unreadable within the first 5 minutes of the game. Just filed a claim with Amazon.
        Well, at least it was visibly scratched.

        Try getting sold a defective disc, that's been buffered out to absolute fucking uselessness that starts up and then locks up before you can even start the game and then getting refused a refund, so you send the disc back and the seller THEN sends you a fucking pirated one and claims that you're bullshitting them and that all of their items are original ones.

        Happened to me with one PS1 game and a GameBoy Advanced one. The official game was switched out and replaced with a fake and put back into the official box (I had requested photos from the seller).

        The GBA one wasn't even a good pirated one, doesn't even keep saved data despite there being no issue with the internal battery.


        At least you can prove it's defective if needed to provide photos to back up your claim on Amazon.
        Last edited by Enetirnel; 11-16-2011, 04:25 AM.
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        • I remember, years ago, buying a game 'new and sealed' only to find the disc scratched to hell and back. The seller's physical shop was on a train ride away and I had some business there (no one was murdered...that time) so I popped in. He was quite happy to exchange it, and explained that, yeah, sometimes he just reseals second hand copies and sells them new if they look in good shape. I pointed out the one I had bought looked like it had been used as a target for angry cats and he just shrugged.

          Less than impressed.


          • This is one of the main reasons I tend to avoid used items. Actually, the only time I buy used is if the game is out of print, and it is extremely expensive to buy an actual new copy. When I do actually break down and get new, I have to see it physically before purchasing. I know GameStop doesn't enjoy seeing me come in a purchase a used game.

            "I see you have 5 used copies based on the quantity of boxes on the shelf. May I see ALL discs and make my selection?"

            Though no matter the condition of the disc, I simply cannot buy it without the original packaging. Those handwritten covers just do not fly for me. Being OCD is annoying.

            Well, I'm a bit annoyed that the flu is going around, which leaves me completely by myself at work. It's not that I don't think I can handle it, but I am still fairly new at this job and there are a few things that I just don't know how to do yet. If I actually get a customer today, I'm basically just going to have to tell them that they need to come back Monday when the manager will be back. Having the immune system of an X-Man has its benefits, but I would rather be at home on the couch watching TV all day. I have never had the flu that I can recall...


            • I woke up this morning to find that my shower was broken. Then I found out that my uncle is in the hospital with shortness of breath, chest pain, and possibly even a broken neck.
              Last edited by Ununoctium; 11-16-2011, 01:33 PM.
              Fission mailed.


              • ...OK, I hope your Uncle is OK and all, I really do...but the fact you're using his illness or accident to yoddle your political view point is downright disturbing.


                • - I dunno. But apparently, it's not that great at the moment. America is ranked 34th in the world by the World Health Organization. Although I understand that life expectancy has been sqewed somewhat in the results by murders, car accidents, obesity figures and a few other things. So only if you had less fat people being murdered in car crashes, you guys would be A-OK.

                  Seriously, leave family and politics aside. It's freakishly creepy.


                  • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
           - I dunno. But apparently, it's not that great at the moment. America is ranked 34th in the world by the World Health Organization. Although I understand that life expectancy has been sqewed somewhat in the results by murders, car accidents, obesity figures and a few other things. So only if you had less fat people being murdered in car crashes, you guys would be A-OK.

                    Seriously, leave family and politics aside. It's freakishly creepy.
                    You can't compare extremes. While a 90 year old homeless guy in America might not be able to get the best chemotherapy in the world, the majority of Americans, the middle (and working) class do. We don't have the massive welfare state entitlement system here, though Obama is trying to implement it against the will of the American people.
                    Fission mailed.


                    • Silly me, thinking facts and figures would alter your mind. And it's good to know you deserve to live, just so long as you can cough up the cash. Money really does make you a more deserving person!

                      Still creepy though.


                      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        Silly me, thinking facts and figures would alter your mind. And it's good to know you deserve to live, just so long as you can cough up the cash. Money really does make you a more deserving person!

                        Still creepy though.
                        Everyone still gets emergency medical treatment. But homeless people shouldn't expect to have the taxpayers pay for his billions of dollars worth of treatment. It's a drain on the system and not sustainable.

                        Those people can still receive their super expensive treatment though through the local community coming together and helping out, churches and religious organizations taking him in, and charitable organizations donating to pay for his treatment. Not to mention that the US government (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) does have have some social programs to help uninsured people get top notch healthcare (Medicare and Medicaid).
                        Last edited by Ununoctium; 11-16-2011, 01:47 PM.
                        Fission mailed.


                        • Yet, plenty of other nations do. With a higher quality of care than the US. 33 other countries, certainly.

                          Also? Still creepy.


                          • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                            Yet, plenty of other nations do. With a higher quality of care than the US. 33 other countries, certainly.

                            Also? Still creepy.
                            Yet those "plenty of other nations" have massive amounts of debt, a culture that rewards idleness, and socialism. And that source you used hardly looks professional and reliable. It looks like it was designed by a 12 year old. Again, you can't compare the extremes of one system to the average of another.
                            Fission mailed.


                            • You should just bow to the will of the Union already.

                              See you in hell.


                              • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                                You should just bow to the will of the Union already.

                                The South will rise again!
                                Fission mailed.

