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I'm Angry

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  • Oh fuck, my uncle took a turn for the worse at around 5 AM this morning, he was moved to urgent care and has about a 50 percent chance of survival. And even if (and WHEN!) he does survive, he may need to go on dialysis for his kidneys or something like that.
    Fission mailed.


    • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
      I definitely agree that GameStop is absolute crap; I find most of the ones in my area to be absolutely insufferable to go into. There is one near me that nearly everytime I go in, one of the employees comes up to me and starts randomly discussing one of the newer games. It generally starts off with them asking me what kind of games I like so I rattle off things like Dead Space, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, et cetera. It's like they never listen because I usually get a response like "Wow, those are cool games, but have you tried Call of Duty: Modern Deathwar Extreme Soldier Edition?!" It makes me wonder if they are even listening to what I am saying or rather just trying to make a sale. I loathe salesmanship, and this is why people do most of their shopping online (Well, that and convienence).

      The quality of the games really seems to be influenced by how much traffic that particular GameStop receives. I have noticed that the ones in less busy areas tend to have a better quality for used items. Now, the ones in the malls usually have crap that is beyond scratched up (Yet, they assure me it will still play...Sorry, PASS! I'm not even going to attempt it). I could go on for hours about how much I hate GameStop. Their marketing paradigm, though smart, pisses me off to no end.

      GameStop Mission Statement:
      We give you pennies for your gently used stuff, but we're going to turn around and sell it for a 700% markup. Enjoy!
      This video came out yesterday... its called "Welcome to GameShop".... enjoy

      YouTube video:
      Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


      • I'm going to the hospital in a few minutes. I originally didn't intend to go since I didn't want to miss work (I'm pretty new and missing work in your second month could look bad), but I don't care. Too often in life we take the people in our lives for granted and expect them to be around forever. I've not been taking this seriously, I've been putting it off by saying things like "oh he's strong, he'll make it through this" but it's time to get serious. This could be the last time I ever see him. My uncle is awesome, he's the one who introduced me to Resident Evil like 10 years ago, when I was a kid he used to let me watch him play RE1 and Dino Crisis for PS1. I wouldn't even be on this forum if it wasn't for him. We also played a PC game called Total Annihilation, which to this day is considered one of the greatest RTS games of all time.
        Fission mailed.


        • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
          This video came out yesterday... its called "Welcome to GameShop".... enjoy

          YouTube video:
          DUDE! That is E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what they do every time you go in there. Do you want this? Would you like this add-on? How about a pre-order? Do you want to trade in any games for store credit? I know all retail chains have some sort of ploy or customer program to lure you in, but seriously GameStop is the ultimate version of what happens when corporate marketing strategies go crazy.

          And is it just me or is there some sort of qualification that you must be extremely geeky, overweight, or just plain disgusting to work at a GameStop? I will admit not all the employees are hideous, but every time I go into one there is guaranteed to be some sort of geeky, fat dude behind the counter. *shudders*

          I actually buy 99.9% of my games from Target or Best Buy anyway, and the sad thing is, I primarily do this to avoid the long-winded speeches of a GameStop employee. You can call me rude, and ununderstandering, but I've worked in retail about six years. I know that people don't want to hear about all this loyalty program crap, but yes, at the same time I do know it is part of the job description. I try to be cordial or just flat out avoid places that I know are too pushy.
          Last edited by Xander Ashford; 11-17-2011, 12:11 PM.


          • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
            And is it just me or is there some sort of qualification that you must be extremely geeky, overweight, or just plain disgusting to work at a GameStop? I will admit not all the employees are hideous, but every time I go into one there is guaranteed to be some sort of geeky, fat dude behind the counter. *shudders*
            There are some cute girls who work at my local GameStop, so I'm not complaining.
            Fission mailed.


            • I'm glad the shops over here aren't like that. The worst is probably only "Do you have a reward card with us?" and that's about it. If I say "No" they just let me buy the game and that's it.


              • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                And is it just me or is there some sort of qualification that you must be extremely geeky, overweight, or just plain disgusting to work at a GameStop? I will admit not all the employees are hideous, but every time I go into one there is guaranteed to be some sort of geeky, fat dude behind the counter. *shudders*
                Eh, yeah. Two out of three of your terms are left unspecified as to their meaning, putting into question what your criteria are for them in the first place. Please, don't answer.

                Maybe you should stay away from eugenicist and aristocratic characters for a while.


                • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                  Eh, yeah. Two out of three of your terms are left unspecified as to their meaning, putting into question what your criteria are for them in the first place. Please, don't answer.

                  Maybe you should stay away from eugenicist and aristocratic characters for a while.
                  I realize you asked me not to answer, but I wish to clarify just in case my comment offended you. What I meant by my "employee criteria" is pretty much what is shown in the cartoon. The large, disgusting (by this I mean poor hygiene, has a smell about them), geeky person (being geeky isn't something that was meant to be offensive as I would classify myself as one) is what I typically see in GameStops in the rural areas near where I live. I realize I am stereotyping, but again, I have seen A LOT of this type of employee in the rural GameStops. The ones closer to cities usually have average to handsome/pretty people.

                  Again, I realize you didn't want me to clarify, but I didn't want to come across as offensive to you.

                  I'm actually quite shocked you get by so easily in the United Kingdom. I always get at least three questions. That's why I love Best Buy: "Do you have a RewardZone card? Yes? *scan* Your total is ___." Shopping really should be so tedious, but sadly that is the shift we are making (at least companies in the United States anyway).


                  • I can't wait to go to gamestop when I get to the USA just to see if it's really that bad (not that I don't believe it)


                    • Bar Games Workshop, yeah, most shops will let you just buy the shiny you want. I've had some in GameStation and Game try wandering up to me, asking if I need a hand, but a quick, 'Nah. just browsing' usually shifts them.


                      • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                        I'm glad the shops over here aren't like that. The worst is probably only "Do you have a reward card with us?" and that's about it. If I say "No" they just let me buy the game and that's it.
                        Or if they ask you if you have a rewards card with them and after you say no their like "if you sign up for our rewards card now you'll get a discount on your purchase and it will actually save you money" and then they're like "are you sure?"

                        To be honest though, I used to love GameStop's 10% off discount card you could buy (it was like $50 a year, but I probably saved more than that back when I used to go there a lot).
                        Fission mailed.


                        • There's an Evangelic church near my house and the priest is yelling on the fucking microphone like a goddamn lunatic, I'm trying to read and going to bed in some minutes and the fucker is screaming about who knows what.


                          • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                            I'm glad the shops over here aren't like that. The worst is probably only "Do you have a reward card with us?" and that's about it. If I say "No" they just let me buy the game and that's it.
                            Hogwash! When I was in the UK this summer (Belfast), the two GameStops and two GAME stores I went to were EXACTLY like that. Only when I spoke to the assistant manager in the last GAME store I visited did I not get this insane treatment... their treatment of pre-owned games was pretty terrible too. Not only did they seal the shit so I couldn't inspect the discs before buying, but most of the stuff I grabbed looked like had been used as a skating rig for a hockey game or something... Pretty disappointing. Really. (Especially considering our own strict rules for pre-owned stuff at my store + the accompanying warranty we provide on pre-owned stuff ("Same as new" - required by law))

                            Though, when I think about it... when I went to London a few years ago, the two I visited there were more laid back and felt more like just walking into any other normal shop... maybe it's just Belfast that's gone the all-American way on that front? :/

                            So glad my store's not anything like that.
                            Last edited by Carnivol; 11-20-2011, 06:55 PM.


                            • Back in the day the best gaming stores were the smaller, more independent ones.. especially before pre-owned/trading took off. I remember going to New Age Consoles and checking out the awesome Japanese imports, that's where I got my Biohazard CV actually.. CEX wasn't half as bad as it is now and also had a decent supply of imports including PC. You would also get a much more decent conversation from the employees (I recall one guy drawing me a diagram on modding my DC before self-boot etc) and they were honest guys in it for the games.

                              I avoid GAME etc like the plague, they are just there to make money.. I did a "work shadow day" when I was 15 in a similar gaming store and hated it - stacking shelves and people there only had enough brains to play Tekken *yawn*.


                              • Im angry cuz i bought AC Revelations before the release date and im only getting it next week....i have nothing else to do until then, ive cleared all the other AC games like 10 times!¬¬
                                And to get it better, it may be 2 weeks late because its the signature edition.....

                                EDIT: The game was launched November 15...
                                Last edited by cyndercute; 11-21-2011, 04:57 PM.

